The Death Knell

Chapter 2603: Influenced by what one sees and hears

Yrel didn't understand what the human meant. He just thanked him again and prepared to leave to continue the assassination operation. To put it bluntly, he was going to die.

If according to the original world line, Ner'zhul's second invasion failed but was pushed back by Turalyon and Khadgar from Azeroth. The orc shaman was exhausted in Draenor Mountain and summoned the shaman after being desperate. Glath descended and tore Draenor into Outland.

There is no Yrel in that timeline, which means she died long ago.

But there was her in the parallel world that returned to Draenor. She was one of the slaves who was caught mining in the Tanaan jungle. When she met the Alliance expeditionary force, she was still wearing a bandage around her waist in the mine. Coming.

It was almost as if he was destined to hurt his belly.

The little dwarf Chromie did a great job. It was worth it that Deathstroke told her a lot before he left last time. This time was just right.

"Don't worry, Yrel, you can work with us. I can help you kill Ner'zhul, as well as the orcs and demon legions." This is a good girl who is full of hatred for the orcs, just give it to Ji Anna is brainwashed.

Hearing this, Yrel stopped moving. Her glowing light blue eyes looked at the human, looking up and down, as if assessing the opponent's strength.

Then she shook her head and politely refused: "No, I can't let you die with me. You are not as thick as a demon guard's arm, and the orc's big mouth will bite your head off in one bite."

"Bite it off like this?"

Deathstroke's figure swayed on the spot, and Yrel didn't even see what was happening. There was an orc in the opponent's hand who was being choked and kicked constantly.

The orc must be a thief, dressed in black, and the dagger in his hand kept scratching the arm that was strangling him, but there was only the sound of sparks and metal clashing.

As the question ended, a black snake-like thing suddenly appeared on Deathstroke's shoulder, revealing a mouth full of fangs.

It bit off the orc's head in one bite, chewing it like a melon with the skin intact.

Green brains and blood flowed from between its teeth, and the python's crescent eyes narrowed, as if enjoying it. The headless body was then thrown into the swamp far away, and sank silently.

Yirel covered her mouth. This scene looked extremely horrifying and cruel, and her stomach was churning.

But it was her enemy who died, an orc. While feeling sick, a sense of revenge surged out of her heart at the same time, making people feel happy like fine wine.

Yes, the more miserable the enemy's death, the better. They have eaten many draenei, and now they are eaten by humans. This is retribution!

"Praise the Holy Light!" Yirel didn't know how to react, so he could only lower his head and pray to calm his heart.

"What does it have to do with the Holy Light? You draenei people don't believe in the Naaru, do you? No, right?" Deathstroke made a strange sound, and then suddenly realized, he hit his palm with his fist: "That's right, you used to live in Argus I haven’t seen those luminous board scammers since I was a kid, so it’s understandable that I’d be fooled by them…”

Yrel was stunned and frowned. This human knew a lot of things. He could even call out his teacher's name, understand the leadership of the orcs, and also knew about the demons of the Burning Legion.

Sounds like he's very familiar with Naaru?

"Why do you say they are liars? The Holy Light has been protecting us." Yrel looked much more serious. As a priest, she actually never knew where the sacred energy she used came from. It was more like a gift from Naaru. their stuff.

Su Ming saw that not only was she not in a hurry to leave, but she had almost fallen into a trap, so the conversation became more sexual: "Didn't your teacher tell you those things? Those things about his love and hate with Kil'jaeden and Archimonde." Love and hatred? Anyway, since he didn’t say it, I don’t need to say more, but aren’t you curious? In the vast universe, how does the Burning Legion know where you are hiding? Can they still hunt you down to the remote Draenor? ?”

The Delaney girl was silent. She lowered her head and thought, and kept kicking the mushrooms beside her with her little hooves.

Deathstroke didn't expect her to give any answers. He was just telling her this to mislead her. He just opened his mouth to tell lies:

"You were born in Draenor, so you probably haven't seen what the universe is like. It's like a dark sea, and your Storm Fortress is like a grain of sand in the sea. It was originally inconspicuous." He said. On the ground, use your finger to carve a diagram on the mushroom on the side: "But the Naaru got on your ship, so you became fools holding torches in the dark and swaggering through the city. The Burning Legion will follow the holy light to track you." Ends of the world.”

"Why is this happening?"

The girl recalled that after falling into the swamp, she just used the holy light to heal herself, but the orcs came quickly. Is this the reason?

"Because although those holy light plates are full of energy and can fly across the universe and provide energy for others, their combat effectiveness is actually very low. They cannot even defeat a magic mecha. They just need you draenei as human shields and cannon fodder." Ah. Moreover, the Holy Light and the Shadow are two sides of the same coin. Naaru can transform into an Entropy Demon. It is not clear whether Velen knows about this. It is too dangerous..."

Some of Su Ming's words were very clear, but some of them were secretive. He only needed to sow discord between Delaney and Naaru, not Yrel and Velen.

For this silly hoof, Viren is not only her teacher, but also a relative in her heart, and some things are too much.

After listening to Deathstroke's nonsense, Yrel was stunned by the influx of information. She didn't know those things at all, but this human being could even name them one by one, and he looked very confident. Probability tells the truth.

So she hesitated, should she kill Ner'zhul, or return to Karabor Temple first and tell the teacher these things?

Seeing her struggling to the point of spinning in circles, the considerate Deathstroke came up with a better solution.

"I told you that I can help you deal with Ner'zhul. After I deal with Draenor's problem, I will go with you to see Velen, and then confront the Naaru face to face. It will be no problem."

"Thank you." Yirel no longer resisted, or had given up thinking: "You saved my life and are my friends. I can't be shameless and keep asking you to pay. I should do something for you. ?”

Su Ming pointed at Jaina, who was laughing and killing orcs with Hermione, and pretended to have a headache and replied:

"That blond-haired girl is my new student. She has no idea what a ferocious race the orcs are. Can you help me prove this to her?"

Yrel looked at Jaina as if she were looking at a fool.

The teacher obviously knows so much, but the students don't even understand how hateful the orcs are?

How can this work!

"I will tell her the story of what happened to the draenei, and what tragedy will happen if you trust the orcs unilaterally. My parents, Samara, Mamie, and my friends were all killed by the orcs. I will let your student understand. No, she will understand herself when she sees the battlefield outside the spore forest..."

The hoof girl looked angry when she heard the orcs and clenched her fists.

Su Ming smiled happily. With Yrel, a person who extremely hates orcs, Jaina's education is basically stable.

"Okay, all the orc search teams are dead. Let's get on the road now and go to Shadowmoon Cemetery to capture Ner'zhul and let you deal with it. This is the deal between me and you."

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