The Death Knell

Chapter 2620 A clear path

In the garden in Stormwind Fortress, Deathstroke had almost explained everything about Draenor and the Eredar family. By the way, he also introduced Illidan and talked about history.

Bolvar and Varian listened with admiration and felt that the Supreme Mage was very knowledgeable, but they still couldn't decide on the alliance.

"There are friendly races arriving in Azeroth, and the Kingdom of Stormwind is of course willing to establish diplomatic relations with them." Varian smiled and nodded at Yrel, fully expressing his good intentions, but then he felt a little embarrassed: "But the leader of the Alliance is Lordaeron. If the kingdom wants to join the alliance, it should communicate with King Terenas.”

The Arathor Empire was split into seven kingdoms, namely the Kingdom of Stormgard, the Kingdom of Stormwind, the magical kingdom of Dalaran, the Kingdom of Gilneas, the small mountain country of Alterac, the sea power of Kul Tiras, and the most powerful kingdom of Kultiras. The powerful kingdom of Lordaeron.

Don't ask why it's seven again. Anyway, these seven human kingdoms plus high elves, dwarves and dwarfs form the current alliance.

Su Ming, who was holding a cigarette in his mouth, nodded, then shook his head. After exhaling a puff of smoke, he picked up the soda on the stone table in the pavilion:

"In order to maintain the operation of the orc shelter, King Terenas asked all the kingdoms in the alliance to share the cost equally. Now the allies are alienated. The old alliance will end sooner or later."

"Yes." Bolvar sighed, and he was actually not aging despite his beard: "But what can be done? If we don't pay, Lordaeron will close the asylum and release all the orcs again. Use this as a threat. If the released orcs want to escape back to the Dark Portal, they will definitely have to pass through the Redridge Mountains, and our Kingdom of Stormwind will suffer."

Jaina frowned. She had never heard her father talk about this in the past, but now that the teacher told the truth, she understood.

No wonder the last meeting between Dailin and the King of Thailand in Lordaeron ended on bad terms. Was this the reason?

Kul Tiras is living far away from home, and it can be said that it is almost peaceful. Before the orcs invaded, Kul Tiras sent troops to help the human compatriots, which was considered to be the most benevolent thing. But now that the war is over, it is required to share the cost of the prison?

This isn't fair.

And she could already imagine what her father would say. His violent temper would definitely suggest drowning all the orcs in the sea, once and for all.

But the King of Thailand obviously intends to use this to generate income. After all, only the Kingdom of Lordaeron knows how much it costs to maintain the asylum every year. If Lordaeron spends one gold coin on the orc prisoners, it can make false accounts and ask other kingdoms for one hundred. gold coins......

What's more, Jaina knew that the orc shelter actually made money. The orcs were used as coolies to work in the fields or quarries, and were also sent to perform in the gladiatorial arena, becoming chips on the gambling table.

Will slave owners lose money? Which country is this a joke?

It’s no wonder that some rumors were heard in Dalaran, saying that Genn Greymane, the king of the Kingdom of Gilneas, was crazy and returned to his country to start building a super wall, sealing off the entire kingdom.

It turns out that he didn’t plan to pay for it. By building the wall, did he mean that he wasn’t afraid of the orcs being released again?

Alas, when we were fighting against the orc invasion, everyone was like a family, but after the victory, they fell out because of the uneven distribution of the spoils. It was really sad.

"That's what I said before." Su Ming pointed to Yrel who was sitting next to him playing with his tail: "The world of Draenor has been abandoned by the Eredar. I can go and negotiate a deal with the orcs. , throw them all back to their own world. As for whether they will join the Burning Legion again or starve to death there, it all depends on God's will. In the future, a new alliance will be rebuilt with the Kingdom of Stormwind as the leader."

Bolvar looked at Varian. The young king thought for a moment and nodded:

"If you can do it, Master, this is of course a good thing. However, if the Eredar and Night Elves want to join the Alliance, it is best after this matter is resolved, otherwise they may be knocked off by Lordaeron."

"Of course, then I'll go alone." Su Ming stood up and signaled Hermione with his eyes to continue planning on his behalf. He wanted to do something.

Illidan couldn't understand Common Language, and he wasn't interested in it. He simply sat on a tree trunk in the garden and looked into the distance with eyes burning with evil energy.

Seeing the death knell flying out of thin air and disappearing into the white clouds in the blink of an eye, he showed an interested expression, and at the same time, he thought of his own fate.

Can what he said really come true?

Now we can only wait and see.


The Kingdom of Alterac betrayed the Alliance during the orc invasion, but it did not end well. After being plundered by the orcs, it was annexed by Lordaeron after the war, and now only ruins remain.

This kingdom has a narrow territory, located on the Alterac Mountains. Half of the territory is covered with snow all year round, and its deep canyons are hundreds of miles of no-man's land.

The only animals that can live there are wild wolves and goats. The terrifying frost trolls and harpies also haunt there, and humans cannot set foot there at all.

The Frostwolf clan, which had a falling out with Gul'dan during the Orc War, was hiding in this canyon. Occasionally, orcs who escaped from the shelter would be rescued by them.

But it's still too difficult. Just escaping from the shelter is not easy, let alone having to go through all the hardships to find the large army.

The blizzard was howling, and a big green hand opened the sheepskin door curtain. The tall orc was surprisingly flexible and got into the tent in a flash.

It wasn't much warm inside the tent, and there was even a bit of a fishy smell, but for the Frostwolf clan, this environment was bearable.

Sitting next to the fire, the shaman Drek'Thar raised his eyelids and watched from between his gray hair as the orc walked in, rubbing his hands and approaching, and asked eagerly:

"Great Chief, have you heard anything?"

"Don't call me Warchief. The battle of the Horde is over. My Blackstone Clan is gone. I am just an ordinary orc now. The scouts sent by Orgrim Doomhammer... have paid off. Durotan's child is imprisoned in the asylum under Durnholde Castle, and he is still alive."

The tall orc with snowflakes on his head sat cross-legged next to the campfire, put down his hammer, patted the snow on the black shoulder armor, and said with a bit of joy:

"I accidentally met Grom Hellscream on the road. He and a small group of Warsong clan members also escaped. They are just a little weak and are now at the treatment tent."

"Really?" The old shaman was silent, pulling the fire with a wooden branch on the side, and those golden sparks spurted out, licking a small pot: "We gave up the power of the devil's blood, this is absolutely It is the right choice, but because of this, the strength of the warriors has declined greatly. How much fighting power can the warriors of the Warsong clan have now? Alas..."

"No matter what, Durotan's orphan must return to the clan. That is what the clan owes him." Orgrim grinned firmly and looked at the flames in front of him: "We have to rescue Thrall, Prophet. Please show us a way, the future path for Frostwolf and the tribe!"

The shaman took a deep breath, and his face showed some color under the firelight. He grabbed a handful of toad bones and turtle shells, and was about to initiate communication with the spirit of the earth.

But at this moment, the sheepskin curtain of the tent suddenly lifted, and a figure came in accompanied by the cold wind, and a demonic voice also sounded at the same time:

"How about I show you the way?"

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