The Death Knell

Chapter 2744 Encounter

Counting the time spent waiting for food, Barry finished his food in less than three minutes. After thanking Deathstroke again for his hospitality and making an appointment to have dinner at his house next time, he hurried away.

Before they left, Deathstroke gave him another idea, suggesting that Barry take Green Arrow and two arsenals to find Madam Xanadu, and they might find something by doing some tarot card calculations.

As long as Mrs. Xanadu makes money, she is always easy to talk to, and Oliver is not short of money.

It wasn't until the afterimage of Xiao Shen said goodbye to everyone and disappeared into the air that Bobo, who had been silent all this time, raised his head from the plate, took a fork and pressed the lobster meat and slid it in the soup:

"Actually, you already knew about this, right?"

"Oh? Why do you see it?"

Su Ming smiled and lowered his head to eat, and even picked up the wine and took a sip.

"You have no emotion of surprise at all. What you perform is fake after all. And a black hairy animal like me? I always have a beast-like intuition."

Bobo, who was making fun of himself, stuffed the meat into his mouth and spoke in a lower voice. After all, he had reached Batman through the air, and this was Gotham.

The raven ate in silence, and the little girl acted as if she hadn't heard anything. After all, she was a sorcerer and knew that in many cases not letting people know the truth was a form of protection.

The art of protecting others from darkness, or from looking directly into a bleak future.

The half-smiling Deathstroke nodded, acquiescing to this, but then said:

"I have another conjecture that cannot be confirmed for the time being, that is, the hyper-time flow has created all of this. From a temporal perspective, the hyper-time flow contains many fragments of past stories, and the people in it are like living in a movie. It’s the same as in the clip.”

"I don't understand. What is super time flow?" Bobo tilted his head and wrinkled his face.

"It can't be expressed in words, it can only be understood." Deathstroke spread his hands and lowered his head to eat: "You only need to know that in the super-time flow, there are countless Earth 0s. They may be the last second of our current time, maybe It’s the next second of our current time. Not only Earth 0, but also the multiverse can exist independently at different points in time.”

"...In other words, both Roys are real, and one of them may be the other one one second earlier or one second later?"

The orangutan detective is indeed a wise man in the universe, and he has already figured it out.

Deathstroke nodded first, then shook his head:

"Those are the simplest and most ideal situations. In fact, even one second can be divided infinitely, and within a few trillionths of a second, even if one molecule has a different trajectory, it will be in super time. A new multi-dimensional system is formed in the flow. And we are still only talking about time, and we still haven’t added the other two coordinate systems of matter and story.”

"Is there still a non-material universe?" Raven's identity as a sorcerer also helped her understand. The little girl put down her knife and fork and asked in a low voice.

"Many, such as the multiverse newly created by Lucifer, are all from his fantasies and wishes. Not even a single stone is a real material existence." Deathstroke activated his tactics and leaned back on the chair: "And three The multiverse occupied by the palace was also mixed with a large number of dark ideal non-material components in its later expansion."

Silence, no one spoke at the dinner table, only Hallie's humming voice was left.

"Hmph hum, la la la, ah woo!" She was very happy, lowered her head and took a big bite on the lobster's body.

Although it is not a date with Deathstroke alone, there is no difference between having an extra pet and a doll.

As for the things you don’t understand, are they important? It doesn't matter to her, the existence of other multiverses does not affect her eating, happiness is that simple.

"I understand why you didn't tell Barry this conjecture." Bobo sighed after eating the lobster, squatting on the table and wiping his mouth: "If I were a speedster, I would know that there are higher levels besides the speed force. Concept of time, I definitely want to check it out.”

"Barry actually entered a hyper-time stream and won a race with his other self, and then he caused the Flashpoint incident." Deathstroke approached the table because another dish was also served, cod with white wine: "That incident The memory of it has been erased from everyone's minds by the 'Infinite Reformation', and the only people on earth who still know about it are me, Batman, and Barry himself."

"Tsk... stop talking, I don't want to know too much lest I be silenced one day." The orangutan covered his ears and huddled up: "Let's study the matter of heavy snow. This is always safer. Bar?"

When business came up, Raven also raised her head. After all, she also wanted to know how to help.

Su Ming also took the opportunity to withdraw the topic. This was the Iceberg Restaurant, so there must be various monitoring equipment. Batman must have installed a monitor here.

What Barry and Deathstroke said are of no use to the Penguin, who is uneducated, but the Bat will definitely not be able to help but investigate.

He is a detective.

Then Su Ming can deal with Daxue's matter while waiting for him to come to a conclusion.

"First of all, we think that this ice and snow should come from magic, which means there are various possibilities. Let's consider the simplest way first. Is it possible that someone used magic to move ice and snow from other regions or other dimensions to all parts of the world? ?So without any clues, we first start in places where there is naturally a lot of ice and snow."

The orangutan nodded in agreement with this judgment and took a deep breath:

"Then let's first check the South Pole and North Pole of our Earth 0. If there is none, then check the ice and snow planet in the universe. If that still doesn't work, go to the parallel world, go to Dark Diversity, and continue to repeat these steps."

"There are no other clues, so we can only start with stupid methods. But I have Sepulk, so it doesn't take much trouble."

After the resolution was passed, Su Ming waited calmly for everyone to finish the meal. He did not feel any threat from the wind and snow yet:

"But there is no need to check other planets. The earth is the key. For the magic system, the earth with human life is always the center of gravity."


After the four of them had eaten and drank enough, Su Ming used the red light ring to blow up all the tableware, tables, chairs and other things used by everyone into ashes. Then he went to the counter in front of the door and put down five hundred dollars as meal expenses.

From the warm indoors to the pale outdoors, the air seems to stick to the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, and the solid cold air makes people's lungs hurt.

"The snow seems to be getting heavier?"

Bobo touched the front edge of his deerstalker hat with his paws. Looking up now, the light spots of the bat lantern were almost fragmented and blocked by the heavy snow.

At this time, Deathstroke took out the God Killer, and the golden weapon turned into a two-handed war hammer under command. He put it on his shoulders and said:

"It's getting bigger, but the wind and snow are just a cover. Some unfriendly things have formed under the snow. Everyone is ready to fight..."

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