The Death Knell

Chapter 2631 Arctic Circle

After the crash, Asgard was placed in the northernmost tip of Alaska by Deathstroke, and the magicians of Kama Taj cast magic on it to cover it up.

The Arctic in November is in a state of polar night. The white snow on the ground glows with different lights under the aurora. The mountains in the distance are more like a rainbow wall that separates the world. The glaciers spread toward the south, emitting some huge waves from time to time. sound.

On the edge of the Arctic Ocean, there is a small ice house. There is a middle-aged man who is also cleaning up the room. He leans on the door with a giant sword, a cigarette in his mouth, and carries some things back and forth from the door. Go inside the hut.

Su Ming slowly landed on the ground with Gin in his arms, and said hello to his disciple:

"Strange, what are you doing?"

The mage with permed hair smiled bitterly, flicked the cigarette ashes to one side, took out the wine bottle and took a sip, and rubbed his red nose in the cold wind:

"Master, why are you here? Didn't we just come back from Sepurk? The previous hut collapsed at some point. I just dug out the buried things and built a new house."

Deathstroke nodded and looked at the ocean in the distance that looked white because of too many ice floes:

"Didn't I ask you to withdraw after recovering valuable things in Asgard? Why are you still here when everyone else has left?"

Doctor Strange tugged on the collar of his cloak and invited the two of them into the house to talk. There was a firepit in the center of the hut, with a small pot on top burning a dish to go with the wine.

Su Ming took a quick look and saw that it was a braised hairtail fish.

Strange dug out the fur seat cushion, took out his own wine to entertain the teacher, and sat cross-legged by the firepit:

"Asgard is covered by us in an invisible barrier. No one has been here except S.H.I.E.L.D. Queen Frigga and Ms. Sif live in the Sun Tower. The ruins of the city and the corpses have not been cleaned up yet. , they asked me to stay here and provide a little help, after all, the fertilizer of the World Tree..."

The perm mage turned his palms over and opened his mouth as if he wanted to bite.

"I understand, that's okay."

Deathstroke expressed his understanding. Now World Tree is still in the process of rebirth. Deathstroke had previously promised Angboda that as a condition of the deal, he would contribute to the resurrection of World Tree, so the fertilizers he got were all zombies from other universes.

Sif is a warrior, Frigga has lost the ability to cast spells after the World Tree withered, and the executioner with a bald head and two spears is even more reckless.

So it was logical for Frigga to want to keep Strange as a mage to help guard against the living dead. As for the benefits she promised Strange privately, Su Ming didn't care.

If anyone in Kama Taj has the ability to negotiate terms with others to obtain benefits, it will be their own income. This can be considered training. It can be said that Marvel's mages have been doing various transactions throughout their lives.

Strange picked up his chopsticks and fished out a piece of fish from the pot, bit it down, took a sip from the wine bottle on the side, squeezed his eyebrows together and made a 'tsk' sound, smacking his lips like an old drunkard, and then said :

"So when dealing with those things, it's more secure for me to stay here and watch. Once leakage or infection occurs, the whole world will probably suffer."

"Why else would I put Asgard in a sparsely populated place like Alaska?" Su Ming also unscrewed the wine bottle and handed it to the gin next to her. She was also an alcoholic: "Isn't it just to spread the T virus? Isolate the threat. Okay, let’s not talk about that. Have Thor and Loki come back?”

"Loki turned into a woman." Doctor Strange showed a dazed expression, and then shook his head speechlessly: "She came once, but left soon. Thor went to find her the next day, and is currently in The location is unclear.”

Gin took a sip of wine and joined the conversation: "Loki is a master of illusions and deception. If she wants to hide, it will be too difficult to find her on Earth."

"That's it, but I have a conjecture." Staranqi thought for a moment, took a sip from the cigarette and said, "She seems to be not satisfied with her body at this time, maybe she has some plan."

The cold wind blew outside the igloo, making a whistling sound, and snow particles were rolling on the ground. There was not a single tree nearby, and the wind blowing from the Arctic Ocean rushed straight onto the plains.

"Let her go. She doesn't have the guts to cause trouble on Earth yet. By the way, did you pass the archmage exam?" Su Ming hugged his chest and tapped his ribs with his fingers.

"There's only alchemy left that I haven't tested yet, but I'm confident."

Strange is considered to be very talented as a mage, and he grows much faster than many people.

"Very good, what are your plans after you become the Archmage? Do you want to stay in Kamal Taj and teach? Or do you want to be sent abroad?" The Supreme Mage asked the student for his opinion and wanted to judge his thoughts.

Strange was a little confused. He originally joined Karma Taj just to restore his broken hands, but unknowingly a few years passed, and it seemed that the memories of when he was a doctor were blurred, as if they happened in a previous life.

According to Kamal Taj's academic system, passing the examination of the archmage is equivalent to graduation. Because of the rule of three years of apprenticeship and one hundred years of service, he still has a long period of time to serve the school as a mage.

But what to do?

There are archmages in charge of the three holy sanctuaries, and the same is true of the Antarctic Holy Sanctuary. With my status, there seems to be no good place for me except to stay in school and teach.

But my personality is not the kind of person who likes to talk. I am definitely not as good as Modo and Hamil in teaching students. My specialty is smoking, drinking and perming my hair. Should I open a magic hair salon in Huaxi Village at the foot of Kama Taj Mountain? ?

The expression on his face was wavering and he couldn't make up his mind. In the end, he could only smile and said, "Master, I will do whatever you want me to do."

Su Ming was very satisfied with this answer.

"You have a good image, at least more elegant than Modu." The Supreme Mage rested his elbows on his knees: "Kama Taj lacks a full-time diplomat. Do you think he is qualified? The main person responsible is Dealing with various forces and races.”

"Do you want to engage in diplomacy?" Staranqi touched his beard and pondered for a moment. This was not his ideal job, but it seemed that there was nothing else to do: "Then just follow your arrangements, Master. All you need is Just like how I communicate with the Asa Protoss now, right?"

Su Ming reached out and toasted with him with the wine bottle, raised his neck and took a big sip, then wiped his mouth:

"Yes, although most of the time I will make the first round of contact with emerging forces, how to obtain long-term benefits from them still depends on the maintenance of relationships. I think you are very talented in this area. You once He is a very shrewd businessman and can turn operations and human lives into business, which is an advantage."

Strange is a little embarrassed when talking about the past. At that time, he was too naive and wanted to use medical skills to expose the bad habits and injustices in the medical field, thereby changing society and the world.

Facts have proven that studying medicine cannot save people on earth.

When his hands are normal, colleagues, leaders, patients and family members call him the god of medical skills.

However, after his car accident, he lost his value to them, just like the hozen scattered when a tree falls. Everyone avoids him for fear of having to borrow money from them.

In the end, the only real friend he had was Christine Palmer, who was willing to visit him even after he became a cripple.

"I was..."

He wanted to explain, but Deathstroke simply waved his hand and interrupted his speech:

"Who hasn't reached the age of chasing dreams? Although you came to adolescence more than ten years late...but that doesn't matter, as long as you haven't forgotten how to get benefits. In the future, you can go to the universe and work for Kama Taj brings back some things, including mysterious items, high-level energy, hard currency, and even daily necessities."

Speaking of which, maybe with the exception of Elsa Bloodstone, Strange is the student who understands the employment relationship the best. This is not a shortcoming, but an advantage.

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