The Death Knell

Chapter 2725 Green****

The strangulating tentacles continued to resist various attacks from the surrounding soldiers, while the magic floating cloak went to the other side of the ruins to create a spellcasting environment for Xiao Wang. Su Ming's giant sword was swung in the wind, and it slashed Sorus in the waist. Keep working hard in the direction.

The silver halo spread out layer by layer, and the colorful cosmic energy illuminated the entire plate suspended in space. Every attack he made had terrible consequences. The magnificent castle was cut into pieces in just a few seconds. Tetris all over the place.

But the cuckold Saurus remained unscathed, and he turned a deaf ear to Deathstroke's attacks, which affected his children and men.

He just kept dodging, stalling for time, and occasionally hitting back with one or two punches, but again he could only damage the environment.

The scene was a bit stalemate. He might be waiting for the arrival of the snake god, or maybe he wanted to complete some task.

Can't give him this chance.

At the same time that Xiao Wang finished casting the spell, Deathstroke, which was originally flying into the air and colliding with the enemy, suddenly changed its flight path, flew to the feet of Sorus, and launched an attack on the lower three routes from bottom to top.

Strangler drew out the god Jingoss and the heavy bolter and started suppressing fire at the bottom of Sorus's crotch, because the weaknesses there were very dense.

We don't want to hurt the other party, we just want to achieve the effect of humiliation. What if one of the explosive arrows is lucky enough to get in?

The demon behind the scenes only strengthened Solus' body, but not his clothes. A mere ordinary evening dress could not withstand heavy firepower.

Su Ming also took out the God Killer at the same time and turned it into another golden giant sword. He took a door panel sword in each hand and began to attack the kidney reflex area under Solus' feet.

Commonly known as scratching the soles of the feet.

Regardless of whether the body's defense is really invulnerable, it should still be ticklish. In various literary and artistic works, it is often seen that a strong man takes a set of attacks from the enemy and then smiles contemptuously and says: 'You are giving me Do I tickle? ’

This is the truth. Copper skin and iron bones are only immune to damage, not completely insensible. As we all know, if you want to make others feel itchy, the lighter it is, the better it is with chicken feathers or hair.

Seth strengthened Sorus, and the unique reddish-brown dimensional energy protected this guy's body. In addition, the speed of the successor patriarch also increased. If he didn't just stand there and let Su Ming chop him, he would be as slippery as a fish. The weapon The attack is not strong enough.

Then use backup tactics, not pursue direct damage, but deal with the snake crown first.

Although the snake crown looks green, it looks like Medusa's hair is planted on the human head, and it also looks like a clump of dark green sea anemones. Those little snakes will keep squirming, like a living thing... ...

But it is essentially a crown with a hard base, just like Sithorne's "Book of Darkness", World Tree's Gangnir, and Vishandi's Eye of Agamotto. They all belong to the contact between the demon god and the spokesperson. foreign objects.

The snake god Seth has chosen a new multi-level spokesperson this time, which is very good. At least Sorus is not too crazy and has some brains.

But the snake god forgot one thing, that is, it forgot to upgrade the snake crown itself, which is the medium for it to communicate with its spokesperson. This is simply like buying a new iPhone without a suitable charger.

Seth had forgotten all these years to sew an elastic band on the snake crown, or anything else to secure the hat to someone else's head...

The two sides were flying at about the same speed, and he didn't give Deathstroke a chance to touch the top of his head. So, it was better to let gravity do the job.

This huge plate suspended in low-Earth orbit is not only similar in size to Asgard, but also has the same gravity.

Judging from the falling speed of Deadpool and Gwen, the acceleration of gravity can be calculated based on values ​​near the Earth's equator.

Su Ming remembered that in his previous life, he often heard the second-level declaration "Don't bow your head, the crown will fall off", and now it was time to use it.

Attack Sorus' lower body from a lower angle, luring him to lower his head, leaving him with no choice.

Xiao Wang has completed the magic to contact Weishan Emperor, and the nearby space teleportation magic has been locked. If Solus realizes that the target of the death knell is the snake crown, then he has only three choices.

Or just land on the ground and play ground combat with Deathstroke.

But this is equivalent to downgrading the battlefield from a three-dimensional coordinate system to a two-dimensional coordinate system. Su Ming has more ways to take off the hat on his head, because Deadpool can join in the ground battle, and he can easily take off other people's hats. Reasonable.

The second option is to turn off the gravity system of the entire plate.

But the crown that was not stuck on his head was about to fly again. If he regarded the floating snake crown as the golden snitch of Quidditch, Su Ming could wrap Sorus around himself and let the cloak chase the ball.

The last option is to hold the hat with one hand.

But he had to use both hands to tie with Deathstroke. If he had another hand, why didn't he just go to the sky?

Deathstroke also made a backup plan for these possibilities. Of course, it would be best if he voluntarily destroyed the Serpent Crown.

The only question is, how long can the battlefield with such destructive power be sustained?

Maybe in a few seconds, maybe in ten seconds, the entire flying continent will be shattered. At this time, with the ruins of the castle as the center, the shock wave caused by the two people's fight even tore apart the Terrigen clouds on the earth below.

The other Spider-Men are still on this section, not to mention there are still many buildings that have not been searched.

But given enough time, it only takes a second to implement a useful plan.

Strangler used a thermal weapon to perform a 'health massage' on Solus, and Deathstroke used an electrified god-killer to apply a foot scraping on his feet. In an instant, Solus was so happy that he was shaking.

He wanted to see clearly where Deathstroke launched his attack, but when he was itchy, he couldn't control the extent of his body's struggle, so he just lowered his head...

The crown fell, and was instantly caught by the magic floating cloak flying from the darkness, and rolled back into the hands of the Supreme Mage.

"Ding! The King of All Realms system has been activated. This system will help the host to call you the supreme master of the multiverse? Please put the crown on your head and choose whether to bind it?"

As soon as the thing arrived in his hand, a golden window popped up in Su Ming's mind, and a sense of déjà vu came to him.

"If I don't bind and don't do the task, are you still going to kill me?" Su Ming quickly distanced himself from Sorus, passed directly through the protective barrier above the castle, and entered the universe.

"...How did you know?" The system seemed stunned for a moment, as if the lines had been robbed.


Now that he knew what this was, how could Su Ming fall into this trap? Although the bait is delicious, the risk of allowing a dimensional demon to enter the brain is extremely high.

He didn't think much at all, he just served with his big sword, chopping the snake crown into pieces like peeling an apple.

"Damn the Supreme Mage, I will come back!"

The last window of Snake Crown popped up, and then it burst.

"Are you asking if you want to bind it? I just snatched it from the victim, and it immediately wanted to change its host. This is bound to a loneliness."

Solus, who caught up with red eyes, seemed to be going crazy. Su Ming flew into the distance while silently communicating with Strangler.


The symbiote said that this thing that immediately wants to change its host is garbage, a coquettish bitch, and the world wearing it is not worth it.

"It's a pity that the old man behind us doesn't think so." Su Ming tapped Sorus far behind him with his thumb. He was busy picking up the chopped snake crown fragments and putting them together: "Do you think he is Silly? I still have a piece in my hand, he will never be able to solve this jigsaw puzzle in his life."

As he spoke, he flipped his wrist, revealing a green metal fragment hidden in his palm, like a common street trick.

The next step was no longer magic. He directly used cosmic energy to melt the fragment into a pool of green liquid metal, and then let Strangler eat it.

Strangler burped. Although this extradimensional metal was not suitable for use as weapons, it was quite delicious.

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