The Death Knell

Chapter 2663 Soul Exchange

Su Ming's question was actually to ask Emperor Weishan if he knew the universe number and the corresponding coordinates?

But unfortunately, even though Hogs was in a good mood after getting new cigarettes and fine wine, it also said that they connected with different earths through the 'inner dimension' and the spiritual level. They don't need those physical things, as long as they have God in their hearts. , then God will come.

Originally, he didn't want to say so much, but for the sake of tribute, he might as well provide some information.

The ancient gods have their own views. For them, who were born with the seeds of the 'Creator', the Celestial Gods are just juniors who arrived after the earth was formed. There is no need to learn the numbering system of robots, and there is no rigid number. Soul, and not rigorous enough.

Just like the 40K Earth in Su Ming's mouth, when it was upgraded to the multiverse, it split into different timelines, and were named 40K-1 to 40K-7 and so on.

But every time the time stream bifurcates, new single universes will theoretically be born, and they will themselves split again, layer by layer.

How will it be numbered then?

Therefore, on the mysterious side, we usually don’t talk about the universe number, but talk about ‘multiple realities’ and ‘time points’. Reality determines the material basis, and time determines the specific coordinates, and life is born from this.

The essence of the earth is unique. It is the different timelines that make them appear to be different. The nature of the multiverse is to show different possibilities, and this kind of display, when presented to the eyes of ordinary humans, will be something they can intuitively understand. .

Like a big jar or a big ball, there are many small balls piled inside, but these are the human brain simplifying the reality it sees into something it can understand.

In short, in order to facilitate communication with humans, Hogs also temporarily used this set of tools to communicate with Deathstroke.

He said that wherever there is the Supreme Master, there is Emperor Weishan, and vice versa, but not every universe has it. For example, this reality called 802 Earth is an example.

In the past, humans here believed in the owl god. Although the owl was not one ten thousandth as powerful as Ou Shutu, it was still a somewhat related bird since it was both a bird and Ou Shutu. Most of the time, Ou Shutu would also be related to Arcturus. As the eagle gods give each other face, the relationship between the ancient gods is actually quite social.

The Owl God follows a belief system, and this timeline is where he preaches. When Ao Shutu came here, he took one look and then withdrew, without demolishing the bird friends.

Ao Shutu's identity is a blue bird, also known as a bluebird. It likes to patrol its territory and sing, and is not an aggressive animal.

As an Outer God, Hoggs himself comes from outside the Almighty Universe. He doesn't care about those chores. His hobbies are to smoke, sleep, and occasionally beat up other gods.

Agamotto is a junior, and he does not understand the grievances between the ancient gods, because he himself is the creation of timeline and energy.

"I understand. So, when my ancient master from Earth traveled, he should have taken your route, right?" Su Ming held a cigarette in his mouth and looked at the big tiger's head smoking there.

"There are so many realities, and she wants to see them." Hogs's beard trembled, and the corners of the cat's mouth curved: "She just wanted to go on a trip. To be honest, I don't even know where she is now. Where, maybe you should ask eternity.”

"I can still talk about swallowing stars and death, but Eternity and I are not familiar with each other." Su Ming shook his head, was silent for a moment, and smacked his lips: "Okay, since you can't help me, this communication will be hung up. Come on, let’s talk later when we’re free.”

"Huh? What do you mean I can't help you?" Hoggs was not happy at this. He turned into a cartoon big caterpillar again, raising his arms to show his muscles: "You can't afford my appearance fee. That’s all, young humans, everything has to be paid for, that’s the rule.”

Deathstroke shook his head repeatedly, indicating that he didn't want to hear those things: "Okay, okay, forget it. I'll burn some paper figures and horses for you later."

"You should burn something real! Damn..."

Seeing the furious look on Hogs' side, Xiao Wang, like Su Ming, expressionlessly severed the spiritual connection in the contract.

