The Death Knell

Chapter 2617 Negotiating conditions

During the War of the Ancients, Illidan met five humans who were sent to that era by a bronze dragon. He participated in that event to maintain the normal flow of the timeline.

After detonating the Well of Eternity, the five people disappeared on the spot. The bronze dragon also wanted to erase Illidan's memory, but he used a combo of mana burning and sacrifice on the spot to drive him away.

Illidan didn't think about it carefully at that time, but planned to take the seven bottles of water he had hidden to Mount Hyjal. As a result, because he killed the Hessian lord and injured Jarod, Malfuri was rushed there. Austria was sentenced to life imprisonment.

The idea of ​​detonating the Well of Eternity and blowing up the Burning Legion back to his hometown was obviously thought up by his brother. He was just an executor, but he had to bear the responsibility of blowing up the well water, murdering the queen, colluding with demons, harming his compatriots, destroying the environment, etc. crime.

But in the face of accusations, what else could Illidan say? Explain to everyone that Malfurion and Tyrande are also involved?

Looking at his beloved Tyrande, he knew that she loved Malfurion. In order to prevent her from being sad, Illidan shouldered all the sins alone and was thrown into the cave and imprisoned to this day.

In this way, Maiev Shadowsong still thought that Malfurion was not fair enough and that it would be fair to kill Illidan directly. After being denied by Jarod himself, she retreated to the next best thing and volunteered to guard Illidan herself.

In this way, if Illidan wants to escape from prison, Maiev can justifiably kill him.

But humans have seen another glowing creature that is rather strange. Although it looks a bit like an albino demon, there is no evil aura about her. On the contrary, it is a kind of light that makes Illidan feel strong discomfort. energy of.

He didn't say anything more, he just kept a little distance, set his eyes on Deathstroke again, and said:

"I don't want to negotiate any terms or make any deal with anyone." As he said that, the demon hunter smiled miserably and looked up at the dark cave ceiling: "After all, the last time I made a deal with someone, I ended up like this. End."

Illidan looked a little downcast, and it could be said that he had no fighting spirit. Even the wings behind him were retracted, hanging softly behind him and dragging on the ground.

"The reason why I am called Grandpa Winter is because I am such a kind and enthusiastic person." Su Ming hooked Illidan's shoulders without any surprise, and before the other party could react to break away, he lowered his voice next to the pointed ears. "Do you want to marry Tyrande? What are the conditions?"

The hunter's head turned to him in a whoosh, and he also opened his ghost vision, hoping to see the devil's soul from this man.

But no, this was just an ordinary human being, and he kept raising his eyebrows at him.

"...No, the person she loves is my brother. I am a loser and should not appear in front of her again." Illidan actually refused. He squatted down and turned to look at the darkness outside the platform, but His body was trembling, and he even forgot to throw away Deathstroke's hand.

"You are wrong. Tyrande's favorite will always be Elune, otherwise she would not be the strongest priest of the Moon God." Su Ming took out a small wooden barrel and patted it open, and strong liquor came from inside. The smell: "Things are not as simple as you think. This is not the place to talk. Let's go out and talk?"

Hearing this seemingly mystifying statement and seeing the mysterious expressions of humans, Illidan frowned and felt that things were indeed not that simple.

"Okay, but I want to get my war blade back first and rescue my people."


The Warglaives of Azzinoth are Illidan's classic pair of swords. They were fel weapons that he captured after killing a demon lord named Azzinoth during the War of the Ancients.

Maiev kept this pair of weapons very well. Just at another fork in the road where Su Ming passed before, there was a warehouse dedicated to storing these fallen weapons.

The group of people took Illidan out of the prison. When he saw Maiev foaming at the door, Illidan clenched his fists, but in the end he sneered and stepped over her body.

Although he didn't know how Deathstroke came to rescue him, he didn't kill the Watchers, and there was no need for him to cause trouble.

He took back his weapon and made a few gestures with it in his hand. He nodded with satisfaction and basically believed in the death knell.

Being able to pick up the weapon for yourself shows that you don't have any bad intentions. After all, if you want to control yourself, it is of course easier to control it without a weapon.

There are other weapons of the Illidari in this warehouse. These are the people who followed him thousands of years ago. Some are survivors of the Moon Guard, and some are Avengers who were destroyed by the Burning Legion.

He led these people to pretend to surrender to Sargeras, defrauded them of the power to fight against the Legion, and then led them to drive away the Legion's invasion. They were supposed to be heroes.

But at that time, no one believed that they were double agents to gain power. The upper elves generally believed that they were the real traitors, and it was they who attracted the Burning Legion.

In fact, the real traitor was Queen Azshara, but she died and fell into the sea in the explosion, so her death was unconfirmed.

That is a thing of the past, and there is no use thinking about it now.

He put everyone's weapons into his pocket, and then began to search for his men in different prison areas.

When some cages are opened, demons jump out, and Illidan will kill them and drain the power from the demon souls.

Some of them were his men, and he wouldn't say anything. He just threw the opponent's weapons and asked others to follow them.

Not every Illidari retains their sanity after a long period of captivity; some have lost control and been transformed by their inner demons.

Illidan killed them mercilessly, and the blade of Azzinoth glowed with green fel fire, cutting into the demon's body filled with fel energy.

This scene is indeed a bit strange to Yrel, like seeing demons killing each other.

But she was still young and receptive, and Deathstroke had been vaccinated before, so apart from always holding her war hammer tightly, she didn't make any hostile moves, and she didn't even say a word.

The team of fugitives gradually expanded, and the blindfolded and shirtless soldiers would look at Deathstroke and his party, but Deathstroke didn't mind. He also took out a steady stream of food and wine from his pocket to feed these hungry and thirsty people. .

In fact, what they need more is evil energy, but even half-demons can drink wine.

But by the time they walked out of the cellar, there were only seven or eight more people in the team, and their names had not been heard by Death Knell. They should all be passers-by backgrounds, insignificant.

Illidan jumped to the top of Watch Island and looked at the broken Azsuna in the distance. He didn't know what he was thinking, but after a moment he still fell back to Deathstroke:

"Deathstroke, what are your plans?"

In ten thousand years, everything has become unfamiliar. He has no idea for the time being, let alone how humans know about Tyrande's existence. The death knell in front of him is full of mysteries.

Su Ming nodded, his eyes swept over the blind faces of the demon hunters, and finally landed on the curious new apprentice at the side: "Jaina, come to the portal of Storm Fortress, let's go back and talk."

"Oh." The girl obediently began to cast the spell, and white light lit up on her hands.

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