The Death Knell

Chapter 273 Invasion

"Cloak, take me up."

Su Ming fastened his helmet and pulled the collar of the magic floating cloak.

The red cloak stretched behind him, spreading out like a bird moving its wings, causing red waves in the night.

After all, it was a mage's treasure, and it didn't show any special movements. Su Ming immediately floated into the air and chased the escaping airship at a very fast speed.

These airships all have the same appearance, with an iron cross painted on the huge airbag, and a row of cabins hanging below, looking like a length of train hanging from it.

It’s just that this train carriage is wider and larger.

The moment he took off into the sky, countless radars spotted him. Normally, ordinary radars would not be able to detect such a small air unit. But after he saw Germany's Gundam before, he knew that Germany's current technological level could no longer be measured by the standards of the real world in the past.

Almost the next second, the anti-aircraft firepower of all the airships was fully activated, and countless bullets came towards him silently. The only ones that could be seen were the tracer bullets used to measure the ballistics. Their proportion in the rain of bullets should be 10%. One, but these golden flame lines have almost blocked the entire sky.

The firepower was too dense, blocking every direction he could move. The only way now was to resist.

Fortunately, there were no energy weapons among them. Although these ordinary large-caliber bullets hit his body, they caused a tremor, but did not cause much damage. They just made him burst into flames.

Su Ming was more concerned about the cloak. He knew that the magic floating cloak could resist powerful magic, but he didn't know if it was bulletproof.

However, it can be called a holy weapon. The magic floating cloak is naturally strong. When a bullet hits it, it will slide away like water. It seems much easier than Su Ming.

But even so, by the time Su Ming reached the target, two minutes had passed, which was nearly twice as long as he planned.

He clung to the pod at the end of the airship, kicked open the pod door with his feet, and got in with a roll.

There were no furnishings in the cabin, and he was greeted by densely packed enemies.

Although these enemies were wearing German military uniforms, their skin was ulcerated, their eyes were white, and they kept making whining sounds.

Su Ming felt something was wrong.

These are all zombies. There is no doubt that even without looking, you can tell by smelling the rotting smell. They smell a lot like Deadpool.

But why are zombies in the airship? Is it experimental material? They want to use Namor's genes on zombies?

From a mental point of view, it's not bad. These things are much easier to serve than living people.

They have the same genes as humans, but their metabolism is slower, making it easier to observe the transformation effects of the X gene.

Thinking did not delay taking action. He grabbed his weapon and launched an attack on the opposite side. What the Germans thought had nothing to do with him. He wanted to break through to the laboratory as soon as possible and find the fragments of Namor.

The other airships have ceased fire, but they may decide to destroy this place in the next moment. Su Ming must do it as soon as possible.

It has to be said that these zombies are of good variety, and are different from the coquettish bitches Su Ming has seen before. They can also use various weapons, and can even maintain a formation to attack and issue orders with roars.

Just as Su Ming charged towards them, dozens of blue rays of light shot over his head.

Su Ming shortened his body and rushed into the enemy group with a sliding shovel posture.

The metal cabin floor was very smooth, but there was an unknown black liquid on it that was a bit disgusting. It should be the bodily fluids of zombies.

The blue ray did not hit Su Ming, but hit the door through which he broke in. In an instant, the entire wall turned into a big hole, and the strong wind from the outside suddenly poured in.

The height of the airship was not high and there was no air pressure difference. If it were as high as the civil aviation of later generations, he could save some energy and watch the zombies being sucked out of the cabin.

But now, I can only do it myself.

The golden scimitar drew a perfect arc in the air. As Su Ming stood up, he whirled and chopped off several heads with the scimitar.

But there are more zombies around who don't care about their companions and the surrounding environment. They will just continue to fire.

Su Ming had no choice but to dodge.

The energy gun of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube was a threat to him. Even though it could heal itself, he didn't want to be riddled with bullet holes. In this era, if the armor was broken, it could only be repaired with x-metal, and x-metal was very precious.

"You want to play with guns, right? Then let's play with guns."

Su Ming rolled on the ground again, put away the God Killer and drew out his two guns. The symbiote also picked up energy weapons from the corpses just now.

"Bang bang bang..."


Among the corpses, Su Ming took his calculations to the extreme. As a super soldier with explosive spatial computing power, gun fighting was just a basic skill.

Use close-in skills to block the direction of the enemy's muzzle, and then use your own bullets as extended weapons, calculating all angles and possibilities to attack the enemy's vital points.

The weakness of zombies lies in their defense. As long as their heads are blown off, the problem will be completely solved.

But Su Ming knows this, but the symbiote does not.

What it has learned so far is to shoot, shoot, and shoot again...

So after they took down dozens of zombies, the entire cabin had become tattered, with a big hole on the left and a big mouth on the right.

From the hole, you can see the brightly lit city of Paris below, where rebels are being hunted everywhere, and what appears to be a cable team on the Eiffel Tower exchanging fire with the enemy.

The howling wind scraped across the metal's cracks, making a sound like a ghost crying, and the entire pod began to shake.

Su Ming just glanced at it lightly, then opened the door of the pod and walked to the next one next door. The moment he walked over, the pod filled with zombie corpses could no longer bear it and fell to the ground in pieces, hitting the ground. The top of a building is filled with smoke and dust.

The new pod looks like an ordinary barracks. There is nothing except dozens of steel frame beds with bunk beds.

Su Ming touched the sheets. Not to mention the lack of warmth, there was even a thick layer of dust.

There has been no human activity here for a long time.

He raised his eyebrows and continued walking forward. At least he could investigate the internal structure of the airship. These airships were all standard. If one was figured out, the interiors of the other airships would not be too different.

He was now certain that the airship was a trap and not the real laboratory carrying Namor's fragments.

It evacuated first, just to lure Su Ming to come.

"Haha..." Su Ming laughed under the mask: "You actually prepared a trap for me, which is kind of interesting..."

But he wanted to see who saw through his plan and what program was arranged for him here. The person who could see through his plan must be a smart person.

But smart people all have a problem, that is, they tend to show off their intelligence intentionally or unintentionally.

He will definitely leave some clues for himself here to mock Deathstroke or prove his foresight, but as long as Su Ming knows who the other party is, he will always find a way...

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