The Death Knell

Chapter 2687 Victim’s Family

At some point, a hole made of purple light appeared in the sky. On the other side of the hole, there was obviously a different world.

An old nanny with white hair tied up high, as if she could serve as the dean of students in a full-time Catholic school, stood at the entrance of the cave. Behind her were many strange figures crawling densely, as well as the sun, moon, stars, and all the distorted light. vortex.

She was the one who spoke just now. When the two people on the ground raised their heads to look at her, she secretly swallowed.

"Who are you?!"

Miles took a fighting stance vigilantly, but his movements looked a bit amateurish.

"Since your last words were to ask my name, I can tell you mercifully. I am the Heir Lena, and I will feast on your bones! Come on, my hounds!"

The people crawling behind her immediately took action. They actually made dog barking sounds. They jumped from the air like dumplings being dropped into the pot and rushed towards the two of them.

There were more barking Green Goblins, there were a lot of them, and everyone was on skateboards, swarming out of the channel.

Miles is relatively young, and he doesn't know these people who have been domesticated into dogs except the Green Goblin.

But Jessica is different. She can recall some things through those familiar faces, because they are all villains who have died long ago.

"Clone? Alien?"

She uses her Widow's Sting to fire balls of web into the sky in an attempt to counterattack.

But there are too many guys named Hounds who are actually super-powered villains. Even if he has a spider sense, when these mad dogs swarm forward, Spider-Man in the plains doesn't have many ways to avoid them.

There are no tall buildings around, only the remains of the battlefield. Even if you want to perform three-dimensional maneuvers, you can't do it.

So she was immediately caught and pushed to the ground by these mysterious villains, and she couldn't escape even though she kept struggling.

Miles' frontal combat ability is slightly better. Although his fighting skills are not excellent, he has the "Venom Ability" that allows him to fight. These are some of the sequelae left after fighting the symbiote Venom.

He can gather the bioelectricity in his body and then use these currents to attack. It is very powerful and can also cause magnetic storms. The disadvantage is that it consumes a lot of energy.

With this ability, he persisted for five more seconds before he was knocked down by the enemy and fell to the dust.

A tall and strong man wrapped in lion skin grabbed his neck, foaming at the mouth and making a barking sound, just like the sound of a hound calling its owner after catching prey.

The little black spider tried to open the hand on his neck and turned his head as much as possible to see Jessica's condition.

Lena in the sky shook her head. Wearing a long black dress, she slowly landed. Yu Yu said regretfully: "I'm really disappointed. The hunting ended in just an instant. It would be great if there were stronger prey... ..."

"Leopardon! War Soul Sword!"

Her wish could be said to have come true immediately, as a loud voice came from the sky, speaking English with an accent.

Before Lena could even react, a giant sword about twenty meters long and ten meters wide suddenly appeared in the air and shot towards her like a giant flying knife, cutting her in half on the spot.

"Woof woof woof?!"

The owner's sudden death left the hounds stunned on the spot. Although they could no longer speak human language, they still expressed their doubts by barking, which probably meant asking, 'Who is coming?'

As a passionate superhero, he always answers all questions!

The giant robot walked out of the range of the invisibility magic in the sun. Takuya climbed out of the cockpit window, stood on the mecha's head and repeatedly made a spider pose, and answered loudly through the bracelet:

"I am a man who knows all the information about motorcycles, Aunt Four Hundred!"

At this moment, not to mention that the hounds had no brains and caused a collective silence. Even Miles and Jessica, who were pinned to the ground, forgot to struggle. They couldn't understand why such a Japanese-speaking person suddenly appeared. Spider-Man in English.

Has Fury started cooperating with Japan? Is this a giant machine developed for the new Sentinel robot?

"Takuya, you can do whatever you want and hold off the Green Goblin Army. William, go deal with the Bull, Penny go deal with the Silver Sable, and Ghost Spider go deal with the Cougar. First, rescue the Spider Totem. I'll go to the other side of the space wormhole to take a look. start to act."