At this time, Master Mouse, who was kneeling beside him, got up. The way he looked at Deathstroke became different again, as if there was a hint of admiration in his eyes.


"Phew! It feels so good!"

On Earth 616, Spider-Man has just recovered from his confusion.

Peter looked for the woman codenamed "Spider Silk" based on what Ezekiel said, and found her in Ezekiel's building.

But after opening the cage, the first sight the two looked at each other made them lose their minds. The desire from the heart made them hug each other, and they had a fierce 'battle', so that now there were pieces of clothes everywhere.

Afterwards, a feeling of pleasure and release seeped out of my bones, as if I had accomplished some important mission.

Now he was sleeping in a pile of spider silk, the beauty beside him had disappeared, and the building was quiet under the night.

"How could you do this? You're sorry for Mary Jane. You clearly promised me! You wouldn't use this body to cheat on me."

A voice sounded in his head, a voice full of anger and sadness.

Spider-Man got up and stretched his waist, showing an evil smile. He pressed a watch on his wrist, and a new nano-metal uniform flowed out and was put on his body.

"Because I want to experiment with the consciousness transfer device, I let you, who is more familiar with this body, show it to you for a few hours, but don't forget, this body is mine now! Look what you did when you fought with Morlun before? You actually don’t want to give your body back.”

Xiao Chong walked to the window, looked out, and whispered to himself.

"That's different, I just want to do the right thing!" The mysterious voice in my head argued for myself.

Xiaochong rolled his eyes and shook his head disdainfully:

"Fortunately, meeting this woman made you lose your mind, and I was able to regain my body. You don't follow the rules, what do you think is the right thing to do? While letting Ezekiel die in vain, you almost killed me! The most annoying thing This is what you superheroes do. You don’t walk when you should walk, and you don’t kill when you should kill. It’s really disgusting. It’s a complete waste of such a good physical talent.”

The voice in his head faltered: "I won't kill anyone...but that's not why you use my body to sleep with other women."

"Otherwise, what should I do? I can play your role to help you fool Mary Jane, and occasionally let you take control of your body and have sex with her. This is already considered a kindness, but you have to understand that the person I love is not her, and you have already died."

The bug shot out spider silk and flew into the night. He sneered strangely in the evening wind.

"This is my body, Dr. Otto, you can't mess with it."

The real Peter is still dying. He has swapped bodies with Doctor Octopus long ago, and now only some of his thoughts are left in the other's broken body, frozen underground in Parker Industries.

"Sorry Peter, this is my body now, and you are just a ghost." Spider-Man was unmoved and continued to swing into the distance, looking for the lost spider thread: "I can do whatever I want, and, You won’t get another chance to take away control of your body, I’m going to break up with Mary Jane today.”

"Please, Doctor." Peter's voice was full of despair: "I know the person you love is Ana Maria, but she is just a child. That is a crime."

"She looks like a child, but she is much more mature than you, and she knows who is worthy of love and who is not." Ultimate Spider-Man snorted, but changed the subject: "For example, a weak Spider-Man It’s not worth it, so you’d better shut up now, I am Spider-Man, and now I have to find the female spider that ran away, Morlun will threaten her life.”

"Please..." Peter's voice came from his head, but became weaker and weaker.

The soul trapped in Doctor Octopus's dying body had no power to resist after the doctor turned off the device remotely. Pressing and holding the volume button and lowering the sound to the lowest level, Dr. Otto felt much better.

Consciousness transfer technology is another good invention.

The doctor pressed the button on the watch and ordered to the pop-up female 3D projection: "Anna Maria, activate the global satellite positioning system, launch the eight-legged spider armor MKII, and contact Silver Fox for me. I have a commission. I want to give her mercenary group, and now I want to protect everyone as much as possible.”

"Okay, doctor." The AI ​​system named after his lover immediately started operating, and the Ultimate Spider-Man also grabbed the spider silk and rushed into the darkness.

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