The Death Knell

Chapter 2791 Substitute Player

"What did you ask Xiao Dai to tell him?"

Bobo sniffed, climbed back into Deathstroke's arms, grabbed the gap between the shoulder armor and held it to his chest.

"I asked Xiao Dai to inform him to wait for me when I come back, and also told him a little bit about the super-time flow." Su Ming moved his neck, walked out of the house arrest room and came to the corridor: "The purpose is to let him help me negotiate with Lucifer. But he took the hard way.”

"Which one?" the orangutan sighed.

Deathstroke smiled, and a black and yellow mask appeared on his face: "Seeking death."

The orangutan detective was stunned for a moment, and then realized that this was a bad joke.

Deathstroke will not kill Constantine, because that bitch obviously has some irreplaceable uses.

The meaning of the mercenary is on another level, that is, no matter what Constantine does with the witch now, in the eyes of Deathstroke, he is looking for death. Well, it is the witch Linn who is looking for death. A bitch cannot die. .

"Don't make it sound like you plan to kill him!" Bobo complained, then turned to Deathstroke's shoulder and picked up his pipe: "Then since the witch we want has eloped with John, what will we do next? What to do? Do you want to find them and come back?"

"We don't have the free time to play hide and seek. We first find a substitute spell caster to join the team, and then immediately set off to Earth 12. Many clues are time-sensitive."

Su Ming had no intention of looking for Zha Kang. Last time Zha Kang was blocked by Deathstroke in the House of Mystery, if he had the intention to avoid him this time, he would definitely not be there.

The specific deal he made with the witch is unknown, but it is probably about the past affairs of the Valve multiverse.

In Etania, there are stories from the past of V Society, which are spread among the bards in the form of dark fairy tales.

Witch Lynn also learned about Constantine from that story. Otherwise, she should have known that Constantine was only good at betraying his teammates and dealing with gods and demons. He was not good at dealing with powerful demon warriors, but Etanni The specialty of Asia is various magic warriors.

"Who are you looking for?" Bobo rubbed his hands and took out his mobile phone: "I'll make a call for you."

"No, we're going to find someone. Since I gave her some help last time, I haven't paid her a return visit yet. I'll stop by and have a look." The death knell struck his ear, and he still contacted the adjutant: "Sepulk starts the teleportation and sends us off. Alternate coordinates 13."

The sonic teleportation brought a group of people to New Jersey, on the outskirts of a medium-sized town. This is a typical American rural town. The streets are full of snow, and there are no municipal staff, let alone anyone who can clean the road. .

Diana turned her head and looked at the surrounding situation. Although it didn't look very prosperous here, at least there were no houses collapsing or people freezing to death.

There are various signs that this is really a quiet and peaceful town.

It was the moon above her head that made her a little unsure whether it was a suitable choice to come looking for someone in the middle of the night, and in her impression, there seemed to be no sorcerer she knew living here.

Harley tugged on Xiao Dai's cloak and wrapped herself up: "It's still a bit cold outside. I regret forgetting my coat in the Hall of Justice. Little Bee, where is the person we are looking for?"

Su Ming flew twenty meters, then landed, and pointed in the direction: "Over there."

There is a house in the town that has no snow around it. It has not been swept, but seems to have been directly melted by the heat. That is the destination of a few people.

The cloak took everyone to the front of the small courtyard. The white wooden fence looked a bit shabby, and the flowers and plants in the yard were frozen to death, but at least it could be seen that they had been carefully taken care of. At least the roses were still there when they froze to death. so beautiful.

Pushing open the small door on the fence, Deathstroke led the people into the courtyard, walked through the flat concrete approach to the porch, and the mercenary pressed the doorbell.

There was no sound, as if the bell was broken, but footsteps coming from far and near came from behind the door, and they seemed very brisk.

The door opened a few seconds later. Under the moonlight, the girl dressed in black and dressed in a very Gothic style scratched her head and stood at the door. After seeing the death knell, she smiled:

"Why are you here? Is today a home visit day? Or are you worried that I will use the money you gave me to buy drugs?"

Su Ming removed his mask, revealed his face, and carried Bobo towards the house: "I just thought you were saying 'good evening', Lori. I'm glad to see you are still so energetic."

Yes, without Lynn the Witch, Deathstroke has a backup plan.

It is true that ordinary spellcasters may not be able to master the magic system there in Etania, so find a superpower to join the team and let her play a sorcerer.

This girl who came to our door in the middle of the night once worked with Su Ming to drain water and release floods on the earth. She was also a member of the "Shadow Pact" team, codenamed Lori Cecilin as Black Alice.

The girl smiled and nodded, the various silver ornaments hanging on her body clattering, and she scratched her slightly messy hair:

"I'm happy to meet you too. I've been following your news. You're so cool. And you, Bobo, you've become a big star in the orangutan world. Some of my friends want your fur or nail."

"There is actually no need to say the second part, and don't worry about my hair and other body parts." Bobo rolled his eyes, jumped out of Su Ming's arms, and walked to the sofa in the living room calmly: "And you Teenagers should cultivate some correct values ​​and not worship a retired circus animal, because all such animals have the potential to become perverted murderers due to their past tragic experiences."

"That's true." Harley nodded, agreeing with Bobo's point of view. Numerous facts have proven that childhood experiences are the origin of crimes for many perverts: "But the black-skinned ethnic group is generally recognized as not producing serial killers. "

"But it would be cooler if it was a serial killer." Black Alice said about the values ​​of American teenagers.

Harley nodded and got out from under Diana's cloak: "That's true. There are always some little girls who write love letters to the killers in prison."

"That's it, Wonder Woman and Harley, do you want something to drink?" Lori closed the door and blocked out the cold wind outside: "I have boiled water, mineral water, purified water, and melted snow water here. .”

"Girl, I like your jokes, can you give me hot cocoa? Thank you." Harley jumped up and ran to the living room to catch the orangutan with a smile.

Lori tilted her mouth and whispered: "This is not a joke. I only have water at home and no other drinks."

"Didn't I arrange an operation for your father and leave a lot of money for nutrition? Why can't I even buy coffee? Or is it that you can't buy anything in this town?"

Su Ming pulled Diana towards the living room and looked at the Goth girl curiously. Apart from being a little depressed due to staying up late, she was not malnourished.

Although there was not much money left at the beginning, tens of thousands of dollars would be enough to live on for a few months.

"As you said, and as you have seen in our town, there is no supermarket that is still open in the heavy snow. If you know who in the Justice Community has the ability to conjure chocolate or matcha, you must introduce it to me. "

The girl spread her hands and expressed her helplessness. The earth has gone through so much, and the supply of various resources has not yet been restored. After all, this is not a big city, and even if you have money, you can't buy anything.

The earth's crises are coming one after another, and Lori has to stay at home to take care of her bedridden father.

Su Ming nodded and took out drinks and snacks from his pocket: "Don't tell me, although there is no such hero in the Zhenglian Community, I really know that there is a person in society who can brew cocoa drink by soaking his feet. .”

"Ugh!" Lori stuck out her tongue.

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