The Death Knell

Chapter 2782 The Mystery of Heavy Snow

Kalibak of Diversity 1 has a bad relationship with Disad, because the latter actually took away the right to lead troops from him. This Diversity 2 should be the same. This is the one he has been sitting on the throne watching the show just now. reason.

Due to Darkseid's orders, he couldn't conflict with Desaad, but it was still okay to watch the annoying guy die.

He surrendered decisively as soon as Desaad died. After all, if the general was killed instantly, he would definitely not be much better.

Besides, it is obviously much better to fall into the hands of humans who can communicate than to be caught by evil powerful people.

Those indescribable monsters will only turn all creatures into carrion-like monsters. They will only make unknown noises all day long except for fighting, and then devour each other, becoming more rotten and stinky.

Kalibak liked his yellow fur and lion head. He didn't want to die or be disfigured.

Moreover, his father's plan has been successful, he has escaped, and all he has to do is do what he ordered.

Perhaps soon, the real Darkseid will return, and the end of the Void Hand is coming.

My father's true power is far beyond anyone's imagination, and the Hand of the Void above the multiverse level will not be my father's opponent!

Then he thought about how his father finally recognized him and allowed him to call him daddy before he left. Now he is still immersed in the joy of this.

As for the kind mother-in-law holding a weapon on the side?

In fact, it is a lie. The real old woman has died in the battle long ago. This is just an ordinary person who only pretends to be a good person. She knows nothing but a kind smile.

"So this multi-dimensional Darkseid has also disappeared, and left his dungeon and stupid son to you."

Bobo stepped out from behind the cloak. His eyes had turned into the shape of dead fish, and he obviously thought he was safe.

Because I also know the Kabalak orangutan from Diversity 1. Although he can use omega rays, he never uses them because he thinks the rays are 'eye-stinging'. The peers from another world in Diversity 2 also look careless, and they probably won't engage in any sneak attacks.

After all, with his IQ, he would never have imagined that there is such a method as a sneak attack.

Su Ming sighed and waved his hand to signal the lion man to take off his hood: "When did your father leave?"

"In human terms, it's probably less than a month." Kabarak obediently took off his hood, revealing his head with a lion's mane, and answered the question very honestly: "But this is underground, and I can't I don’t know if it’s accurate.”

His face looks flat, not as three-dimensional as a real lion, and he doesn't have soft round ears.

Deathstroke put away the giant sword, because even if he had to deal with this guy, there was no need for weapons. He signaled that the other party could put down his hands of surrender, and asked: "When he left you to look after the house, did he tell you where he was going? ? What are you doing?"

The lion looked at the ceiling and thought for a moment, then shook his head: "No, he only told me that humans will find this place, and then I can surrender. He also said that you will not make things difficult for me, and I will obey his orders."

"To be honest, the thoughts displayed in his thought bubble are consistent with what he said." Harry on the side hugged the old lady with a fake smile and reached out to touch her chin, feeling the elastic feel of the fat.

The actor was stiff in the crook of her elbow, not daring to move, because the war hammer covered in blood and brains was resting on Harley's butt.

Su Ming, who was somewhat speechless, analyzed the intelligence in his mind and was basically certain that the 'real' Darkseid was about to return. After the cage called the Origin Wall was broken, his last clone was also liberated.

And it should be after that, when Deathstroke was away, Uncle Da noticed something, and therefore the clones left their respective multiverses one by one, went somewhere, and accelerated the progress of a certain plan.

Is he preparing to fight against the Tribunal of Origin? Or prepare to fight creation and nothingness? It is currently unknown.

But this clone of Dual-York 2 knew about Su Ming's existence in advance, which shows that although different Darkseid clones have different stories and experiences, they also have unknown means of contact with each other.

"Where is the Anti-Life Equation? Maybe it's not called this here. After all, the color of light is different. Where is the thing your father used to brainwash humans?"

The Supreme Mage and the Lion Man passed each other, flew to the throne and sat on it, leaning to one side, holding their temples with their fists, and asked.

"He took away three mother boxes, if that's the one you're asking about, but he left the fire pit to me." The lion pointed at the huge white light beam behind the death knell, and the big cat showed a happy expression on his face. I feel like I've received a gift.

"Did your father build Sepulke?" Su Ming suddenly remembered something.

"That's how he named this underground city. Of course, it's just our family who calls it that, and the human residents don't know."

Kalibak seemed a little proud again. After all, even from the perspective of the New Gods, this city could be considered beautiful.

The mercenary and the detective looked at each other, and Xiaofu Orang shook his head. As expected, the heavy snow and monsters that suddenly appeared in Multi-Diversity 1 were also sent there by another Sepurk Ark.

That's why no one could find anything, and the snow and monsters appeared so suddenly.

The white flame burning in the fire pit is so unfamiliar to Yuan Yuan 1 that if it is used as energy to drive teleportation, it cannot be detected by known means. In other words, if it is seen, it will not think about the side effects of teleportation. .

That's heavy snow.

The entire heavy snowfall is a side effect of White Sun's teleportation in this dungeon. Just like an ordinary sonic blast channel will bring unavoidable noise, it will bring sudden snowfall.

Why is there heavy snow on Earth 0? Because Su Ming's Sepulk has always been connected to Earth 0 by a bridge, and Darkseid of Diversity 1 escaped from Deathstroke's house arrest through this 'Blizzard Teleportation'.

The two Uncle Da's clones may have walked hand in hand...

"Can you stop the link to Multiverse 1 now?" Su Ming looked at the lion head and gave the order in a questioning tone.

If the reasoning is correct, then as long as the bridge building in this underground city is interrupted, the heavy snow on Earth 0 will naturally stop.

Unexpectedly, Kalibak smiled innocently and scratched the back of his head in embarrassment: "Well, I don't know how to close it. The person who does know was killed by you just now."

Bobo coughed, straightened his little hat, and stood up proudly: "I'll handle it, isn't it an unknown technology? Just give me some time to explore it, you should have a console here Something like that, right? Or a remote control?"

"Oh, yes, it's over here. Please follow me."

The new Divine Lion King came to the throne and pressed a button on the armrest. The wall behind the chair opened, revealing a new passage.

The passage is not deep, and you can see that it leads to a place similar to a computer room, which is full of various consoles.

Su Ming also stood up and patted the lion's head on the shoulder: "Let's go, tell me by the way, have you ever heard your father mention a stranger, such as a skeleton? Or a title like Skeleton King?"

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