The Death Knell

Chapter 2788 Crisis is everywhere

Clark's inability to think quickly doesn't mean that others can't. After all, there are several smart people present.

Ron pinched his plastic Martian chin, even pinching it to a point unconsciously, and asked tentatively:

"Are you talking about Peppertua?"

Su Ming nodded. He released the hands that were held together, letting the gauntlet squirm away and reveal the ultraviolet light ring, projecting the image of the Mother of Diversity, and then made her dance and twist in circles like a Draenei. dance.

"Yes, Perpetua is a member of the Hands of Creation. They from the Origin are the creators of the multiverses, or they are also called Super Celestials."

Hal Jordan didn't know where to go to be happy with Sinestro. Now the person attending the meeting in his place is John, the black Green Lantern. He doesn't have a good feeling about ultraviolet lights, and he didn't even look at the dancing goddess image that was pranked.

The black man touched his head, with a look of reminiscence in his expression, and said:

"But I remember when we had a meeting before we officially named them, you said that after creating the multiverse, these beings would decompose themselves into the nutrients of this universe and die. Perpetua did it because he didn't want to die. We used crisis energy to create this special diversity of ours, and then tried to fight against the Tribunal of Origin and the Judge.”

"This is indeed a fact, but it is still too small to say it now." Su Ming revealed ten light rings at the same time, and nine other mysterious figures were projected beside the goddess projection: "What about now?"

Those mysterious figures are like monsters in robes, and each of them has strange genetic double helix symbols on their foreheads.

This is the part of the information that Su Ming knows, from the comics of his previous life.

It may not be accurate, but it doesn’t hurt to show a little selectively. At least let everyone know what the creative hands look like, right?

The Hands of Creation are workers from the ‘Origin’, and can be regarded as the conceptual source code of the living body, or a starting signal, which is used to activate the power of connection to create different multiverses on the drawing board of ‘The Void’.

With the creation of the multiverse, each member of the Hand of Creation will continue to create a better living environment for their creations, arrange a better future, and even self-destruct to release energy and become the "source" of some cosmic energy.

Perpetua did not do this, and after creating her multiverse, she did not want to die, so she used Crisis Energy to turn Multiverse 1 into a self-sustaining weapon and prepared to use it against her fellow humans.

What happened then is known to everyone, she was betrayed by her three sons, who confessed to the Origin what she had done.

The Court of Origin then sent the Judges of the Source, also known as "The Cosmic Raptor", to put Perpetua into the Total Body, and then sealed the Total Body into the Origin Wall. Diversity 1, which the Creative Hands regarded as pollution, was completely imprisoned and isolated.

All in all, the Hand of Creation race comes from a higher level and feels a bit similar to the ontology God group next door.

Of course, these are just Su Ming's inner conjectures, and there is no need to say them out. These people may be even more confused if they talk about Marvel.

"What the death knell means is that the creator of our multiplicity is Perpetua, and she is indeed dead, but we can still look for other hands of creation passing by to fight against the hand of nothingness, right?"

Cyborg just came back from Titan Tower not long ago. Titan Academy was established, and he was helping as a teacher there.

After explaining his understanding, he looked at Su Ming and asked if his understanding was correct. Even assuming this, everyone might have to go to the Origin to find these super gods.

"What Victor said is pretty much what I meant." Su Ming withdrew the projection of the lamp ring, folded his arms again and shrank back: "But there is a premise for the whole thing. Our diversity is caused by the 'traitor' in their eyes." 'Made by Perpetua, so we are also regarded as the remnants of darkness. In this case, once we encounter the hand of creation, let alone tricking them into fighting the hand of nothingness, I am afraid that our entire diversity will be purified first."

Now that Perpetua is dead and the Origin Wall has fallen down, the Origin Court will probably not come to repair the wall again, because it is obviously easier to just send people over to fill this 'cesspool'.

"Can they still do this?" Arthur clutched his beard, even his corn scales were still dripping.

"Yes, since you can release the energy in your body to nourish the universe, you can naturally take back the energy in the universe to nourish yourself." Su Ming smiled at Aquaman and gave a positive answer: "In the East, this is called freedom of movement. It’s an idiom used to describe a person’s degree of control over power.”

Hawkgirl sat on the makeshift seat next to Ron, fiddling with her metal mace in her hands and thinking about the cosmic raptor.

She had seen the raptor before, and when she briefly approached the Origin Wall during the 'Wall Repair Project', the N metal wing layer behind her conveyed some illusions to her, as misty and blurry as a scene in a dream.

In the dream, the eagle-like energy entity grabbed a female figure like a bug. Now it seems that the figure is probably Perpetua.

Thinking of this, she also joined the team asking questions: "Deathstroke, according to you, the Origin Judge is more like the fighting class of the Hand of Creation race?"

"Unfortunately, Kendra, my knowledge of them is very limited. With the current level of intelligence, I cannot give you a conclusion. Further investigation is needed." Deathstroke shook his head. He had never seen the specific origin. What it looks like, let alone give a definite answer now.

All he can tell everyone is that the 'hands' do exist, and there is still a difficulty that needs to be overcome before he wants to use them.

That's how to make the creative hands think that multi-1 is harmless and give up recycling here. Or try to find a way to fight with them and defeat these guys.

The latter is a bit difficult but not impossible to achieve, but in this case, Lucifer or the Endless Family must persuade one of them.

"In addition to these potential threats, there is also the so-called 'real' Darkseid lurking in the dark." Bobo reminded everyone with a pipe in his mouth. He was sitting on the armrest of the chair between Deathstroke and Diana, but that didn't mean Even though he is just a pet, he is also thinking.

The atmosphere became heavier. After a long silence, Ron leaned forward, put his elbows on the table, and supported his chin:

"Hearing this makes me more worried. Are we ready to face the challenges beyond diversity?"

Superman stood up and knocked on his chest with his fist:

"Whether we are ready or not, the collapse of the Origin Wall is an established fact. Friends, what we have to do now is to survive. As long as we unite, we will be able to overcome all difficulties."

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