The Death Knell

Chapter 2629 Value and Choice

The development of things was exactly the same as Su Ming's design. After learning that Xavius ​​killed Malfurion, the Green Dragon Legion also checked the situation of the Archdruid in the real dimension.

Malfurion's corpse stinked. This was not an exaggeration, it was true, because the power of the nightmare began to erode reality along the corpse, and the originally blue-purple skin of the night elf turned into a distorted color of red and black. .

In order to stop the erosion of the nightmare, the green dragons breathed flames and cremated the corpse. This time they came to Tyrande to bring her a relic, a staff with a crooked head and a staff decorated with feathers.

"It was burned so cleanly, there weren't even ashes."

Su Ming touched his chin with emotion and nodded in the grass. There was an elf flying in front of his eyes, surrounding the area with a very curious look.

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

Hermione looked curious on the side, and her intuition told her that the professor might have done something else, something she didn't know about.

Su Ming smiled and touched her head, took out a few bottles of soda and gave everyone a bottle: "Nothing, we came at the right time. Tyrande's husband happened to be dead, so Illidan has a chance."

Jaina's expression became a little weird. She took the soda and opened it awkwardly: "But isn't she the wife of Illidan's brother? Is this okay?"

"It's a long story. In fact, she was originally supposed to marry Illidan, but his brother insisted on fighting for her love. He also imprisoned Illidan in the dungeon, framed a lot of crimes, and carried out endless The persecution." Anyway, Malfurion is dead, and the dead are the most suitable to take the blame, so Deathstroke began to express freely: "Now the retribution of the bad guys has come, and the lovers will finally get married, how wonderful it is."

Except for Hermione, Yrel and Jaina nodded repeatedly. If this was the case, Malfurion deserved to die, and this was indeed the best way.

But Miss Granger's eyes became sharper. She saw through the truth and roughly guessed what tricks the professor was playing.

How could such a coincidence happen? Just a few hours after Illidan was freed, his love rival brother died suddenly? And the sister-in-law happens to be the leader of the night elves? Deathstroke specifically encouraged him to come back and renew their relationship?

The first lesson of a detective is that ‘there are no absolute coincidences in the world.’ The unlucky guy should have been killed by the professor.

But so what if you guessed it?

Not to mention that the Bad Professor would never leave any evidence if he wanted to assassinate someone. Even if there was any evidence, just bringing Yrel and Jaina together as an envoy on behalf of the Alliance would not allow Tyrande to die just because of a dead person. What action to take against the ambassador.

What's more, Deathstroke still has an orc who can serve as a 'witness' to prove that he was in Alterac at the time of the incident.

It doesn't matter if the orcs don't believe it, there are other things.

While in the Vault of the Watchers, the Professor and Yrel violently dismantled the cage and proved to Illidan that Deathstroke was a warrior.

Then he deliberately named a location with a similar name and asked Jaina to release a cross-continental portal with unfamiliar skills, proving that Deathstroke himself had no ability to cast spells.

As for the trip from Stormwind City to Mount Hyjal, Cloak flew at the slowest speed, deliberately prolonging the time, proving that Deathstroke was not that fast and could travel back and forth between the two continents to kill people.

Through a series of arrangements, the professor concealed his true abilities, thereby perfectly clearing the suspicion.

The layout has already begun, and Illidan has always been a witness...

If Tyrande is a qualified leader, then he must know how to choose, that is - no matter how doubtful there are, he must insist that Illidan and those who are traveling with him are innocent.

After a while, when the public opinion subsides, the high priest can vindicate what happened to Illidan ten thousand years ago and throw the blame on the dead Malfurion.

In this way, Tyrande was the victim deceived by her ex-husband, and Illidan was the victim framed by his brother. The two victims wanted to be together, and it really became a story of eternal love.

People who are dead have no value, but Illidan has very good personal strength, masters the methods of cultivating Illidari and using evil energy, and has the reputation of killing thousands of years ago. These are all values ​​visible to the naked eye.

Tyrande can easily share these values ​​through marriage.

As for the Druids, there is no need to worry. Can Ysera leave Elune? No, and without the support of the green dragon, the druids couldn't even enter the Emerald Dream, and Malfurion's subordinates could only continue to sleep.

Hermione hit her head with her fist and pouted.

Although it didn't matter to her who lived or died in this other world, after all, aliens were not considered humans... But even though the professor had given her so much background information about the world, she still didn't understand it until this moment. So angry!

Don’t do such mind-numbing things when traveling! This layout is completely unnecessary! Subconsciously clearing yourself from suspicion is also an occupational disease!

She complained three times in her mind, but considering that the two people around her were natives of Azeroth, Hermione kept her words in her heart and just kept rolling her eyes at the professor.

Seeing her cute little expression, Su Ming knew that she had figured it out, and smiled happily and nodded towards her.

In fact, if a certain Batman had seen this level of layout, he would have noticed it when he 'hit the cage with a big hammer and a small hammer'.

"Look, their relationship is so good." This was Yrel's sigh. It turned out that Tyrande threw herself into Illidan's arms and was crying bitterly: "Such a true show of love, indeed they That’s a couple.”

Jaina also nodded while holding the soda, showing a somewhat relieved smile: "We did not save the wrong person. No matter how we cover up, justice will be realized in another form, just like here."

"..." Speechless Hermione simply turned to look at the sky, as if the stars and the moon were more attractive to her.

Illidan originally wanted to kill those humanoid green dragons, but Tyrande didn't give him a chance to react. He hugged him and cried when they met, letting him know about his brother's death and who the real culprit was.

But Illidan, who had experienced many battles and was ruthless, became numb on the spot. The two swords in his hands fell to the ground while hugging him. The familiar scent of grass on Tyrande's body made him seem to instantly return to the dreamland ten thousand years ago. , everything is like a dream.

He didn't know what to do, so he could only keep comforting her, saying that he would definitely avenge his brother and would use his life to take care of her in the future.

Tyrande seemed frightened, holding his arm and not letting go, as if he had become her only support again.

But here's the problem. The assassination happened in the Emerald Dream. No matter how strong Illidan was, he couldn't get in there. Evil energy flowed throughout his body along with his blood, and he was the target of strict protection.

So he suggested asking Fandral Staghelm, but the Green Dragonflight explained.

Fandral also died, even earlier than Malfurion. His head exploded and all his brain matter disappeared.

"Let's go, go to the embassy, ​​send a diplomatic note requesting an audience and wait."

Su Ming overheard this and showed a mysterious smile. He immediately left the bushes and walked towards the city along the shore of the lake full of energy:

“Almost everything that can be done during the current period has been arranged.”

The moonlight fell on the black and yellow armor, leaving a faint silver edge, but the shadow behind him was very long, as dark as ink.

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