The Death Knell

Chapter 2752 Jump Reasoning

Gabriel, who was dirty, smelly, and covered in filth, sat next to Zha Kang. On such a night, it was he who stopped the snowflakes above their heads in mid-air, allowing Zha Kang to drink leisurely.

Compared to the days when he still had his wings, Gabriel is much weaker now, and he can only pause time by manipulating an area the size of a motel bathroom.

You must know that in the past, he was a powerful character who could even match Lucifer.

But I also said that that was before, because the body of God was killed on the throne, Gabriel's faith was shaken, and he fled into the human world.

Not only did he cut off his wings, he also became addicted to all the addictions that humans can get - tobacco, alcohol, drugs, gambling, physical pleasure, etc.

The body of an angel prevented him from dying from these things, let alone getting sick from them, but the loss of faith in his heart was the most deadly poison to him.

Constantine was drinking cup after cup of the inferior wine he brought, while the angel watched quietly from the side, his eyes like a homeless man on the streets of New York looking numbly at the hurried pedestrians on the street.

No hope, no thoughts, no goals.

They all just want to live, but for what? Gabriel still hasn't found the answer even now.

"Tsk! Ah!" Constantang smacked his lips, smiled and touched his beard, and dropped the wine glass on the bar: "By the way, old friend, do you know Lucifer is back?"

Upon hearing the news, Gabriel's eyes moved. Even though he was as dirty as a diaper fished out of a garbage dump, his golden pupils were still clear.

"Lucifer? My brother, my sin..."

His voice was unintelligible, as if he hadn't spoken for a long time, but Constantine didn't think so, because when he found the Archangel, he was eating frozen 'maggot strips' raw in a sewer in Los Angeles.

Angels sometimes behave in ways that are very difficult to understand.

Gabriel actually doesn't need to eat. For angels, eating is unclean, let alone eating the bottom creatures in the human ecosystem.

But the archangel still did this after falling into heaven, and besides appetite, he was also infected with almost all sins during these days.

What exactly does Gabriel want to prove with this method similar to that of an ascetic monk? Or are you looking for something in the world?

Well, no matter what plan he had, Zha Kang was ready to destroy it, and he happened to be recently being chased by the crazy angels and the Three Palaces for debts, so he just used Gabriel to block it.

There are no people nearby, just ruins and heavy snow. It seems to be a dead end.

But as long as there is a "door", even if it is a decaying door frame standing alone, Zha Kang can use "Houdini's Key" to instantly escape to another building elsewhere on the earth.

Of course, it would be best if Gabriel could die together with his creditors.

"Yes, Lucifer is also a good buddy of mine, at least before he plotted against me."

Zha Kang took out another cup from his windbreaker pocket, poured wine for the angel beside him, and said a standard British humorous joke:

"Now that my brother is in trouble, as an angel, you should help the people in trouble, right? Come, drink this glass of wine, and then have a purely manly battle with those younger brothers from your past. Count the time, it should be soon. "

Gabriel did not refuse the wine, so he picked up the cup and drank it all in one gulp. At this moment, a huge beam of light suddenly lit up behind the two of them, penetrating the sky and the earth.

Snowflakes were still flying, spinning rapidly around the light pillar to form an ice tornado. The snow in the ruins also rose into the sky due to the sudden burst of air waves.

Zha Kang raised his hand to look at the watch painted on his wrist, smiled and confiscated Gabriel's wine glass:

"The time is just right, everything is as expected!"

But before he finished speaking, the light beam behind him suddenly disappeared, followed by the sound of something falling into the snow, a pop, and then all the light and shadow effects were gone.

Gabriel laughed. Although he didn't say anything, he looked at Constantine as if he was mocking.

'That's it? ’

Zha Kang sucked in air through his teeth, and the cold wind flowed between his teeth. He made a pause gesture to ask Dirty Angel to wait. He ran towards the direction where something fell just now, and took out a lighter to light up the road. .

Then he picked up a woman, wearing a long black robe and unconscious.

"Oh, my dressing sense is not like that of an angel, but you seem to have blocked the teleportation from heaven for me. You are lucky, I am a British gentleman, haha."

The spellcaster, who was hated by all demons, stepped on the snow and pulled the woman out of the snow pit, and then let the real angel see if she could be saved.


When the light beam appeared, Death Knell in the North Pole seemed to be aware of it. He turned his head and looked in the direction of the energy explosion, but the snowflakes and the curvature of the earth blocked the naked eye's sight.

While discussing things with Bobo, he paused, thought for about a second, and then continued talking about the previous topic as if nothing happened.

