The Death Knell

Chapter 2748 Begins to spread

The snowflakes fell on the invisible barrier, and then melted quickly. Now the wall of divine power dozens of meters away from the island is like the windshield of a car on a rainy day.

It was still a classic car without wipers, and the melting snow blurred her vision. Diana was standing on a rock by the sea, but she couldn't see very far at all.

It was warm as spring inside the barrier, but the sea outside the barrier was frozen. Her mind was no longer on the things at home. The earth was facing threats again, and she should at least return to the Hall of Justice to wait.

So she put on full body gear, changed into a thick cloak edged with rabbit fur, and came to an open space on the coast of Paradise Island, preparing to call the Justice League to implement sonic teleportation.

"Diana." Donna also came fully armed, leaving a series of her footprints on the beach: "I'll go with you, too."

Wonder Woman smiled, and she reached out and took her sister's arm:

"My mother has regained her throne, but that is between me and her. Anyway, I don't like the position of queen. I prefer to be a warrior who charges forward. But why do you want to leave? I and I Whoever your mother becomes queen will have no influence on you."

The magical girl shrugged, raised her feet and shook the sand, her expression clearly disapproving of this statement.

She turned slightly sideways, showed her sister the laptop bag hanging on her back, and complained:

"Hippolyta still has old ideas, believing that Amazon does not need to contact humans, and that the Internet is an invention of the devil, and that human coward culture will make us vulnerable and lazy, and so on..."

Xiao Dai showed a helpless expression. She looked at the white marble palaces on the mountain and seemed to see her mother's serious face:

"Did she unplug the network cable?"

"It would be okay if she just unplugged the network cable. She ordered the generals and the others to use catapults to blow up the signal receiving station." Donna sighed. She looked at the sticky ice-water mixture on the transparent barrier: "That's the Justice League coming to help." We built it and no one on the island can repair it, but I feel that we can no longer continue to live in isolation.”

"You're right. In my opinion, the Amazons should also be part of the human race, and they don't have to be related to the gods."

Diana rummaged through the small bag given by Deathstroke and took out her gold and red Zhenglian communicator. This thing relied on the sonic channel to encrypt communication and did not need to rely on signal base stations or other receiving and relay devices.

She pressed the speed dial, and the sound of Cyborg's location decoding came from the receiver, as if an old-fashioned modem was dialing up to access the Internet.

"Yes." Donna tugged on the strap of her computer bag and shook her head in confusion: "The powerful warriors among humans have long surpassed the gods, and are smarter and more tolerant, such as Deathstroke."

At the mention of this code name, Diana pursed her lips and put away the communicator next to her ear: "Well, I just happened to be informed that he was back... I actually had to tell the official to know this. I I really want to kill him!”

Donna pretended not to hear and showed a hearty smile: "That's great, let's go find him. If I guess correctly, he should have already started to solve the problem of heavy snow."

The sonic blast channel arrived as expected, and the portal that looked like an electrified aperture swallowed up the two of them. Xiao Dai might have answered something, but Donna didn't hear it. She was completely overwhelmed by the noise and joy.


"There were no cumulonimbus clouds covering the entire globe; the snowflakes seemed to appear out of thin air."

High in the sky, Deathstroke and Bobo were carefully studying the causes of the heavy snow. The black fur paws holding the pipe were trembling from the cold. After all, orangutans have never been cold zone animals.

Under normal circumstances, rainfall will form as condensation nuclei in clouds and turn into snowflakes due to changes in temperature and pressure during the falling process.

But now, the large swaths of snowflakes suddenly appeared in front of everyone, as if they were suddenly accompanied by the sound of "bop, boom, boom".

There is no sunlight visible on the ground, simply because snowflakes are constantly being generated from thousands of meters above the ground to every inch of space on the surface. These things are like goose feathers all over the sky, blocking the sun and moon.

The real clouds were still below everyone, and they were of no use at all.

"It's definitely a mysterious incident." Deathstroke drove the cloak to fly to the North Pole, and took out some wine for Bobo to drink to warm him up: "Raven, do you know the magic of heating? It's just to avoid the cold. That kind of thing.”

