The Death Knell

Chapter 2733 The world changes

Things are different from the past, but many people living in them are not so different.

The future was changed and people survived, but what did they lose or gain? No one knows.

Some people are considered saviors, others are considered devils, but when the two identities merge into one, it becomes another concept.


Ordinary people don't need to worry too much, they just need to survive, while some people in higher positions often see a broader view.

The shattering of the Origin Wall, the defeat of Perpetua, and the end of the Laughing Bat, all were pushed by invisible hands, pushing the multiverse to a new edge.

When smart people discover that there is no longer nothingness beyond the edge, but another blue ocean, they are filled with joy for its beauty and infinite possibilities.

A new perspective, countless new diverse worlds, full of rhythms and stories of life, and expanding endlessly.

This is the beginning of what is to come.


"So what you said you needed me to see was that Darkseid escaped from prison."

In the corridor filled with red light, mercenaries wearing black and yellow armor stood in front of a door, holding on to the door frame.

Darkseid, the tyrant of the universe, has stayed here in a special status in the past days. Strictly speaking, he is not a prisoner, but more like a landlord whose territory has been usurped by tenants.

Even if the matter comes to an end and the Laughing Bat is completely wiped out by the Holy Spear and Lucifer, the greater threat is still in the void, and Darkseid should not be unaware of this.

"Maybe we should take some coercive measures against him." The adjutant dragged her black dress and walked behind Deathstroke. Her voice was calm and rational: "Although we had made the assumption that he would leave before, the reality is much earlier than expected. .”

"I remember this, but it's useless. Let alone imprisoning him, even killing him is useless."

Deathstroke looked at the house where the tyrant once lived. It was so neat and tidy that there was no atmosphere of life at all. Darkseid was so self-disciplined that even the possible skin flakes might have been wiped away by the Omega effect:

"Darkseid in the single universe is just a clone. His true form exists in plurality. The clone is just one of many possibilities. And the 'real' Darkseid, even I Don’t know where he is.”

"So what's the countermeasure plan?" The adjutant didn't bother with those logical questions and skipped the thinking step.

Deathstroke turned around and closed the door, shook his head and left:

"To be honest, we don't know what he is going to do yet, so we can't talk about counterattack. Maybe he just wants to find a place to farm like Thanos? So we can only transform Sepulk and the Ghost Universe first. Completely cut off their relationship with Darkseid, lest he suddenly and silently come back in the future like he disappeared today."

He stayed here before to observe the three brothers Deathstroke and the Watcher, but he also knew that he was also being observed by Deathstroke. This was a tacit mutual peek, and there was no friendship at all.

If he comes back next time, it won't be to thank Deathstroke.

Darkseid must have discovered something, which prompted his departure, but there is another possibility, that is, the 'real him' is summoning each clone to prepare for a big event.

The specific project is still unknown, but his departure was originally a warning and was the intention of Deathstroke to keep him here.

"Then start executing the second backup plan." The doll followed. She used magnetic force to levitate in the low altitude, and her footsteps could not be heard: "I need your authorization, Sheriff."

"I am determined to transform this place, replace the Alien Box Network with the Golden Throne, notify Efilar to come and assist in the work, collect more psykers, clone them, and replace the 'Omega Fire Pit' with the Upside Down Sphere and Star Torch."

Although Sepulk is a planet, it is essentially a giant space ark similar to a mechanical Death Star. If it wants to be significantly modified to avoid being invaded through the back door, the control system and energy system must first be modified.

There is no shortage of manpower on the Adjutant's side now. Sepurk is about the same size as the moon, and the transformation work will be completed within a few months.

This is also good news. As a person with unlimited lifespan, Darkseid usually makes plans in years. He will not get things done so quickly, and Deathstroke is still one step ahead of schedule.

"The order is issued and the process begins." The adjutant responded calmly, with a digitally simulated smile on his porcelain doll-like face, wanting to reassure his friend.

"Okay, it's hard to say what will happen in the future now. Let's talk about the current situation on Earth 0. The final battle between Lucifer and Laughter has already involved a confrontation of concepts, and the affected multiverse will inevitably change."

Hearing the voice of speaking, the door to the throne room automatically opened. As golden light beams fell from the sky, the choir's hymns echoed in the auditorium, and the skull servo decorated in the shape of a little angel also began to fly all over the sky and play. Musical instrument in hand.

It seemed a bit too exaggerated, but Deathstroke still sat on the throne. There were only him and his adjutant in the magnificent thousands-square-meter hall, so there was no need to care about the procedures.

"There's definitely been a lot of changes."

The adjutant raised his hands to shoot out light, projecting a huge image in front of him, coming from different places on Earth 0, showing the changes she had noticed, maybe only part of them:

"First some people were resurrected."


There is heavy snow outside, and even the sea surface is frozen in some areas, but the paradise island inside the magic knot is still warm as spring.

In the martial arts training ground, Diana was confronting her mother.

Queen Hippolyta's resurrection from her stone state should have been a good thing, but when the excitement of mother and daughter's reunion wore off, she became unhappy.

She thought Diana had disgraced the Amazons, and as a queen she obeyed a man's words, which sounded like the beginning of a tragic story.

And Diana didn't think there was anything wrong. Deathstroke had directed the Justice League to fight many times, and there had never been any mistakes. Since they were acting together as a team, what was the problem with following the correct tactics?

In fact, both mother and daughter knew that the key to the matter was not here, but the unclear relationship between Diana and the man. Hippolyta was firmly opposed to her daughter being with Deathstroke even though she knew he had other women. Keep going.

Because Zeus is that kind of guy, he talks very nicely when he's sweet, and when Hippolyta got pregnant, the God-King simply ran away, and there was no news for a long time.

Wonder Woman said that she and Gin had talked about this matter. Deathstroke is not that kind of person. She hopes that she can make her own decisions, and her mother has no idea what she has experienced before, and there are too many times where she is How I wish I had the support.

The mother and daughter, who had different opinions, could not convince the other. As a result, they could only rely on Amazon's most traditional method to make a decision, which was to use force.

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