The Death Knell

Chapter 2818 Mercenaries and Employers

Earth 12 at a certain point in time, 19 days after the Black Light Crisis broke out.

A large area of ​​the earth has fallen into the dominion of the black lantern zombies, and the living people can only live carefully underground or in remote places to avoid being found by the superheroes who transformed into zombies.

But at this time, a battle was taking place in the Titan Tower on the outer sea. A mercenary was protecting his employer and was struggling to find someone.

"Fake oil, there are so many places in this world to go to and so many people to eat, but you fucking have to block my way, bah!"

The mercenary with iron-gray skin waved the iron chain in his hand and knocked Nightwing, who had turned into a black lantern corpse in front of him, to the ground. He crushed his head with his foot and spat into the putrid brain of the corpse.

The crisis broke out in the summer. It goes without saying what the smell will be like after a person has been dead for more than ten days. In short, the smell will not make a living person happy.


The companions of the zombies exclaimed. They still had memories of their lives, and apart from that, they only had hatred for the living.

The Black Lantern Corpse has a very strong self-healing ability, but it is hard to say whether it can continue to exist after its brain was stepped on.

The mercenary laughed loudly and kicked the remains of Nightwing away from his feet. Seeing the Teen Titans in pain, he felt extremely happy:

"You 'juvenile meconium' have always made me sick, and now that NM has turned into a stinky nausea monster, it's a perfect match, but even so, you little weakling, you still have to pay more!"

The person he was talking to was the white dove Dawn. At this time, the girl was desperately dodging not far away. All her former friends in the Titan Tower had turned into black lantern corpses, which made her even more worried about her boyfriend.

She knew that her fighting ability was average, so she hired a powerful warrior to protect herself.

At this time, Baolang, a mercenary, has always been full of hope, or always optimistic.

He feels that the crisis will eventually pass, and now he should take advantage of the chaos to take more orders and absorb more dolphin photos.

Yes, what he called "adding money" was actually asking for more dolphin albums or dolphin videos. Space dolphins are very cute, and terrestrial dolphins also have their own cuteness.

"I will! But the condition is to find my boyfriend and don't let me get bitten, otherwise you will get nothing!"

Dawn panted violently. The black lantern corpses had no physical limitations and seemed to never get tired. She could only use her ability to fly to hide and seek around the various wreckage and encirclements in the tower.

"Ha! Sir, I'm the number one mercenary in the universe!" Tyrannosaurus roared, grabbed Beast Boy in front of him and tore it in half, throwing the green intestines everywhere: "You have this damn time. If you doubt me, you might as well think about where your shit-eating boyfriend likes to eat!”

Although Baolang's words were very unpleasant, Dawn knew the difference between rough words and rough words.

Of course, Hank doesn't have pica and doesn't eat dirty things, that's just a dirty mercenary exaggeration.

The third-generation Titan Tower is a tall tower that stands on an island more than ten kilometers away from the coast of San Francisco. This is also the home of all Titan members, especially for orphans like War Eagle.

But he didn't seem to be here, at least he didn't appear among the black lantern corpses that besieged the two of them, which gave Dawn mixed emotions...

That was because she felt guilty for her own selfishness, because she was happy that her boyfriend did not become a zombie like other teammates.

This is not the emotion a superhero should have.

She shook her head while flying. No matter what, she still had to find Hank, and then the two of them escaped together, and then took the hidden sister Holly with them, and hid in a place where the zombies would never find her.


At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind her, as if someone was moaning in the underworld calling her code name. The girl turned her head and saw that it was the Black Lantern Corpse Steel Skeleton flying crookedly, with flames spraying out from under its feet and behind it, chasing after her closely.

"No! Please stay away, I don't want to fight you, Victor."

Dorn flapped her arms faster, although she actually relied on the energy of the Lord of Order to fly, and the white wings under the uniform's arms were purely decorative.

"Come on, Dawn, believe me, I've been half-dead for so many years, and I don't feel like I've lost anything." Cyborg showed half of his metal body, and at this time, the originally shiny shells were all dark red. dried mucus, he tried his best to hide his hatred for the living: "Look, everyone has been blessed by the black light. You don't want to be isolated, do you?"

And the girls look delicious too.

"I won't give up hope. That's not a blessing. Just wake up, Cyborg!"

Dawn didn't think that being turned into a zombie would make him happy. The black lantern zombies would only be filled with appetite and hatred for the living, but they couldn't eat their own kind, so they would always be hungry.

And it became so ugly that it didn’t look like a blessing.

"That's not up to you, hehehe... I will try my best to make the process as beautiful as possible, suck."

Black Lantern Cyborg made a slurping sound, even though he had no stomach. After being transformed into a cyborg, he hadn't felt so hungry for a long time.

Therefore, he was grateful to the black light. He could feel hungry, and he felt that he was truly alive.

One of his arms began to deform and turned into an energy cannon, preparing to knock the white pigeon off the ground...

However, an iron chain struck with a sound of breaking through the air, shattering his dream of dining. The violent wolf on the ground suddenly exerted its force, and used the looping technique to drag the steel skeleton to the ground, and then caught it in his big hand. .

"Although I also want the little white bird to satisfy your appetite, I took the job and made a promise." The mercenary's hands began to exert force, and the promethium metal that made up the steel body began to twist and deform and mix with the rotten Separation of corpses: "As the only macho man, I always do what I say!"

Kucha made a sound, and the steel frame was torn into pieces by the violent wolf. Sparks flew and metal parts stained with filth fell to the ground.

But just as the wolf was tearing apart the steel bones with his hands, Xinghuo behind him took the opportunity to swoop up, grabbed his back and took a big bite on his neck. The withered-faced black lamp female corpse was eating and saying:

"Ah! Zanians, what a rare food!"

The wolf took the girl off her back with his backhand, held her neck in his hands, opened her up with an iron hook, picked out the bitten flesh from her rotting stomach, and pressed it back into his wound. superior.

"Little red-haired Bichi, if you dare to bite me, I will treat your stomach problem by the way, ha! I knew from the past that your little bitch's stomach is full of bad water."

After saying that, he also pulled out Starfire's head and spine, and swung it like a hammer, knocking away Beast Boy who was charging at him again.

At this time, a black light ring flew from the sky and came to the ear of the violent wolf: "The violent wolf from Zanian, your death..."

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