The Death Knell

Chapter 2746 The so-called sense of security

Outstanding effect.

The raven chose the right magic. After being eroded by the black energy tentacles, the ice crystal monster fell to the ground and did not get up again. Those originally translucent white bodies were quickly dyed black, shriveled up and curled up, and then they were in the ice and snow. It turned into puddles of black water.

The road that was once relatively clean now looks like a Dalmatian.

The girl gasped for breath. At the moment of casting the spell, she seemed to feel her father's eyes staring at this place. The palpitating feeling made her whole body feel cold.

So she immediately stepped back and stood next to Deathstroke. Only then did she feel that the pressure was relieved and she could breathe.

"Well done!"

The orangutan applauded from the back like an outsider. Night Blade was clamped under his armpit and swayed from side to side as his upper arm swung, looking like a black tail.

Harley was still in a daze, thinking up a new joke, saying that the mouse went to the doctor for a serious illness, so the doctor prescribed rat poison for it. So, is the death of the mouse a lack of humanity or a loss of morality?


She suddenly laughed alone.

The enemies became sparse after being swept by the black net, but they still rushed towards Deathstroke. He put away the God Killer and turned to using the energy of the lamp ring to attack.

It soon turned out that energy attacks were also effective without polluting the view.

When all the enemies were on the streets, the streets were calm again, and snowflakes began to fall under the street lights as usual.

They covered the black water stains, and soon it became as if nothing had happened here.

"Interesting stuff." Su Ming touched his chin and looked at a road camera on the side of the road: "Batman, we need to talk."

"What to talk about?"

The Dark Knight walked out of the alley in the other direction. His face was expressionless, as if there were still shadows dragging on his whole body.

"No, when did you come?" Bobo grinned and began to complain: "You saw us being surrounded by popsicle monsters, and then you hid in the dark and peeked?"

"I just arrived." Batman walked out of the darkness, dragging his long cloak across the snow, and came to Deathstroke: "You found the clue."

It's still the same. Using declarative sentences to express questions can be said to be Batman's patent.

"Kitten!" Harley smiled and ran towards Catwoman, who came with Batman, and threw herself into her arms: "Listen to a mouse joke I'm going to tell you."

But Serena was not that enthusiastic about Harley. Her eyes were like dead fish, and she pushed away the madman's face speechlessly:

"If you don't listen, it's all your fault. We originally had plans for the night, but it turns out that the death knell attracted an enemy that never appeared before."

Harley's eyes suddenly turned into funny crescent shapes, and she whispered: "I understand your psychology, it's like it's written on the top of your head. You feel like you've been dead for a long time, and there are spider webs growing down there. So you’re going to do something shy with a bat, right?”

"Hmph! I haven't thought about it yet. Anyway, it's impossible without a set of luxurious gemstone jewelry. Even if it's not easy to get those now, you should at least prepare roses and candles, right?"

Catwoman shook her head and looked away, but she still swallowed unintentionally.

Harley smiled even more happily. Not to mention that Deathstroke and Bat walked to a deserted place and whispered something. She reached out to touch Catwoman's chest to check if the muzzle of the gun when she was killed last time was still there.

But of course Serena would not let her succeed, and the two women began to chase and fight.

"Ugh..." Bobo, who was still standing at the door of the restaurant with Raven, exhaled smoke and sighed like a weather-beaten old man: "Sometimes I quite envy Harley."

"Are you envious that she and Deathstroke are a couple?" Raven retracted her arms under the cloak and looked at Feng Xue quietly: "Donna often thinks so too. In fact, you can all fight for it."

"Tsk, you kid, you clearly know that's not what I'm talking about." The orangutan tilted his mouth, put out the cigarette butt and threw it aside: "Are you little human girls full of darkness in their hearts? I understand the Internet slang. What does 'naturally stupid people have a black heart' mean?"

Raven still looked expressionless. She slowly walked down the stairs and went to check for possible corpses in the battlefield:

"I just don't like to show my emotions on my face. I'm not a natural person. And I can't say whether I am a human being or not, because my father is one of the demon kings. Maybe my heart is originally black."

As soon as these words came out, Bobo felt a little sorry for this girl. The orangutan had lived for decades and was considered a senior with a tragic past. He couldn't bear the thought of such resentment.

He felt in his pocket, took out a few mints that were given to customers in the bar, walked over and put them in Raven's hand:

"None of us can choose our origins. For example, I have wisdom higher than that of most humans in an orangutan. But we can choose what kind of person we want to be. Children, don't always think about the third house. You still have friends..."

"Thank you for the candy and chicken soup for the soul, Detective Orangutan." Raven accepted the cheap candy, but there was still no smile on his face: "It's a pity that you are not a real sorcerer and don't understand how powerful the Three Palaces are. After the origin wall broke, , his multiverse is always approaching us, maybe tonight, he may catch me back."

She felt that she was very optimistic in the face of this kind of pressure. If it had been anyone else, such as Beast Boy, if his father would have subjected him to the same torture and brainwashing that Three Houses did to him, then he would have been long gone. crazy.

Although he is usually silly and crazy.

Seeing Raven lowering her head and being distracted again, Bobo jumped up and patted her on the back:

"I know what I said is not a famous saying, but it is not a useless word to comfort you. What I mean is that since Deathstroke dares to take you with him, it means that he has a backup plan to deal with the Three Palaces. What you are worried about It’s not true at all, he will help you figure it out.”

The witch was stunned for a moment, her delicate eyebrows furrowed, and then slowly opened.

She nodded first, then raised the corners of her mouth slightly, probably smiling and said:

"I see, I probably understand how Donna feels. This is probably a different kind of security. She has actually been worried that the Titans will recycle her and turn her into a tool or a puddle of dirt again."

Seeing that the girl cheered up again, Bobo put the weapon back into his pocket and helped search for the ice crystals broken by Deathstroke:

"Don't Xiao Dai know that her sister is worried about this?"

"Wonder Woman naturally knows, but they have nothing to do." Raven stretched out her hands and made a few hand seals, and black energy tentacles grew from her shoulders and began to help: "The Titans were sealed there by the gods. In the forged cage, keyword, GODS.”

"And what happened with the ghost last time shows that the prison cell is not that safe." Bobo already understood and couldn't help but shook his head: "But Donna was also in the team at that time, and she didn't even mention it. If she had said it casually at that time, With one sound, the death knell will surely chop up all the Titans."

Raven shook her head. She was there at the time, especially Deadpool's face. Thinking about it now makes her sick to her stomach.

She closed her eyes to suppress the surging stomach acid, turned her head and said:

"Donna is an Amazon warrior. A real strong woman will not expose her vulnerable side to men. And since it is about Olympus, her identity is a bit embarrassing."

Donna is actually a creation of the Titans. She was originally planned to be a tool to replace Diana. This identity destined her to not say anything more between the two after changing jobs, let alone do anything outrageous. thing.

Because the Titans are now prisoners of Olympus, only Zeus can decide how to deal with them. This is the rule of the gods.

"I understand, you are telling me this just because you want me to 'accidentally' say something to the death knell?" Bobo shook his head, he took out his pipe and stuffed leaves into it: "But actually you still I have relatively little contact with him, because according to what he said, super soldiers have super hearing, so he should already know that."

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