The Death Knell

Chapter 2813 Instantaneous group destruction

No one took up the words of the Heavenly Father, and they obviously acted as if they had not heard the words.

Because according to some intelligence, it is known that the death knell is related to death and Lucifer. Whoever wants to take the lead and try it out should do it by himself, so as not to injure others.

Even though the ghost bears the name of God's wrath, he is only the anger within multiple dimensions, which is incomparable with a biological son like Lucifer. The king of fallen angels crushing him to death is almost like crushing an insect to death. The four archangels Inside, he can only beat Gabriel now.

"Well, in short, most of the multiverse is full of good intentions. We just need to prepare to welcome the messengers of the origin." Hera changed the subject and smiled as she talked about her beautiful vision for the future. Maybe Olympus can find someone who can Something to replace the Upside Down?

"Constantine has also left our pluralism. If Deathstroke can't win him over, he might" The Stranger made another suggestion.

"No, anyone can, but not him." Everyone, including Heavenly Father, shook their heads.

The reappearance of the Infinite Earth is both a danger and an opportunity. If Constantine is brought into the Essence Society, it means that the forces of heaven and hell will be introduced into this adventure. If the benefits are obtained by then, they will have to share them freely. .

This is an opportunity for the Essence Association, and we cannot allow other major forces to interfere.

"We should persuade Diana again and tell her that we have blocked all dangers from our diversity. Earth 0 is actually very safe. No one will attack at all. There is no need for her to return to the Hall of Justice and her mortals. Friends are wasting time.”

Hera still wanted to push the benefits to Olympus, because if Diana was the key to the plan, the pantheon would gain a greater say.

"Mortals? Have you forgotten that they have the strongest Kryptonian in the world, who is a god on earth." Heavenly Father sneered. As another ruler, he saw through Hera's plan, and he was once defeated by the Lantern After hitting it, the fist really hurt, but it was still not as powerful as Superman.

The group of people stood talking in the void outside the plurality. Because each had their own plans, the meeting seemed to never end, let alone reach any consensus.

There are different light balls floating in the distant space, and those different multiverses may be new beginnings. When the new diversity comes into contact with today's diversity, how far will each person rise? Is that true transcendence?

And before that day comes, perhaps no one can tell clearly what everyone can gain or pay.


Just when a group of people from the Essence Club were silently thinking, a cold snort suddenly came from behind, and then streaks of void matter penetrated their heads like tentacles, sucking out their life essence.

In just a few seconds, these beings that were once regarded as gods turned into pale objects, as if the color of the pictures had been wiped away and returned to the original appearance of the drawing paper.

"Ridiculous gods, you are no different from humans. You all believe that this is a wonderful beginning." A tall figure with his hands behind his back suddenly appeared behind a few people, and the void material seemed to surround him like a universe with nebulae. A sneer appeared on his crooked lips: "But you are just one step closer to the final chapter, the final chapter written by me."

The tall figure threw everyone's corpses in the void, stepped on another one, slowly crushed the ghost's body, and continued:

"All stories will point to me. You gods who will only stand by and watch. I have seen enough in the past. Now, I have reorganized from a weak and divided state into one. My true form, my power is even greater than the first time. crisis levels."

"The new endless universe may be boundless, but the story is limited, and I am the end of everything!"

The giant slowly raised his big hand and clenched his fist suddenly in front of him. Black light flashed in his eyes, and the red Omega symbol on his chest suddenly lit up.

That light is better than thousands of suns rising at the same time, and it makes the entire void dim in comparison.

Barry from Earth 12 was found, still in Midtown of course.

And the situation in Midtown is actually pretty good now. The zombies' reaction speed can't keep up with anyone in the Lightning family, so they grab these things and throw them outside the city.

Barry is still young, and although he looks different from Flash from Earth 0, according to Su Ming's information, his name and personality have not changed, and he is still a simple and kind-hearted person.


Diana received the signal from the death knell. She stood on a somewhat chaotic street and shouted loudly to a flash of lightning that ran past not far away.

The electric light turned a corner and hit a telephone pole on the side, revealing a red figure wrapped in the golden electric light.

At this time, Barry was rubbing his face in pain and hissing in his mouth: "Oh, it hurts. Why are you calling me so loudly? Who are you Dai?"

But before Wonder Woman could say anything, Barry got up and ran somewhere, and was back in front of several people in an instant.

"I know, Princess Diana from Earth 0, Deathstroke, Harley Quinn, Bobo, Black Alice." He smiled and stretched out his hand to shake hands with several people: "I just went to the Hall of Justice first. I asked about our Diana, and then went to Earth 0 and asked another person about it. Now we are friends. If you have any questions, just talk to me and I will help you, but it’s best to be quick. ,I'm a little busy right now."

He said a lot of words like a machine gun, during which he ran away three times quickly, not knowing what to deal with, but only Deathstroke and Diana saw his shadow. In the retinas of others, Barry never left. .

"That's easy to talk about." Since this Barry knew everything, there was no need for Dai to contact him as a member of the Zhenglian Alliance. Deathstroke took a few steps forward, held the Flash's hand, and shook it gently: "I need you to help me find the War Eagle. The War Eagle at the current point in time. We are not very familiar with Earth 12, so there must be someone."

"Oh? I won't ask why you are looking for him, but I don't have any ideas?" Barry blinked and tilted his head: "War Eagle used to be a member of the Titans. To be honest, even though I look very young now, My body is relatively strong, but I am actually over sixty years old, and I am not familiar with young people like him."

"I'm not asking you to help us find it on Earth, but I need you to enter the Speed ​​Force plane to find someone. That War Eagle, or someone who looks exactly like the War Eagle, should have left a lot of traces there."

Deathstroke took out some high-calorie food and placed it solemnly in the Flash's arms:

"The Incarnation of Justice needs your help, The Flash. This is not only related to the zombie crisis on your planet, but also related to the survival of the entire multiverse."

Upon hearing this, Barry instantly ate everything in his arms, and his expression became solemn. He wiped the traces of chocolate around his mouth with his backhand, patted his chest and agreed:

"Please let me give it a try, but wouldn't it be better if I took you with me?"

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