New instructions came from the air, and then each Spider-Man appeared out of thin air and began to target his opponents. At the same time, a ray of light quickly disappeared into the purple wormhole in the air.

It is not certain whether these super villains are clones. Anyway, Lena, the second sister of the Heir family, raised them as dogs. Apart from relying on instinct to fight, there is nothing worthy of praise.

With the Captain Britain version of Spider-Man and Spider-Man present, as well as Xiao Wang's magical assistance, and Gwen's servant providing weak information, it would be crazy if they could still lose.

The more troublesome thing is the Green Goblin Army, which looks like a swarm of flies on its flying skateboard, but leaving it to Leo Patton is no problem.

Su Ming was more concerned about where the other person came from. Is the parallel universe opposite Earth 001?

Earth 001 is also called the Textile World or the Heir's House. In the comics, it is the home of the Morlun family, where they reunite and distribute their prey and formulate the next round of hunting plans.

But that is only if they carry out diversified travel through the Internet.

Now due to the intervention of Deathstroke, the other party has obviously changed the mode of transportation. It is not clear whether the hometown is Earth 001 or not, and Lena may not have set off from home.

But going over and taking a look won't delay anything.

Passing through the long, narrow and winding light and shadow tunnel like a sewer, this is a completely different feeling from flying by oneself or being transported through sonic boom. It is like being wrapped and squeezed by something, and being spit out into another world.

Then he got a disappointing answer. At the other end of the tunnel was another world of victims.

As soon as Deathstroke landed, he was attacked by the Avengers, and all kinds of attacks came like a rainstorm.

"You killed Spider-Man! Pay with your life!"

An Iron Man, whose whole body armor looked like a golden gas tank, rushed forward, his feet spraying fire, and launched a rocket-headbutt attack.

Su Ming turned sideways to avoid it, grabbed Iron Man's belt and pressed it to the ground, then stepped on it with his feet to prevent him from flying around:


"Don't think about sweet words! Parker is our teammate, and we want to avenge him! Avengers assemble!"

As a righteous voice sounded, a shield with a white five-pointed star also flew over.

He grabbed the shield with one hand like he was catching a Frisbee, and let the strangler trap Ant-Man who was climbing on him. He then raised the shield to block the arrows flying from the back of his head, and then threw the shield out to interrupt the Scarlet Witch's spellcasting in the distance.

Well, it’s the Avengers. Although many of these superheroes wear bell-bottom pants and color-changing toad glasses from the 1980s and 1990s, their identities can still be distinguished based on their skills.

The specific earth number is unknown for the time being, but these people are obviously immersed in grief. There is also a spider uniform in the ruins not far away, which is an empty shell left after the totem was devoured.

Faced with such a situation, it is easy to solve it. All we need to do is let the heroes above understand that we are all in the same group.

"My Spider-Man was also killed, and you are the murderers! I'm going to kill you all! Let's start with this tin can!"

With that said, Deathstroke picked up Iron Man from the ground and tried to break his neck.

"Wait! This may be a misunderstanding." Captain America in a strange world was stunned, and immediately signaled everyone to stop and took back the shield caught by the witch: "We will never hurt Spider-Man, what did you mean? Before Isn’t that woman with the villain army with you?”

Deathstroke removed his mask and sneered, turned around in circles so that everyone could see his contemptuous expression, and said:

"You still want to show off? Murderers, you beasts! Spider-Man is such a good young man, and you actually killed him!"

Then, Su Ming pointed to the empty uniform shell not far away, indicating that it was evidence, and tipped the shit basin back on the Avengers' heads.

The captain, who was wearing brightly colored scales, ordered a truce. He raised his hands and walked towards the death knell to show his sincerity: "We did not kill anyone. This is a misunderstanding. Everyone put away their weapons and let's talk."

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