"I can use magic to heat up the blood in people's bodies, but I don't think it's suitable to use on myself." The expressionless girl huddled under the cloak, clutching her clothes tightly.

Among the magic she has mastered, except for a few energy tentacle spells that can be used to help with daily work, the other spells are all used to kill people, and they will cause people to die in a miserable way.

To put it simply, when killed by the raven's ancestral black magic, the victim often turns into a mummy whose skin and muscles are boiled and then dehydrated.

It doesn't matter if magic insulation is not possible. Su Ming has a backup plan. He also has a light ring.

The gauntlet took off, revealing the green light ring on the middle finger of his right hand. He used his willpower to weave a thick energy hat for Bobo so that he wouldn't have to worry about his ears being frozen off.

A few seconds later, everyone arrived at the "Unknown Point" in the North Pole.

Although this place is called the Unknown Point, there is no problem with its coordinates or time, just because it was once the location of the Fortress of Solitude.

A long time ago, around the time Batman joined the Zhenglian, in order to ensure that Superman's alone time would not be disturbed, Bat deleted the coordinates and satellite images of this point from all online information, and always used fake graphics and text information Replacement, that's why it's called unknown here.

After receiving the box lunch with laughter last time, Su Ming returned to Marvel.

Superman came here alone to communicate with the escape capsule he took when he arrived on Earth, but he was ambushed by the famous anti-Kryptonian mercenary Roger Zal. The battle resulted in the entire Fortress of Solitude being blown up by the planetary drill launched by the opponent. Now, All that remains is a huge sinkhole.

The planetary drill is the culprit that destroyed Krypton, but fortunately this is the earth, and the star in the solar system is the yellow sun. Superman's combat power here successfully prevented the drill from starting and detonated the terrible machine through heat vision.

Even so, the Fortress of Solitude was still blown up, and the 'man's nest' where he could hide every time he had a disagreement with Louise was gone.

The battle was won by Superman, and Rogue was once again saved from the explosion and thrown into the Phantom Zone.

But Clark seems to have no plans to rebuild the Fortress of Solitude for the time being. He has learned a lot from a series of events he has experienced in the past.

Not only did he reveal his true identity as Clark during the rise of Leviathan, but he also began to feel that he did not need an arctic fortress and should spend more time with his family.

Therefore, this place has been reduced to Zhenglian's warehouse for some time. Many of the items on display in the Hall of Justice are just imitation models, and the real ones are left here.

Now looking down from the air, there are many purple crystals at the bottom of the pit, which should have been formed after the explosion. They have condensed into crystal pillars more than ten meters high, standing messily all over the bottom of the pit.

This makes the sinkhole look like a spike trap used to hunt giant animals.

The strange thing is that there is no snow around the pit, as if there is some invisible force preventing them from falling here.

The group of people on the flying carpet looked at the huge amethyst pit with different expressions. Bobo was lamenting the end of an era, Raven was feeling the flow of energy, and Harley was swallowing saliva.

She personally prefers rock and street jewelry. After all, who of the serious old Gothamites wears jewelry when they go out? Someone wearing a pearl necklace was shot dead, right?

Anyway, she doesn't have any jewelry at home, and she doesn't need gems or gold, but no one seems to want these big gem clusters in front of her. It would be a pity to leave them here. They seem to be quite valuable.

Just when she was about to let Deathstroke go mining together, the communicator left by the bat rang. Deathstroke had given this thing to her for safekeeping.

In fact, because the communicator looked like a small batarang, she wanted to play with it.

"Hello, this is Dr. Quinzel's phone number. If you want to make an appointment for fetish treatment, please press one. If you want to consult about the murder of your parents, please press two. If you want to make an appointment for Arkham-style electrotherapy, please press three. Hehehe... ....”

"Tell Deathstroke that Earth 12 has just notified the Hall of Justice that it has started to snow on their Earth."

Batman just said this, and then hung up with a click, without even a beep.

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