The Death Knell

Chapter 2615 Watcher’s Cave

The Broken Isles are located north of the Maelstrom, where they have existed since the ancient continent of Kalimdor exploded.

Nowadays, not only the former high elf nobles "Nightborne" live on it, but also a branch of tauren, a branch of vrykul, some surviving night elves, and the naga and fish that can be seen everywhere in Azeroth. people.

But those things have little to do with this trip. The magic floating cloak sent a few people around Suramar and directly to the southern coast of Azsuna. There is a Watch Island there. The night elf prisoners are all imprisoned underground on the island. Guarded by a force of resigned Watchmen.

Whether they are demons captured in the war ten thousand years ago, elves who committed crimes in the past, or many captured alien creatures, they are all imprisoned in different underground floors, using the special skills of the ancient elves. Magic is imprisoned in a huge crystal.

An inconspicuous small cave was the entrance to the Watcher's Crypt. Jaina, who had just learned from Hermione what stockings were, put away the blush on her face and looked into the abyss with no light in front of her.

"There seems to be no sign of anyone surviving here."

"Actually, there are. To put it bluntly, the Night Elf Watcher troops are jailers, and they are the kind who are not very bright." Su Ming let the cloak fly back to his shoulders, removed his visor and lit a cigarette: "They follow the ancient jailers. The manual operates strictly, eating and living underground with the prisoners, and even the administrative orders of the night elves can't affect them. Once criminals enter here, they can't even think about getting out, otherwise they will be hunted to the ends of the earth."

"It's not as good as the Forbidden Demon Prison." Yrel raised her tail. She was proud of her race: "The advanced Ereda technology allows for unattended operation, and the stasis chamber can hold many powerful demons."

"You have reminded me that after I rescue Illidan and his followers, I may have to get some demons from the Forbidden Prison to feed these poor people." Su Ming touched his chin and said Go into the cave.

Steps soon came into view and sculptures of owls appeared, holding small glowing balls in their mouths.

"Uh, can demons eat it too?" Yrel shrank his neck, but quickly nodded: "As long as it is beneficial to resisting the Burning Legion, I think the teacher will agree."

The group of four people quickly followed the stairs to a large door. This heavy stone door was also carved with an owl relief, which looked very cute. Su Ming reached out and knocked on the door:

"Is anyone there? Is anyone home? Is Maiev Shadowsong here?"

"Professor, are you sure they can understand Common Language?" Hermione tilted her head and held her chin with her little hand.

"Don't you understand this?" Su Ming smiled and took off the cigarette cartridge in his mouth to flick the ashes: "This place is like a castle isolated in the dark. No one has been here for thousands of years. , Suppose you are the guard here, and one day you suddenly hear an unintelligible language coming from outside the door, and you cannot open the door, what will you do next? "

"...I would put my ear against the door to make sure I heard correctly."

Hermione already understood, dark, too dark.

The professor just blinked at her, and then black bean sprouts sprouted from his shoulders, and the symbiote turned into thin threads and slipped in through the crack in the door.

Then the door opened.

When the watcher inside put his long ears to the crack of the door as expected, this common behavior had been anticipated by Deathstroke, causing the other party to be directly drilled into the brain of the symbiote.

It reads the Elvish language in the opponent's brain, knocks out all the guards behind the door, and opens the door for the host. The strangulation is completed in one second. It is a hero among symbionts.

"Are they dead?"

The helmets of the fallen watchers fell off, revealing beautiful elven faces. After seeing how they rolled their eyes and stuck out their tongues, Jaina couldn't help but feel a little pitiful for these old ladies.

The Watchers were selected from the Priestesses of the Moon who lived thousands of years ago, and were considered young even if they were grandmothers.

"No, the watchers will still be useful in the future. I didn't think about killing some jailers. It's not necessary." Su Ming helped the night elf girl who fell next to the door, pushed the door wide open, and motioned for everyone to come in: "Saving people doesn't necessarily mean killing people. We are here to win allies, not to make enemies."

"Click, click..."

Hermione nonchalantly took out her phone and took photos of the unconscious night elves as she walked, perhaps planning to show off to her little sisters when she returned.

Although night elves and house elves are both called elves (Elf), their appearance is quite different. Well, it can be considered a wealth of experience.

But she couldn't pretend to be okay, and she still didn't escape the language indoctrination. Another language was poured into the minds of several girls by the tentacles.

"Ah! It hurts so much!" She glared at the professor and rubbed the back of her neck with her small hands, feeling that her spinal cord was about to swell: "This universe is so annoying. Why are there so many languages? They can't all speak English. ?!"

Su Ming closed the stone door behind him, and darkness once again enveloped everyone. He piled the girls guarding the door and sat them down in a row in the corner before continuing to move forward:

"Why didn't Xili complain? She has traveled to so many universes, and there is no quick language method like me. The short-term pain you have is much better than the long-term pain of learning languages ​​by yourself."

"Huh, bad professor, you will destroy my brain sooner or later." Hermione was speechless and could only take out her wand to cast light: "I may have to make Horcruxes by then. "

"Even if you die, I can fish out your soul and resurrect it." Su Ming rubbed her head and let her see the way: "So the Horcrux is just a joke. You have also seen the God of Death in your world. After that, he’s just a funny character.”

Miss Granger pursed her lips and seemed to smile, but quickly focused on the task and moved on.

She controlled the ball of light to float in front of the team, illuminating the majestic buildings underground.

Everything here is full of the style of the elves. Even the underground prison has a spacious hall, a beautiful fountain, and the stone door frames are decorated with patterns of flowers and owls.

And soon, in the darkness beyond the reach of light, pairs of glowing eyes appeared, as well as undetectable footsteps.

"We're surrounded, Professor." Hermione pulled her shotgun from her belt pouch.

"Master Deathstroke, what should we do?" Yrel also lit up his holy light, holding the war hammer with both hands: "There are at least a hundred people, and there are even people hanging upside down from the ceiling."

"Just move forward, I will deal with these watchers, otherwise you will not know the importance of your actions. Although Maiev is a crazy woman, her brother Jarod is very good." Su Ming responded to the student's reminder. Let strangulation bring down the microscopic watchers in the dark.

No need to kill, just make them unconscious for a few hours.

The Watchers are indeed elite, with good equipment and training, but this does not mean that they can really fight against symbiotes of Strangler's level.

The group of people's advance did not even slow down, leaving behind only the swaying elves sleeping soundly, gradually being swallowed up by the darkness.

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