The Death Knell

Chapter 2588 Newcomers join the team

Grass clippings and leaves were flying all over the sky, terrifying pressure fell from the sky, and the tentacles made of energy were twisting one by one, grabbing the death knell overwhelmingly.

However, Su Ming just stood firmly in place, letting the energy tentacles hit him, and even his expression did not change under the mask.

Because these energies suddenly dissipated when they touched the chest.

"Do you think you can scare me away? Then you underestimate the Supreme Mage." Su Ming laughed and continued to move forward: "I have said before that I have seen through that this place is similar to a dream. I used my spiritual link to borrow the green The body of the prophet landed here, and my willpower is enough to support myself to face your incarnation."


The huge green light ball didn't speak, it just kept changing the brightness of the light, and its tentacles danced like water plants for a while.

Although it was very unreasonable, Deathstroke inexplicably understood what the other party meant, and a special wave carrying information was transmitted into his mind by light.

"I probably understand what you are thinking. Maybe the trees will eventually wither and rot, but the seeds of the tree do not need to germinate on the rotten branches. This is what I want to talk to you about. I can take away the Three-Eyed Crow and the Son of the Forest. Yes Yes, leave this world completely."

In the dream of another world, Deathstroke can only rely on his mouth and brain. He is just one of the gods, and he is incredibly weak.

The momentum and movement before were all to scare people. In fact, after it took back its disguise, it gave people a feeling that it was not as strong as the Leopard God.

You must know that this god who represents life and nature is one of the creators of the universe. If he is so depressed, you can think of how Buddhist he is.

Because the belief in the old gods was almost wiped out, the 'Seven Gods' who accounted for most of the human believers were probably just false gods.


The green sun shines on and off, just like the lights in a nightclub, conveying some emotions.

"Yes, you are right to understand that way." Deathstroke raised his hand, clenched it into two fists in front of him, raised it above his head and shouted: "If the dust in my left hand represents your universe, then my right hand is mine. Universe, if you really regard the children of the forest as your children, let these seeds leave with me and go to a broader and more fertile world, that will be the proof of your existence."


The big ball of light expressed something else.

"I can't give you any guarantee. Natural selection and survival of the fittest. Isn't this your creed?" Deathstroke shook his head, put down his hands, patted off the leaf, and watched it fly away with the wind: " I am only responsible for throwing the seeds into the new soil, but I will not fertilize or water them. Everything depends on God’s will.”


Deathstroke exited the green world, his original body still standing in front of the weirwood throne, still holding the flamethrower in his hand.

This time, the three-eyed crow was in a daze. It must be that the god wanted to explain something.

Ye Zi on the side looked at Death Knell angrily, her big eyes widened, but she couldn't move. Hermione's 'Petrify Everything' was very useful.

Strangler disconnected from the 'switchboard' and returned to the host body. Hermione touched Ye Zi's little head apologetically and asked the professor:

"Did you make it?"

"Yes, I have to admit that not all gods are selfish or dark, at least not this god of nature. It cannot leave the soil where it is rooted, but it is willing to give its fruits to me to take away."

Even though this god is indescribable, the holy land is covered with bones and skeletons, the method of preaching is like a cult's brainwashing, and the carving of human faces does indeed infiltrate people.

But it is a really good god.

As a tree god, it is much kinder than Marvel's Yggdrasil, but of course it is also much weaker.

Su Ming pointed to the leaves that were fixed like wooden stakes with emotion, and put away the flamethrower and herbicide:

"Remove the curse for her. She must have misunderstood what I meant. Also, strangulation is a bit scary sometimes. I suddenly connected myself with the Green Seer. I'm afraid it's beyond her understanding."


The symbiote said that it is not scary at all, but these natives have not seen it. Many people in the Justice League have seen it, so why are they not scared by it?

Hermione used her wand to release the counter-spell, and Ye Zi immediately jumped up and ran towards the Three-Eyed Raven sitting on the throne, hugging his ankle and spinning it around, as if to check if there were any needle holes.

The nerve links of strangulation are at the nanometer level, so even if a wound is left, it will not be visible to the naked eye.

What's more, the Three-Eyed Crow is a bit similar to Hela. He is half tree and half corpse, with the entire natural system behind him. Repairing the body is just a piece of cake.

"Prophet, Prophet, are you okay?" Ye Zi checked around and found no wounds, so she shook the other party's legs, trying to wake up the corpse on the throne.

It was at this time that the white roots that had originally passed through the Three-Eyed Crow's body began to squirm and slowly pulled out of his body. Red slurry spurted out from these roots, immediately making the figure look like a mummy. Submerging in it was like bathing in a rain of blood.

"Leaves are flying!"

Hermione flicked her wand and recalled the little guy in her hand before it was splashed by the unknown liquid, carrying it like a cat.

"That's just tree sap, not something dangerous." Ye Zi kicked his legs and looked very unhappy: "Let me go quickly, the prophet needs my help."

"No, he's already awake."

Su Ming shook his head and let Strangler roll up the lighting ball rolling on the ground. It was almost washed away by the red liquid into the abyss not far away.

A tall and strong figure walked out of the water curtain cave covered by the red waterfall in front of him. He was very young, wearing a set of purple-red plate armor, holding a stabbing sword in his hand, and with an obvious expression of sadness on his face.

His long white hair covered one empty eye socket, while the other eye glowed with a familiar red light.

This is the Three-Eyed Raven who broke away from the link state with Heartwood and woke up from the Green Dream, also known as the famous 'Duke Bloodraven', Brynden Rivers.

The man walked up to Deathstroke, as if he wanted to say something, but maybe he hadn't spoken for a long time, and finally just sighed.

Su Ming patted the opponent's arm, and the purple armor made a bark-like sound:

"Needless to say, I know that it exchanged its own death for your life. Just don't live up to the agreement it made with me."

"I... won't." Brynden replied with some difficulty but firmly. His single eye was full of determination, and his words quickly became fluent: "I will summon the children of the forest and the singers, and everything will be done." It’s God’s will.”

Deathstroke took out two bottles of wine, put them into each other's hands, and forced the man who was not in a good mood to drink together:

"Very well, Master Crow, welcome to join the Sky Council."

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