The Death Knell

Chapter 2718 Suspected Ancestral Tomb

Seen from the universe, the earth under the sun is shining brightly and is beautiful. Blue-purple clouds are spread all over the place, being pushed by the wind at an incredible speed.

Although it looks like a magical world, in fact ordinary humans are considered unworthy of possessing any power, and the earth is just a place for the successors to have fun.

They themselves live in a castle in space, as if they are sitting on a high throne, looking down at all living beings, absorbing a twisted sense of satisfaction.

After all, it is still a species closely related to human society. It likes the feeling of reaching the top and likes to look down on others. I have learned a lot about it.

The distant stars are shining brightly, and there are a few spaceships entering and exiting the castle. However, judging from the style of these sailing spaceships, they should not support space voyages. They will eventually return to the earth to face the end.

After teleporting into the castle wall, everyone discovered that it was not small at all, and even the area was about the same size as Asgard.

This is a majestic complex behind high walls, along with other buildings that appear to have a non-military role.

"The place is nice, but the owner of the house is not that good." Su Ming settled on a grassy area, and the portal that Xiao Wang opened at will should have thrown everyone into a place similar to a garden.

There is a luminous protective shield above the plate where the castle is located. It is a product of the scientific side. It should also preserve the air and temperature, allowing plants to grow here.

Deadpool picked a rose with his hands, but with just a gentle tug, a skull pulled out from beside the root of the flower, staring silently at his big eyes.

"Wow, it's really luxurious to use people as fertilizer." He stepped the skeleton back into the soil with his feet, and played with the red flowers in his hand to take it back as a souvenir: "Cousin, let's go to that building first. It looks like the one from the church.”

There was indeed a Gothic spire building in the direction he was pointing, full of vampire style. There were still traces of time on the walls, as well as white marks left by rain washing away the stone.

It looks very old, like it was moved here from somewhere else. It doesn't rain in space, so it's not a bad goal.

On the one hand, it is possible to learn about the origin of the heir family, and on the other hand, it is also possible to go in and see if you can find some valuable items.

Maybe it's a place like an ancestral grave or an ancestral hall? If vampires have ancestors, there should be some souvenirs in places like family graveyards, right?

There are no guards on the paths between the buildings. This may be due to the Successor family's usual confidence, or it may be that they were taken to Earth-982 by Sorus to ambush the Spider Alliance.

All in all, the journey was smooth. Su Ming led dozens of Spider-Man to the door of the selected building as if they were visiting a park.

When Deathstroke opened the door, he happened to meet the people in the hall inside. He instantly recognized these people from their highly similar appearance and dressing habits.

The hall of this building with a strong dark style is filled with mutant people controlled by various brainwashings. They are worshiping a statue of Sorus in the candlelit hall.

"Who dares to break in here?!" A man wearing red disc sunglasses jumped up from the ground, his hand resting on the edge of the frame.

Since he asked the question sincerely, as a hero, he must give an answer! The passion of youth should be burning freely! Announce the registration number and defeat the enemy head-on!

"I am a man who comes to an alien planet and still spins webs to hunt evildoers, the Four Hundred Aunt!"

Takuya couldn't stop him from answering. Whenever someone asked him who he was, as if some program had been triggered, he would immediately recite his lines loudly and make various gestures and gestures to shoot spider silk. action.

Although this passionate young man's English had a slight accent, the name he announced as Spider-Man could still be understood. The controlled mutants immediately went crazy, and the battle broke out.

"Dedicate them to the master!" The brainwashed Cyclops turned his head and shouted to his companions, and then prepared to take off his sunglasses to use his abilities.

However, just as his head was turning, the man in black and yellow armor who was still dozens of meters away had already arrived in front of him, and the tip of his nose almost brushed the opponent's face armor.

Next, he felt his vision rotate, and through his sunglasses, he saw his headless body.

Then there was darkness.

Now that he has arrived at this place, Su Ming doesn't want to hide anything anymore. Pretend to be a superhero who doesn't kill people? You can't continue to act out on the battlefield, otherwise you'll be causing trouble for yourself.

Fortunately, only a few of the many Spider Totems frowned, and most Spider-Man didn't have much objection to killing people.

A more common situation is that when Spider-Man and Avengers and other heroic groups act together, it is true that Spider himself does not kill people, but he will not stop his teammates from killing people.

At most, they just turn away and don't look at it. Although good living totems often have the ideal wish that everyone can reform, they also know that not everyone can become better after being educated in American prisons.

For example, the dead men of Hydra, the followers of the evil god, etc. There are always people who are hopeless.

When Captain America or Iron Man killed these people, Spider-Man never said much. He would occasionally interrupt and talk a little nonsense to adjust the atmosphere, but most of the time he remained silent.

This time it was a similar situation. When Deathstroke started killing people, the many spiders behind him didn't say anything. They just swarmed up and showed off their abilities.

Maybe they thought that as long as they defeated the enemy, Deathstroke would not kill the prisoners, but this was impossible. Su Ming's habit was to eradicate the weeds. If he wanted to stay in this universe to conduct breeding experiments, he naturally had to clean the experimental equipment first.

But there is no need for everyone to know this.

In short, it may be difficult to deal with the successors who can swallow totems, but many Spider-Man have their own experience in dealing with mutants.

As long as there is a world of mutants, there is a high probability that they will be at the bottom of the social discrimination chain in the corresponding universe. Under such circumstances, many mutants will be forced to do bad things in the darkness of New York for their livelihood.

As a good neighbor of the people of New York, Spider-Man will often deal with mutants. If their world also has X-Men and Brotherhood, he will be more familiar with each other's weaknesses.

Most of the spiders are not reckless warriors. They are very good at using their brains. As long as they know the enemy's weaknesses, they can always find a way to counterattack.



Su Ming did not use cosmic energy, but let the symbiote deal with these mutants. In close combat in a limited space, strangulation had a great advantage.

Needless to say, Deadpool directly pulled out his double swords and approached a dwarf, and then started a round of fierce mutual harm.

Although it's not the Wolverine he knows, killing a fellow from another world can be regarded as satisfying, right?

"It simply stinks, it stinks so bad. You are Logan, how can you worship a vampire bat without any thought? Your character is completely ruined..."

While the stinky mercenary said that the other person had a stench, he ignored the steel claws thrust into his chest and stabbed the familiar yet unfamiliar face with his two knives, causing a violent stir in his eyes.

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