The Death Knell

Chapter 2647 Knights

The so-called man-eating spider story is actually a modified version of "The Catastrophe of the Python", with the python replaced by a spider. But as soon as Su Minggang told Xiao Wang a few words, there was some commotion on the street.

People seemed to be discussing something and heading in the other direction of the city, seeming to be very excited.

"Let's go take a look too."

Su Ming stood up, interrupted Hu's story, and took Xiao Wang into the street.

The huge crowd pushed them forward, as if people from every house had come out and were moving in the same direction.

The small town is not that big, with a population of 300,000, which is about the same as a town in the Celestial Dynasty. What's more, it is underground and it is easy to dig buildings, so the city's area is also limited.

At the same time, due to the shortage of clean water, these residents have not taken a bath for an unknown period of time. Surrounded by them at this time, all kinds of strange body odors are like a zoo's beast house.

"Are you back? Are you back?"

"Yes, they are back, they are back!"

"Hooray! Great!"

"Finally, the crisis is over!"

"We can go deeper underground again!"

The crowd around them kept repeating these topics happily, and the Supreme Mage mixed in the crowd probably understood what was going on.

It sounds like the guess. This underground city can also lead to deeper underground, and there are some "resource points" there that everyone depends on for a living. However, for some reason, the traffic was cut off. This was because someone had to clear it.

This guess should be close to ten. Su Ming did not inquire about the specifics. He just chose to go with the flow and was quickly taken to the other side of the city by the crowd.

There was a large hole leading deeper underground, like an eight-lane tunnel.

This underground cave has been built to look like a city gate. Not only is it very spacious, it also has two metal plates that serve as door doors.

At this time, the people gathered here consciously gave way to the passage, and looked at the entrance of the cave with pairs of eyes, as if expecting something.

Soon, the death knell heard the sound of squeaking wheels in the darkness, and the sound of bearings running out of oil. Under the light of the fire at the city gate, a huge creature soon appeared.

It was a dragon corpse placed on an oversized cart.

After some estimation, Su Ming believed that it was about fifty meters long and weighed at least two hundred tons, judging by how deep the metal wheels were sunk into the ground.

But such a corpse was placed on a cart and pulled back by a person.

It was a green robot. He walked at the front and pulled the cart. He carried a giant sword on his back and two laser pistols on his chest.

Because it was a robot, there was no expression on the metal face, but he was holding the trolley's lever with one hand and raising the other hand, waving to everyone.

The crowd burst into cheers, and some even cried with joy. They shouted the names of the heroes:

"Long live the Knights of Pendragon!"

As the cart entered the city and the dragon's body was fully displayed in front of the crowd, more beaming people were also exposed to the light of the fire.

There were three more people standing on the corpse of the flying dragon, smiling and waving to the surroundings.

An old man wearing medieval armor and a golden lion on the chest of his burqa. A woman wearing a silver-white swimsuit, her hair seemed to be permed into big waves. The last one is a young strong man, wearing a red and white uniform and a 'Mega Man'-style helmet on his head.

Amid cheers and applause, they stepped on the dragon's corpse truck and slowly entered the city. When they were happy, they even threw some dragon scales around for everyone to take back as a souvenir.

And this kind of behavior caused waves of applause.

When the cart left, many people did not chase after it to watch the excitement. Instead, they rushed out of the city gate as if they couldn't wait, scrambling like salmon about to spawn.

Of course, the ones standing still in the crowd were Deathstroke and Xiao Wang. After seeing those four people, the Supreme Mage showed a strange smile on his face and whispered to the steward:

"It turned out to be these four British guys. Although it's a bit strange to appear on the territory that belongs to the United States, it seems that there are still heroes in this world."


In the setting of the Marvel Universe, the Knights of Pendragon were formed by the Knights of the Round Table who inherited the spirit of Pendragon after the death of King Arthur. It is a very old-fashioned and upright organization.

It's hard to say the specific situation of other parallel universes. Su Ming still has some research on the Knights of Universe 616.

Although the UK is an island country, its territory is much smaller than that of the United States, but it has many different forces and organizations, and is even more complex.

The more representative ones are the 'Holy Sword' led by Captain Britain; the special intelligence agencies MI5, 6 and 13 organized by the British government; the world defense agency W.H.O supported by veteran capitalists; and the more ancient aristocrats The Pendragon Knights supported by the class; the Celestial Order of the Si-Fan formed by the "Rapid Dragons" of the Chinese Dynasty a hundred years ago, etc.

In addition to these local organizations, the UK is also an important stronghold of the Hellfire Club. The London Sanctuary is also stationed there on behalf of Kama Taj. The London branch of S.H.I.E.L.D. was established during World War II. Naturally, they have There are also Hydras in places, and there are still a large number of vampire families in Britain.

Well, there is also a mercenary alliance headquarters in London called ‘Bane’. If American mercenaries want to do business in Europe, they will easily fight against them.

These are still relatively large organizations, and there are countless other small villain organizations. The chaotic situation in the UK is almost as messy as their complicated parliamentary government.

Talking back to the spirit of Pendragon, to put it simply, King Arthur was mythologized after his death and became something like a god of faith. When followers pray to him, they can receive strange powers.

These powers may manifest themselves in various possibilities during battle. They may allow the prayer to temporarily gain the ability to cast spells, may allow the prayer to increase strength and speed, or may allow the prayer to obtain divinely-ordained strategies and tactics, which are quite idealistic and uncontrollable.

The deeper your understanding of Pendragon's spirit and the more you worship King Arthur, the stronger the increase in all aspects of prayer will be.

It’s hard to say whether there is a price for it, but if you think about it carefully, something is wrong.

Although the Pendragon Knights are apparently led by Sir Albion, the old man in white robes we saw just now, in fact it is more like being led by a dead soul. King Arthur can be seen everywhere. shadow.

Most of the time, their stance is relatively righteous. In addition to responding to incidents such as terrorist attacks, they occasionally deal with mysterious threats.

But they have a very bad relationship with Captain Britain, who is also from the good camp, and they have fought each other more than once, because in their opinion, the Sword in the Stone was stolen by the latter, and it was King Arthur's weapon.


"Master, have you sensed Spider-Man?" Xiao Wang heard Deathstroke say that and couldn't help but think he had found a totem, so he immediately started looking around.

Su Ming shook his head and reached out to hook his neck. The two of them turned around in the surging crowd and headed towards the dragon cart:

"Not yet, but experience tells me that super-powered people like to play with super-powered people, so we just need to ask these four dragon-slaying warriors."

The head of the strangled little bean sprout bulged out from the black and yellow armor, and he nodded towards Xiao Wang.

Yes, if necessary, it is responsible for the role of 'inquiry'...

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