The Death Knell

Chapter 2580 Journey to the North

"They will never appear in front of us again." Hermione looked at the corpses on the ground. The transformed zombies only had a faint blue liquid flowing out of their bodies.

It's like a cocktail of some kind, a little thicker but freezes faster.

"The hunting method of white ghosts is very similar to that of snakes. They can lock targets based on heat sources. As long as you use magic to shield our body heat, their vision is almost the same as that of ordinary people."

While explaining to the students why the raid went so well, Su Ming asked both Strangler and Cloak to study the corpses together.

The black tentacles landed on those pieces of meat, and the results were given after a few seconds. It was still an ordinary human taste, no different.

If there is something really wrong, it is that there is no complete memory in their brains, only basic knowledge such as language, and snowflakes falling like a TV with no signal.

The cloak was delayed a little longer. It was spread on the ground and rolled up the broken ice left by the explosion of the white ghost's body at the corners. The collar was raised and raised, slowly savoring it.

A few minutes later, it flew back behind Deathstroke, gesticulating and writing on its back.

These ice cubes and weapons contain some thin special energy, but more of it is hatred and anger driving the energy. Rather than saying it is magic, it is more appropriate to say it is the energy of the 'emotional spectrum'.

"Well, is that so?" Deathstroke nodded. His armor was coated with a colorful halo under the aurora, which looked a bit mysterious: "It doesn't matter, let Sepulk mark this universe first and leave it to the Sky Council to slowly analyze it. , when it comes to playing with corpses and doing research, who can compare to those big lichs?"

Hermione put away her wand and rubbed her fingers. Even with the heat preservation magic, the strong wind still made her skin feel tight.

She rummaged through her small bag a few times and took out a pot of hot tea. The funny fat teapot and teacup could float on their own, and they would make a weird gasping sound when pouring the tea, which seemed to be very refreshing.

As a British person, it was time to drink tea again. Hermione seemed to have an alarm clock or indicator in her little head. Every once in a while, or when the 'black tea energy' in her body was insufficient, she would always be unable to bear it. Live to add something.

In fact, there is no such energy at all, it is just the narrow cry of the death knell.

"Since you said it's a trip, where is our destination?" Blowing on the steaming teacup, Hermione's face turned redder: "You seem to be very familiar with this place, and you should know where the fun is, right?"

"Didn't you say you were tired of playing in Hawaii? So this time we went to the North Pole of the planet, just where I wanted to find someone."

The professor pointed in a direction. Because the cold wind from the northwest was always blowing outside the Great Wall, it would be easy to fly northwest to find the road signs.

"Well, I just want to go skiing in a more normal place, such as near the Alps." Hermione took out a broomstick from her pocket, sat on it sideways, and floated with a teacup in her hand: "But the travel belt you mentioned I came to some inexplicable world and couldn't relax at all."

"You can relax a little bit. Although this time you are going to contact one of the spokesmen of the old gods in this world, and you have to recruit him to join his gang, there is actually nothing dangerous. You can play whatever you want." Su Mingze said calmly Lifting off, the two of them went above the clouds to escape the wind and snow: "Do you want to ride a dog sled? If so, I'll catch some direwolves for training."


Of course, Hermione did not choose dog sledding. After all, the moving speed was too slow. When you are used to flying around or teleporting magic, other modes of transportation are indeed a bit despising.

Their destination was Thern City, at least as a signpost on the ice sheet, and they had to turn northeast when they got there.

The city is located at the foot of Frost and Snow Fang, which is the name of a high mountain. As the name suggests, it looks like a sharp wolf tooth. Its general location is northeast of the Shadow Tower and the Fist of the First Men, and about five hundred kilometers north of the Great Wall. .

In the books of the Night's Watch, it is also one of the two peaks known as the 'Forks'.

There is a river between the two peaks, with a mixture of turbid white ice and water flowing all year round, hence the name Milk River. If you can go upstream along the bank of this river, you can avoid white ghosts, savages, ghouls, and wild beasts. Waiting for the attack, and enduring the severe cold wind and blizzard, it takes about a month to reach the Fang of Frost and Snow using the transportation methods of humans in this world.

But for Deathstroke and Hermione, it only took a few minutes to slowly fly over, and they could even drink tea in the sky.

When he arrived a thousand meters above Frost and Snow Fang, Su Ming took out his mobile phone and took a few photos. The jagged peaks were covered with snow all year round. Even though they were far away, they still occupied a large place in his sight. It feels a bit like the Himalayas, only colder, lonely and desolate.

Thern City is a city of wild people, but they call themselves Thern people and believe that they have the blood of the last ‘ancestors’. Their main language is ancient language, and most people only speak one or two words of Common Language.

Compared with the tribal system of ordinary savages, they seem to be more civilized, because their leader is called 'Magna' and is considered to be both a man and a god. They also have lords and laws that ordinary savages do not have, and they can also Smelting a small amount of bronze.

Anyway, if Su Ming was talking about it, their village was far from being called a city. Although it had city walls made of stone, ice and snow, and a natural moat formed by the Milk River, the population was very small, and the houses were just shacks. There was really no Nothing to see.

Hermione originally thought she would see a medieval castle and town, feel the atmosphere of an old tavern or inn, and maybe hear the singing of bards, embarking on a fantasy journey of warriors and magicians in the north... ..

However, there is nothing in Thern Village. Apart from the skinning slaughterhouse and the big black pot where the corpses are refined into oil, there is nothing else worth visiting.

So she regretfully gave up the idea, and the two of them used this place as a transit point and changed their route to the northeast, aiming for a more distant and unknown place in the wind and snow.

"Professor, are there any features of our destination? So far, there is nothing but paleness below."

She doesn't like flying broomsticks very much, or she hasn't been very good at it in the past. Although flying under the aurora is beautiful, the scenery below does not change at all, and it always feels like staying in the same place.

"What we are looking for is an unnamed mountain, an unnamed lake, and a large forest. Every tree in the forest is carved with a human face."

The horizon is almost indistinguishable, but Deathstroke knows that his target is in front, and he has already felt the aura of the ancient god...

Well, it was actually the Magic Floating Cloak that sensed the presence of magic in the distance, but its awareness is the same thing as the Supreme Mage's awareness.

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