The Death Knell

Chapter 2803 Asking acquaintances

Earth-12, deep underground in the Hall of Justice, the headquarters of the Justice League Dark.

Su Ming and his party arrived here through teleportation from the Shadow Realm. The teleportation process was like walking through a dark tunnel. This was the first time Su Ming encountered this kind of teleportation that required walking by himself.

As expected, there are all kinds of magic, all fancy.

"anyone there?"

Bobo jumped on the back of the sofa and shouted around.

The headquarters of the Dark Zhenglian is a cylindrical space located underground. This rotunda connects different rooms. Apart from magical means, there is only one elevator that can lead to the ground. It is a very safe and strong underground fortress.

If there were no shadows wherever there was light, and the shadow magic had special attributes, it would still be troublesome for other magic to be transmitted here without permission.

There was no one in the hall. Bobo's plan was to make some noise first, even if it could lure the zombies out of the hiding place.

However, there were no zombies. Instead, a middle-aged man in a white coat opened the door of one of the rooms and stuck his head out to look around, as cautiously as a thief.

Bobo quickly asked the man not to shrink back: "Friend, wait, come over and have a chat."

"No, what's there to talk about? I still have to do experiments." Although the middle-aged man refused, he still pressed against the door of the room without any intention of moving.

"Kurt Langstone, right? Come here." The ordinary person who can appear at the headquarters of the Dark Zhenglian, wearing a white coat and looking like a scientist, is undoubtedly the Man-Bat. Bobo is very sure: "We are all They are good people, and they have good food and drink.”

Although everything about Earth 12 is not quite right.

For example, although Grak on Earth 0 is still a primitive man, he has changed into a yellow tights, unlike the one here who wears animal skins.

And the man-bat over there is also in the form of an orc with a bat head. Unlike this one, not only does it maintain its human form, but its deafness is also cured.

This doesn't seem to be simply a difference between parallel worlds, at least Bobo doesn't feel it is.

"Diana asked me to close the door and don't go out. You...wait a minute, Diana, why have you shrunk?" Man-Bat, who was not a bat, looked like he was listening to the leader, but mid-sentence, he saw Xiao Dai, who was standing next to Deathstroke, couldn't help but be stunned.

Wonder Woman glanced at Deathstroke, nodded and walked over on her own initiative: "I am not from your world, and I have not shrunk... I come from Justice Incarnate and am a member of the Justice League on Earth 0. Now you can Have you come out to speak? It seems too timid to hide behind the door."

"Ah, of course, of course." Man-Bat came out, rubbed his hands in embarrassment, and led everyone to sit down on the sofa area: "Since the Queen said so, I will listen to you."

"I'm not a queen, and I may be different from my sisters." Diana did not sit down, but looked down at the man-bat from a high position. However, the man-bat's shadow had no wings, so the suspicion was ruled out: "Let's come here I have something to ask you."

"I tell you everything I know, Lady Diana."

Man-Bat took out a thermos cup from his white coat pocket, unscrewed it and took a sip. There were things like wolfberry and ginseng soaked in it. He was obviously ready to answer the question:

"Our lady, my captain, said that there are zombies everywhere outside and asked me to be careful. Well, by the way, don't think too much about it. None of you were bitten, right?"

"Superman and my sisters were busy. We didn't come to communicate after the incident." Diana sat down and showed off her intact arms and legs, which made the atmosphere more relaxed, and then said: "Be careful. Never Wrong, don’t worry, none of us were injured.”

Harley and Rory also showed off their snow-white limbs, while Deathstroke just knocked on his breastplate, and the metallic collision sound was enough to show that this was not something that teeth could bite.

Everyone is clean.

As for Bobo, he was only one meter tall. If there were teeth marks on his body, he would not be able to hide them.

"Yes, Batman once told me that." Man-Bat smiled and rubbed his hair. He was as unkempt as most tech geeks, and even his hair was only a little cleaner than Constantine's: "Well, say It’s the original Batman, not the current one. I’m sorry, I doubted you before, but you understand. Well, okay, what do you want to ask?”

He acted a little restrained, as if he was not very good at dealing with people. At the same time, because his thinking was very jumpy, his speech had some word order problems and was scattered.

This man-bat seems to be older than the one on Earth 0, but it is obviously not as mature and confident as that one. Instead, it is more like Peter Parker who skipped class but was caught by the dean and had to hide his uniform.

Diana looked at Bobo and gestured to the little monkey to ask questions. Both Monkey Head and Deathstroke had a suspicious candidate, but the two of them probably wrote their names in their hands, and neither of them said it out.

However, Bobo sat on the back of the sofa and smoked a pipe. Instead of asking the key question, he asked:

"Isn't there me in your world?"

The Man-Bat then looked at the little orangutan carefully, and quickly tapped his palm with his fist: "Yes, Grodd, you have shrunk too, right? Everything in your parallel world seems to be smaller, including your age and body shape. Small."

He finished speaking with a smile and pointed at the death knell, because at this time Su Ming took off his mask, and his face was dozens of years younger than the old death knell.

As an older generation figure in Gotham, Man-Bat knows Deathstroke, but Deathstroke on Earth 12 retired earlier than Old Bat, which was decades ago.

"I'm Bobo, the orangutan detective, not that big idiot like Grodd."

The orangutan shook his head speechlessly, regretting that there was no peer of his own in this world:

"Forget it, you just need to know that we are all good people. I have a lot of questions to ask, but now is not the right time, so you just need to tell us, do you know where the golden eagle is? Do you have any golden eagles on Earth 12? N metal? Senagon-sized or Earth-sized is fine."

Man-Bat listened and nodded repeatedly in response. The thermos cup in his hand was spinning around, and the small red fruit inside was shaking.

"This is a series of questions, so I'm going to answer them one by one! First of all, I don't know where Golden Eagle is. He originally lived on Black Hawk Island as a follower with the Eagle Man and Eagle Girl. But those two died in the battle After that, he left there to join the Western Titans team. That Titans team had internal strife and broke up within half a year. When I heard about him recently, it was said that he was working as a mercenary in Gotham."

"This starting point is really high enough." Su Ming complained when he heard this: "A newly minted mercenary goes to the clown city to hang out, he is not timid."

The man-bat showed a tangled expression, as if he had something to hide, shook his head and whispered:

"Charlie is not as simple as you think. The living environment in Gotham is nothing to him. He is completely different from Hawkman. I can feel that there is endless darkness in that young man's heart, even more than Batman. Dark, well, I’m talking about the older Batman.”

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