"So the enemy who hasn't shown up yet wants something with high-level positive energy." Bobo turned the pipe over on his knees and knocked it, and little sparks fell on the ice and snow.

"It's more like planning to eliminate the threat in advance." Su Ming pointed to the amethysts standing in the pit: "At least they don't like things of this level."

Bobo thought for a moment, looked at Harley who was chewing bubble gum and Raven who was in a daze after cutting off the communication, and then said:

"But this will not directly help us solve the problem of heavy snow, unless we can hollow out the entire gem world, move it to Earth 0, and bury crystal pillars at regular intervals to melt the snow."

"You haven't figured out one thing yet, my hairy secretary." Deathstroke sat back on the edge of the suspended flying carpet, crossing his legs as if sitting on a sofa: "First of all, the frost undead that attacked us before were not products of Earth 0. , can this be confirmed?"

The sound of the death knell is like an evil spirit in the middle of the night, hoarse and low.

Bobo immediately replied: "Yes, at least the orangutan, I have lived for so many years and have dealt with thousands of spell casters, and I have never seen this kind of alternative undead magic. The reason why the elemental world is stable is because of this harmony. The isolation of the soul from other life.”

He sniffed hard and tightened his green checkered suit. The Arctic was never a very suitable place for survival. .

Although Bobo's statement sounds a bit subjective, or like he is bragging about his extensive knowledge, in fact Bobo's magical knowledge is even more comprehensive than most sorcerers.

The only difference between him and the Supreme Mage is a piece of armor with high magic resistance, plus the heart to kill everyone who stands in his way.

The orangutan detective has never seen it, so there is a high probability that this kind of magic does not exist on Earth 0.

At the same time, there is a basis for what Deathstroke said, because he has seen 'Death'. The smiling little girl is different from the colleague next door. She will not put human souls into elemental bodies. She is caring and tolerant towards the deceased. Yes, I will never do these tricks.

What's more, Deathstroke has retrieved Sandman, and Death now owes him a favor.

"Very good, then these snowflakes and the ice that make up the monster's elemental body are not from our earth or even other parallel worlds in the multidimensional world, right?"

Deathstroke hooked the gorilla's neck, pulled his head closer, and thickened his hat.

"Yes, the snowflakes suddenly appeared in mid-air, and the 100% pure water. I also don't think there is any place in the parallel world where this scientific hypothesis can be realized."

Bobo seems to understand a little bit, this is reciprocity.

Heavy snow has covered the world. Only at the unknown point, no snowflakes can stay on the ground. The difference is that there are amethysts from another world here.

Therefore, there is a high probability that the target they are looking for should be an area of ​​the same level that has exactly the opposite properties to the gem world.

According to common sense in the magical world, half of the gem world is inside the multiverse, and the other half of the high-dimensional concept is outside the wall.

Don't know what this concept is? Then let’s look at the neighbors on the same ring.

The Gem World has two neighbors. One is the 'fair lands' created by Lucifer, where escaped fairy fairies and all anti-Christ mythical creatures live. The residents there need to go to Lucifer every seven years. Pay 7% of 'happiness' as protection fee.

The neighbor on the other side is the 'halls of the endless' where the Endless family often gathers. Although most of the time it is just a vacant home, that weird villa is said to be the embodiment of their seven concepts. A place we once owned together.

Once this level comparison comes out, it will be easy to understand the levels of the gem world, right?

While the orangutan was thinking, he heard Death Knell say:

"Then what we are facing now is that the 'crystal from the gem world' restrains the 'snowflake from the unknown world'; and the certain metal owned by Batman and I attracts the pursuit of ice souls. There is a high probability that x metal."

Su Ming held a cigarette in his mouth, lowered his head to light it and took a deep breath. Looking at the indistinguishable boundary between smoke and heat, he added:

"The man behind the scenes we are looking for is obviously not in our multi-dimensional system. He is afraid of and pursues energy. We only need to jump out of our own multi-dimensional system and look for this kind of mental illness in other multi-dimensional systems."

This unknown existence has no response to the emotional spectrum. Bobo has been wearing the energy hat for so long, and no monster has emerged from the snow to bite his head off.

A small experiment shows that no matter who is controlling those monsters behind the scenes, this person is not very knowledgeable. In his knowledge, there are only energy containers like 'crystals' and 'ores'.

In other words, the world he lives in limits his understanding.

"Can your intelligence do this?" Bobo chose to give up thinking and got into the car directly, holding himself firmly in a seated position: "Being diverse and familiar?"

Su Ming shook his head and picked up the orangutan:

"This is not the final answer, but we are getting closer. Adjutant, take us back to Sepurk and prepare a safe room that blocks everything. I want to meet an old acquaintance."

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