The Death Knell

Chapter 2741 Business is booming

Just as Harley had guessed, the Forgotten Bar was now bustling with people, and Bobo and his gorilla waiters were busy.

Some sorcerers wanted wine, some wanted snacks to go with the wine, and the bar staff only had one person and four orangutans.

"Hi, little sister Tracey!" Harley slipped to the counter with a smile and greeted her fans: "Did you miss me? Are you having a good time recently?"

"Ah! Harley!"

The girl who was busy pouring wine at the bar was overjoyed, her eyes seemed to be shining with stars. Since her hands were occupied by eight wine glasses, she could only stretch her face over and kiss her idol:

"I am living a good life. Bobo is not dead yet. He will hold up even if the sky falls. At the same time, his three suitors are very powerful and help me share a lot of work."

"I heard it!" Bobo came back holding a tray full of empty glasses, jumped on the bar stool and threw these things on the bar: "Do you have to say these words to anyone you see? Then curse yourself. The boss orangutan should die?"

Bobo pulled at his sleeves and said in a very unhappy tone.

His suit and hat were thrown away at the bar. He was only wearing a wrinkled white shirt with his sleeves rolled up. He now looked like a black slave in the cotton field.


Tracey responded by sticking her tongue out, then scurried away.

Bobo sighed, sat down on the bar stool, poured himself a glass of beer, and then spoke to Deathstroke:

"Let me guess, you came to me this time because of the heavy snow?"

"The Orangutan Detective lives up to its name. It is indeed about large-scale cooling." Su Ming threw him a cigarette, lit one himself, turned his stool and looked at the lively scene in the bar: "What kind of magic do you think can achieve this? This effect?"

"Actually, I think it's more like the sequelae left after you killed the Upside Down Man." Bobo took a puff of cigarette, and the orangutan's mouth tilted to one side: "We all know that magic is a dark art and a trading commodity, He Kat, Naboo, and the Upside Down have all been taken care of by you, so where is the source of everyone's magical energy now?"

Bobo's eyes became sharp. Although most wizards were celebrating, the era of casting spells without any cost was back.

But he doesn't think so. The magic used by every sorcerer today must have a source, and the unknown source is even more frightening.

The new source is outside the Origin Wall, in the void. This is not good news, because this time the creditor may have a huge background.

"Do you think the blizzard has something to do with this?" Deathstroke blew out a smoke ring and hugged Harley to drink: "Some unknown high-dimensional demon god brought a cold winter to Earth 0 as a gift?"

"I know! It's Santa Claus!" Harley's eyes widened, and she smiled and answered a possibility: "If this is the case, we can ambush and rob him when he drives the sleigh to deliver gifts, haha !”

Bobo looked at the crazy woman speechlessly, and took a few deep breaths to hold back what he was about to say, because Harley was now Deathstroke's woman and could not be offended.

"I don't think there is a direct relationship, but being locked into the complex by you must have turned on a certain switch at some invisible level... This is my intuition. The two things must be connected. , you should probably ask the Upside Down if it can still talk."

Deathstroke spread his hands and flicked the cigarette ashes aside:

"Unfortunately, it's long gone. The complex was made to imprison Perpetua. The craftsmanship comes from a higher level. After being imprisoned, the Upside Down couldn't withstand the pressure and his consciousness was wiped out. Not long ago, it was even more I was thrown into Sepurk's renovation project because Darkseid ran away and I had to make some preparations."

The orangutan detective pursed his mouth, narrowed his eyes and sighed:

"Tsk! Darkseid, this is bad news again. The tyrant of the universe should hate us to death."

"That's not necessarily true. Anyway, when I played mahjong with him and the positive and negative monitors, he seemed quite happy." Su Ming shrugged indifferently and brought the topic back: "Now let's study the matter of Daxue. After all, global famine is not over yet, and this weather will only starve everyone."

"And you forgot another thing." The orangutan took a sip of wine and wiped the corner of his mouth with his black-furred paw: "The endless snowstorm only occurs on our earth, but this does not mean that it will not spread. Once a similar situation occurs on the planets that are the recipients of food aid..."

The black-furred paw was raised to the bar and flipped over in the light, palm facing up, which represented a rollover accident.

Harley was silent, she didn't like being hungry.

Deathstroke, who was drinking the wine he brought and smoking a cigarette, nodded calmly: "So I came to work with you. We use traditional methods to collect clues. After all, we currently know nothing about this matter and can't see the enemy. There is no hostility, it is like the simplest natural phenomenon, which makes people have no clue."

The orangutan jumped into the bar to get his green tweed suit, put on his deerstalker hat, and was ready to go:

"What did Batman say?"

"Zhenglian arranged for the Black Hawk team and the third-line heroes to provide disaster relief in various places. However, the three giants have been on vacation recently." Deathstroke answered the orangutan, and he could understand this.

In the previous series of incidents, those seven people had been spinning almost continuously. Now that there was no clear target for action, it was better to let the main force recuperate and wait until the cause of the incident was found before going out.

This should be Ron's plan. He is more concerned about the psychological state of his companions, and Batman doesn't object for some reasons.

Bobo simply sat on the bar, touched his chin and thought:

"Okay, I'll go with you, but we need a sorcerer to investigate with you, a sorcerer who can actually cast spells, not a walking magic dictionary like me."

Harley blinked her eyes and squirmed with her upper body lying on the bar. She looked at Bobo curiously: "Strange, when did you become so active? Didn't you always push and hold back for a while?"

"The bar business is too busy, and I don't like it." The orangutan's gaze passed over the backs of the three beautiful gorillas and he couldn't help but shuddered: "So I want to go out and enjoy the cold wind for a few days."

"Shouldn't we be happy when business is good?" Harley looked at the orangutan suspiciously and pinched his ears with her fingers.

Bobo shook his head, holding a cigarette butt in his mouth and whispered: "Who do you think I am? The God of Bacchus? The wine reserves in the bar are almost at the bottom. If there is no food for a long time in the future, then everyone will never come again. , so I not only want to end this winter, but also sell limited quantities of alcohol.”

"How's the raven?"

Su Ming, who was listening to the two chatting, proposed a candidate. The girl's power came from her father's Sangong. In this case, she became knowledgeable and seemed safe.

"Okay, Tracy! Where did he die?! Come and help make the call!"

Bobo started to shout hello to the other end of the counter. As a boss, it is only natural for him to order his bartender.

The call was quickly connected, and after the two girls chatted for a while, Raven said that she would be here soon, but she didn't know how much help she could really help. She seemed to have been isolated from other magic systems. .

Su Ming didn't care too much about this. Raven joined the team and could pull Sangong to block the gun at the critical moment, which was the most suitable.

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