The Death Knell

Chapter 2799 Cave Man

The name of John Gnarrk was written on the registered file. All the items carrying the zombie virus were sent for inspection by him, and they perfectly matched the profile given by Deathstroke.

With the answer, Su Ming also came over, stood behind Harley, glanced at the computer screen, and nodded as if he remembered something:

"That's right. It's normal for the first generation members of Titan to join the Zhenglian on Earth 12."

"If I hadn't seen this name, I wouldn't have remembered that there was such a person in the Justice Community." Bobo moved his neck from side to side, and then looked at the contents of the experiment record: "This person really has no sense of existence, really It was unexpected.”

Gluck's code name is 'Cave Boy'. He was originally a primitive man from the Stone Age. When Kid Flash and the Demon Dinosaur traveled to ancient times, they met such a man, made friends with him, and brought him back accidentally.

Although everyone has been teaching him English, he is a primitive man after all, and prefers to communicate with others through gestures. Even Gluck is not his real name, just because he often makes such a sound from his throat.

It is difficult to even speak English, so he is really introverted and lonely.

The hero's specialty is strong strength, good at throwing stones and digging traps for hunting, and can climb trees like a monkey, no more.

Such people, to say they are despised, are simply ignored.

"I am Deathstroke. Guess how I got familiar with the Titan team?" Su Ming tapped his temples. Isn't this obvious?

"But I always feel like something is wrong, Slade." Bobo jumped out of Harley's arms and put his hand on the back of his head: "Maybe Gluck has grown a lot on Earth 12. So much so that when he picked up something, he knew it would be sent for inspection, but he had no reason at all to do so, I mean, a reason to start a world crisis."

"So he's either a scapegoat, or he's been brainwashed and controlled." Su Ming patted Harley on the chair to signal her departure, and raised her mask again: "No matter what the situation is, just find him. Dead or alive.”

Bobo thought for a moment and pointed to the location at his feet: "It seems that he has joined Zhenglian, so will there be a place for him to live in the underground dormitory area?"

"Let me ask that sister."

Diana pressed the fixed intercom on the wall and had a brief exchange with Dai Dai who was blocking the door of the Hall of Justice. Then she shook her head and said to several people:

"He does not live underground in the Hall of Justice. Instead, he lives in a culvert in a nearby underground tunnel. He doesn't usually communicate much with his teammates. He really has no sense of existence."

Dadai has already closed the door of the Hall of Justice. At this time, he is checking for leaks and filling in the gaps, and cleaning up the infected personnel.

"Come on, let's go find him."

Su Ming made a decision, and the magic floating cloak flew back at exactly this time. It took so long just to have it deliver something to Sepurk, and it didn't know where it went to get some food.

Anyway, Gin always secretly turns on a small stove for it to pamper it, so he just pretends that he doesn't know.

But when he was about to set off, Deathstroke pressed the orangutan's head and said:

"I already smell something is wrong with the timeline, Bobo. We may need to deal with an event caused by a mutation in the super-time flow. If you observe anything, you must remind me as soon as possible."

The orangutan detective took a puff of his cigarette and climbed onto the flying carpet with a sigh: "Oh, I'm really tired of my name after I got the wrong code name. If I had known, I should have been called 'gorilla actor'..."


Washington, D.C., where the Hall of Justice is located, has a flat terrain. The only hillside area around the city is Arlington National Cemetery. Therefore, the tunnel Dai Dai mentioned is most likely not used to pass through the mountains, but to cross the river.

Then the tunnel closest to the Hall of Justice is the Potomac River Tunnel.

It's not a wonder of the world, nor is it grand. It's just a hole dug from under the river bed to the other side of the river, that's all.

The very ordinary tunnel was now in a mess, with numerous vehicle wreckage piled together, emitting flames and black smoke, and explosions were heard from time to time, reverberating fiercely in this closed underground space.

"We are looking for a road workers' rest room, or a maintenance room for electrical circuits and drainage systems." Bobo jumped from the flying carpet to an overturned abandoned car. The charred metal was still a bit hot to his feet, but he A pair of monkey eyes were still looking through the smoke in the complex environment: "Over there, three hundred meters ahead at eleven o'clock."

Just like what he said, there was a small green door at that location with a sign representing 'No one allowed to enter' painted on it.

The door was not locked at this time, and there was a long trail of blood on the ground at the door, extending toward the room.

"The blood hasn't dried yet." The small strangulating tentacles stretched out from Su Ming's knees and dipped in the blood, then sent the information to the host: "The blood contains a lot of viruses and is the blood of zombies."

"I'll be the first one."

Diana took off her shield. She didn't want to always hide behind a man, even her own man.

The maintenance room located on the side of the river-crossing tunnel is actually not very big. There is only a small corridor and a few rooms at the entrance. A room for storing tools, a room for workers to rest temporarily, and at the end is a pump room and equipment room for power supply.

"I feel so bad! So hungry! So thirsty! Brain!"

Perhaps after hearing the exchanges between several people, a zombie wearing an orange vest crawled out of the temporary lounge. He expressed his inner wishes while crawling slowly towards Diana.

Because there was a bear trap fixed to his foot, the iron clip broke one of his legs, and the trailing blood also spread under his body. It was obvious that he was hit at the door.

Wonder Woman was also unequivocal. She bent down and struck with a shield, turning the zombie's slightly raised head into a rotten watermelon, with black and red stinking blood sticking to the floor.

Bobo silently jumped into Luo Rui's arms: "Remember to remind me to buy a pair of shoes when I get home after this mission."

"Actually, I've never been able to figure it out." Harley put the sledgehammer on her shoulder and chewed bubble gum and said, "Why don't you like wearing shoes? Even just a pair of slippers."

"I don't like wearing socks. If you had as long black hair as mine, you wouldn't want to wear socks." Bobo raised his chin and motioned to Harley not to look around: "Follow me quickly. Let’s not leave the three-meter radius of Deathstroke.”

Lori didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She hugged the captain of her Shadow Pact team and followed Diana towards the pump room. At the same time, she said: "Don't worry, Detective, I have copied the abilities of Night Shadow and Superman to protect you." It’s more than enough.”

"Shh, don't talk. Did you hear something?" Bobo covered the girl's mouth and tilted his head to listen: "There are dense footsteps, quickly block the door behind you!"

Lori immediately followed the instructions and closed the metal safety door. Then, red light shot out from her eyes and welded the door and door frame together.

Three seconds later, I heard banging on the door, and a group of people shouting garbled words outside.

In fact, the content is also very simple, just one word coming back and forth.


Bobo let out a breath and signaled that everyone could move on. In order to ease the tension, he also said a witticism: "I wonder if they only eat human brains, or also eat orangutan brains? If it's the former, maybe I It’s safe.”

However, Harry broke his dream with a bad smile: "When you eat steak, would you like to try the broccoli on the plate? If it were me, I would take a bite no matter if it tastes good or not, hehe, so Don’t take chances.”

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