The Death Knell

Chapter 2691 Anticipate the enemy first

In the midst of the ice and snow, there was a small hole in the ground, or rather a shack built among the ruins of some cities.

At this time, the cave entrance was slightly steaming outside, and Su Ming and his party were inside, waiting around a bonfire.

The specific world number here cannot be guessed, but it should be a world similar to "The Day After Tomorrow". The ruins of New York where everyone is currently located have been turned into exhibits under the ice and snow, without any other life.

The temperature was actually not very low, about thirty degrees below zero. Logically speaking, we should be able to survive.

It won't be like this now. Even if you ask Xiao Wang, he will say that there must be something fishy about this matter.

But what happened here in the past has nothing to do with the current goals of the people.

When Jessica Drew woke up, Deathstroke, who was sitting in the darkness, used the God Killer to stir the fire and spoke directly to the topic:

"Now that we have arrived in another parallel universe, there is no Nick Fury here, and you don't have to keep pretending."

The woman rubbed the back of her head and sat up, leaning towards the fire: "How do you prove this?"

"There is no proof, you can judge for yourself." Su Ming raised an eyebrow and smiled narrowly: "Now the Inheritors are hunting down all spider totems in the multiverse. Every Spider-Man is in danger. Spider-Man The sensor keeps ringing, right? I want to negotiate a deal with you. You cooperate with my plan and I will guarantee your safety."

Agents are very realistic people. What they fear most is being nice for no reason. On the contrary, they are very receptive to deals or conditions.

Jessica was like this after hearing the conditions. She nodded silently. In fact, she knew something about the multiverse.

By colluding with Doctor Doom, Fury hitched a ride on Reed and explored several parallel worlds of Earth.

Reed Richards was the first person to start exploring the multiverse. He launched many spherical detectors into the N dimension and then let them drift like drifting bottles to random worlds.

He can learn about different earth conditions by receiving the information and images sent back by those small balls.

The original plan was normal, but Fury sent someone to steal some detectors, add S.H.I.E.L.D. signal adapters to them, and put some strange things on them, and then secretly returned the ball to Li. De let him launch without knowing it.

For example, a small ball carrying radioactive plant seeds floated into Earth 31916, triggering a crisis of giant animals and plants, which even led to a counterattack by the 'Supreme High Team' in that world.

Team Supreme and Team Ultimate fought in 1610, but the misunderstanding was resolved afterwards.

Fury, the culprit, was extradited as a war criminal.

But a few years later, Fury, who arrived in another world, started as a prisoner and formed S.H.I.E.L.D. in 31916, which was more prosperous than in 1610, because the style of that universe was very dark, and Fury was good at doing dark things.

It was not until the madness of 16.1 million Magneto became an irresolvable threat that Reed had no choice but to invite Fury back from another earth.

Not long ago, Reed, who had led the 'Children of Tomorrow' to commit crimes against humanity and was detained, was released by Fury and allowed him to continue exploring parallel worlds. In exchange, he also took the little black spider Miles to Earth 616. I've been traveling a lot.

Exploring the coordinates of parallel worlds is like another Age of Discovery. It is estimated that there are more than one or two Reed Richards doing similar things. This is another reason why Su Ming must get rid of 40K Reed.

The world with Reed and the world without Reed are not at the same level of stability. At least they won't be eating hotpot and singing at home, and there will be a team of heroes from a parallel world coming to take revenge... ..

Even if there's no threat, it's disgusting to always be resented.

Having said that, as the new Black Widow and a high-level S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, Jessica certainly knows something about parallel worlds.

In fact, Miles also talked to her about 616, because the Peter Parker of that world was still alive, and he regarded it as a new spiritual sustenance.

"I'm willing to cooperate, but I don't know your name yet."

Jessica sniffed and put down the hand rubbing her head. Without Fury's supervision, she showed a very straightforward side.

"Just call me Deathstroke." Su Ming stood up and looked into the wind and snow outside: "Everyone, please introduce yourselves now, Tuo will be spared."

The hot-blooded man next to him showed an innocent expression. In fact, he was the kind of person who would never find it troublesome no matter how many times he introduced himself.

However, the environment here may not matter to Deathstroke, but it is not very suitable for chatting with others. Su Ming asked Xiao Wang to release a magic, which temporarily blocked the howling of the cold wind and snow.

After everyone got to know each other, Deathstroke spoke again:

"The reason why I brought you to such a remote world is because many things can be done over and over again, but not over and over again. Things inevitably changed after we killed Fu Na."

William thought for a moment, and the Union Jack flag on his chest was so bright: "Do you mean that the fishing plan can be terminated?"

"It's better to say it's fine-tuning than a suspension." Su Ming distributed powerful sodas to everyone and slowly shook his head: "If our killing of Janix is ​​still considered an accident by the Successor family, then once they know about Verna's If you die, you will definitely take countermeasures."

These two people are important figures in the family, one is responsible for leading the cloning center, and the other is responsible for training hunting dogs. In a certain way, getting rid of them will make the successor family heads feel a strong threat.

After Janix's death, Su Ming secretly observed Jessica and Miles, waiting for the family's reaction. Wanted to see if they would choose to retreat temporarily to figure out the situation? Or choose to increase efforts to hunt down the totem?

The appearance of Verna with a large number of hounds proved that they chose the latter.

Carrying out a multi-level hunting does not mean that everyone can run around casually. It must have the approval of the clan leader in advance, and different hunting grounds should be arranged for everyone to avoid conflicts.

Therefore, it can be deduced that the character of the family patriarch Solus is similar to the one in the comics he read in his previous life.

He is a very conceited person who has not changed, but at the same time he still has some confidence that Deathstroke doesn't know yet.

You can slowly figure out where your confidence comes from, but once a conceited person feels that he has been bullied, he will definitely find a way to get revenge as soon as possible.

Tony is an example. If he is bullied by someone, he will definitely start to build an 'anti-someone' suit immediately, hoping to take revenge one day.

The vast majority of superheroes are just the opposite. Their desire for revenge must give way to 'consistency' or 'greater good', which are the so-called attributes of the Virgin.

At the same time, arrogance also makes it easy for people to make wrong judgments. Such people will think that their first instinct is right and will not accept any refutation.

A family member died during a totem hunting activity. How did they die? The first reaction was to be killed by the totem. It just so happens that the Ultimate Spider-Man has been running around recruiting people in the multidimensional world, perfectly serving as the taker.

Sorus most likely thinks so now, right? Thinking some spider had killed his two children.

He may have lived long enough to lead a family that spans multiple dimensions, and there are countless parallel universes under his control, but when it comes to studying human nature and psychology, he is definitely not as good as Deathstroke.

These thinking processes just flashed through Su Ming's mind. He had no intention of explaining it in detail and just said:

"Sorus, the patriarch of the successor, should be preparing to take revenge on Spider-Man. He should set up a trap and put in a piece of bait that Spider-Man cannot resist, such as attacking the person he must save, which is one of the bride, other things, and descendants. "

Waiter Gwen raised her hand to speak. She held a soda bottle and blinked her eyes: "I have a question. Haven't they discovered that it's not Spider-Man who kills but us?"

"Recall that we never stay in the same world for a long time. He has no chance of discovering us. As long as all the witnesses are dead, this is the effect of perfect infiltration."

Su Ming shook the God Killer in his hand, turned it into a fork, inserted a piece of marshmallow and placed it on top of the fire, and continued:

"So he will target Spider-Man. After all, they have the most spiders and are the most suspicious. This is an opportunity for us to expand our results..."

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