The Death Knell

Chapter 2600 War Envoy

While teaching Jaina how to use a gun, Hermione also made cold jokes in the style of Deathstroke. The two women seemed to gradually forget that they were killing people, and it was more like playing with iron ducks in a playground.

Miss Granger saw too much of herself in Princess Jaina.

Not only because everyone had fallen into the professor's trap, but also because she herself had failed in the second grade and wanted to organize a house-elf uprising.

Looking back now, I realize how naive I was a few years ago, because house elves don't want freedom at all. They are a spiritually castrated species, completely dependent on wizard society for survival.

If they were given freedom, the independent elves might not be able to survive.

But speaking of it, Jaina seems to be more childish compared to herself.

The house elves can be regarded as innocently oppressed, and judging from what they learned in a short period of time, the orc race that the princess likes is not worthy of sympathy.

For Azeroth, orcs are a type of aliens, and Deathstroke's consistent stance towards aliens is 'kill them if they don't obey'.

Hermione had never met King Terenas of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, but she felt that he must be a very compassionate and compassionate king.

Because if the professor had been replaced, those orcs, let alone living in the asylum, might have become experimental materials for the Sky Council, or were slaughtered and turned into handbags?

This was her guess, but it was definitely correct as long as she guessed in the dark direction.

"Sergeant, the data analysis is completed, the space coordinates are locked, the destination is a planet named 'Delanor', and the sonic blast channel transmission is ready."

At this time, the adjutant heard a sound, indicating that the outer domain had been found.

"Everyone come close to me, it's time to go."

Su Ming greeted the people who were having a good time, especially Khadgar, who was an unshaven middle-aged man. How come he couldn't get enough of the Whirlwind?


"Prophet, Shadowmoon Valley has been covered by the smoke of evil energy. We have no way to deal with the volcano once summoned by Gul'dan. It is spewing evil energy and corrupting the earth. Judging from the current situation, Karabor Temple We can’t hold on for much longer. Please evacuate with the surviving people and return to the Storm Fortress. The Burning Legion’s fleet has not arrived in a short period of time, so we still have a chance.”

In the dock area behind the temple, Akama was persuading Prophet Velen, wanting to let the leader go first and stay behind.

The mixed army of fel orcs and demons are continuously attacking this temple. Since the fall of Shattrath and Auchindoun, the draenei have been retreating steadily on this planet, and now only the last stronghold remains.

In fact, the situation should have been worse. A large number of demon portals had appeared in Frostfire Ridge more than ten years ago. A large number of demons poured into this planet, hoping to use it as a springboard to invade another planet.

At that time, Velen even felt the aura of Sargeras, on the other side of the Dark Portal, on the planet called Azeroth.

Velen was originally prepared for the worst, planning to rely on the power of the Naaru to fight the enemy.

But soon, he found that his plan was of no use, because the breath of Sargeras's soul dissipated, it suffered a defeat on the other side of the Dark Portal, and the demon army that followed quickly withdrew, leaving The draenei in hiding had some respite.

But in the past ten years, the battle with the green-skinned orcs has not been easy. Both sides of the war have suffered huge casualties. Their breeding ability is not as good as the orcs, and they are now at the end of their strength.

"The Mother of Holy Light once predicted that one day, we will arrive on a new planet, form a glorious coalition there, defeat the Burning Legion, and take back our world."

Velen held the eredar staff that emitted a faint pink light and looked at the Storm Fortress and four auxiliary ships parked on the sea. Then he looked at the tired-looking followers. His voice was full of warmth and determination:

"I originally thought Draenor was the land of prophecy. The orcs here once had honor and faith, and were willing to live in peace with us, but now, they have become minions of the Legion."

"Yes, Prophet, but it still hurts to give up everything we have built." Vindicator Maraad said in a heavy tone, his beard like an octopus' tentacles hanging aimlessly on his chest, holding the Holy Deed tightly in his palms , as if making a handprint: "Please let me stay in Draenor. I can continue fighting underground in Auchindoun and wait for the opportunity."

Velen was silent, and the future was blurred before his eyes. Ever since he felt the painful fluctuations of Sargeras's soul more than ten years ago, his prophecy seemed to have failed, and there were no more fragments of the future to watch. , or in other words, only a blurry picture can be seen.

"Go and invite the Naaru into the Storm Fortress. We abandon the Temple of Karabor and move to the outer sea of ​​Talador..."

"Teacher! Do you really want to give up the temple? This is our home." Yirel, a student of Prophet Velen, was very sad. She protested in vain while wiping tears.

"Child, the temple is not a fortress. It cannot withstand the attack of the evil orcs, let alone the Burning Legion. The power of darkness is spreading, and they are coming soon." Velen touched his apprentice's corner and looked at the sky, dark clouds They were all dyed green by evil energy, and the crazy shouts of the orcs were echoing in the distance. He said: "The Naaru will protect us, and the holy light of the temple will not go out. As long as we are still alive, we can always take back Argus." that day.”

Yrel was born in Draenor. Her parents were followers who escaped from Argus with Velen. However, both of them died in the battle not long ago. For her, the only thing left is her home of Shadowmoon Valley and the love for the orcs in her heart. Hatred.

After listening to the teacher's words, she sniffed and lowered her head, showing a submissive look.

Velen had given the order, and the garrison officers and archbishops immediately began to take action, some responsible for evacuating the crowd, while others were responsible for supporting the city wall.

In the midst of the chaos, Yrel sneaked out of the port and came to the garden. She dug out the shield and mace she had hidden in advance, and stole a Void Ray mount.

Her teacher was Prophet Velen, so she was also a priest and had been working in the infirmary. But today, she wanted to fight like a Vindicator.

She took one last look at the busy port and jumped onto the Void Ray with a weapon on her back. Perhaps she was less like a defender and more like a hunter, because she was preparing to sneak into the rear of the orc army alone and assassinate the Shadowmoon Clan chief who commanded the army. Ner'zhul.

I heard from the teacher that the crazy shaman was the source of evil who first made a contract with Sargeras. The Dalon Blood Demon and others who returned from Azeroth were all under his command, so as long as he killed them He, the Draenei should have hope of winning.

Yirel knew that she would never come back whether she succeeded or not, but she wanted revenge at all costs.

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