The Death Knell

Chapter 2822 Swaggering through the market

"No, I was just about to tell you about this."

Bobo, who was being held by Rory, came through the stinking blood pool, accompanied by Diana and Xiao Shen. He pinched his pipe and said:

"The Flash also said that no other Black Lantern corpses were found in Titans Tower. Raven may have survived because she is a sorcerer after all."

"Speaking of which, this is probably the function of the super-time flow, right?" The orangutan crossed his arms and looked thoughtful: "As the daughter of San Gong, she was originally supposed to be the only individual, but in different parallel worlds There are different ravens, are her individuals spread to different earths at different points in time? Just like Roy?"

Deathstroke waved to Bobo and replied: "I don't know, but you might be right to think so. It could also be that her mother's homogeneous body in another time was separated, and she might have been born on a different earth."

The orangutan detective jumped on Su Ming's shoulder and squatted there like a pet monkey: "Oh, how pitiful. No matter what kind of living corpse I see, I feel sorry for them."

"That has nothing to do with us. I just need to know that there is no black lantern corpse raven hiding in the dark. Otherwise, no one will feel better if they are attacked by blood magic." Su Ming stopped guessing about the raven and handed it to the white pigeon. A bottle of soda: "Have you thought about it? Where does Hank usually like to go?"

Dawn lowered her head and recalled carefully that Hank had become a homebody after his brother's death. Bai Ge came to Titan Tower because he couldn't find anyone at his house.

If there was no one in these two places, she didn't know where there would be. It couldn't be a restaurant where the two of them used to eat, right? Now that the streets are full of corpses with black lanterns, who among the living dares to leave their hiding place?

Seeing her thinking hard, Su Ming knew that there would be no answer.

Since we are going to use the white pigeon to fish, catch the Emperor and Mo Cun, it is inevitable to take her around. After all, if we take her to hide, do we really have to protect her until the time when the few people leave?

Going back to the past is to eliminate the threat in this timeline and let Bai Ge live.

"Where is the grave of Hank's brother? Let's go there and take a look. The arrival of black light will turn the dead into black light zombies on a large scale. If Hank realizes that his brother may also be a corpse, then there is a high probability that he will investigate. .”

Su Ming proposed another possibility. Of course, the premise is that the war eagle is still alive and has not turned into a black lantern corpse wandering around hunting.

The second possibility is unlikely, because the black light is not only a manifestation of death, but also an emotional existence.

People who become black lamp corpses prefer to 'take care of' their relatives and friends first.

For example, if Batman is infected, what he wants to eat most is Alfred and the Joker, followed by Catwoman, his ex-wife, and the rest of the Bat Family, and then the next level down, it is the turn of acquaintances in Gotham City. and members of the Justice League.

The closer the relationship is, the more difficult it will be to resist the desire.

The cruelty of the black light is reflected here. Parents cannibalize their children, relatives and friends cannibalize each other, lovers turn against each other, and other similar phenomena will occur.

That special energy will make the Black Lantern Corpses think that they are blessed and feel relaxed and calm that they have never experienced before in their lives. Therefore, they can't wait to share this good thing with the people close to them.

For War Eagle, he was a bit autistic to begin with, and the only living person he was close to was the white pigeon Duo En. If he really turned into a lamp corpse, he should have been found long ago.

The same is true for the first-generation White Dove. If Donald is resurrected as a black lamp corpse, the corpse will go to his dear brother Hank based on the blood connection.

Therefore, as long as you get to the cemetery, you will most likely be able to get clues.

With the little Fu orangutan in the team, it was easy to find clues. All he had to do was throw him into the corpse pit.

But after hearing Deathstroke's words, Dawn seemed a little confused. As if she had something to hide, she lowered her head and looked around, as if she was looking for ants in a dirty place.

"Oh, girl, if you have anything to say, just say it. We don't have much time to waste now." Bobo took off the pipe in his mouth and did what the secretary should do: "Is Wonder Woman still here? Isn’t that enough to dispel your concerns?”

"Yeah, what are you hesitating about?" Xiao Dai also wiped his sweat and put his hand on Bai Ge's shoulder.

Wonder Woman is a member of the Justice League. Many people in the parallel world may not know Su Ming, an alternative Deathstroke, but they will definitely recognize her and become friendly because of her identity.

Dawn is such an example. Maybe it was Diana's concern that made her make up her mind, or maybe she really believed that everyone had the strength. She replied:

"Hank's hometown is in Washington, D.C., and his father and brother are also buried in Arlington National Cemetery."

War Eagle's father was a righteous justice. He was seriously injured and hospitalized due to gang retaliation. This was the origin of the brothers' debut as superheroes. After his death, he was buried there as a senior civil servant.

The first-generation White Dove died in battle as a superhero, so it was easy to get a spot in that popular cemetery.

What Dawn is struggling with is that the Hall of Justice is in Washington DC. If she gets there, she is likely to be chased and intercepted by a large number of black light heroes. She is not sure whether she should let so many people take risks with her.

"Is this what you're worried about?" Su Ming shook his head with a smile, took off the cloak behind him and turned it into a flying carpet: "I have a way to deal with the Black Lantern Justice League, don't worry. The violent wolf outside the door! Get on you The motorcycle follows us."

Another middle finger appeared at the door. This was the mercenary's feedback after receiving the order.

"Wait, can I ask why you want to help me?" Although Dawn sat sideways on the cloak, she still had doubts in her heart. She looked at the people beside you. Except for the heroine and the flash, none of them seemed to be. Good guy: "You said it comes from a parallel world. What do you mean by parallel world?"

Su Ming pulled Ha Li and asked her to board the flying carpet, and replied: "Don't think too much, just think that we are here to help remote villages, Bobo, explain to her what a parallel world is on the way."

"Oh, I don't understand parallel worlds, so don't we have to start from the beginning..."

Life is not easy, the orangutan sighed, but he still has to do the work he has to do.

Wolf's motorcycle is called 'Ramona'. It can not only fly, but also travel through the universe and different dimensions. It is his treasure.

The speed is not slow either, at least he can keep up if the cloak is restrained.

Five minutes later, everyone arrived from San Francisco on the west coast to Washington, D.C. on the east coast. On the way, even though they were flying at high altitude, they could still see various tragic scenes happening along the way.

He even encountered several thirteenth-tier villains who could fly and wanted to pursue them, but Su Ming used a white light ring to turn them all into white ash.

Arlington Cemetery has arrived. Just looking down from the sky, you can see many potholes. Almost all the graves have been dug up, and the black lantern corpses on the ground are looking up at everyone.

Deathstroke looked down, waved hello to the enthusiastic fans on the ground, and then turned to look at the giant motorcycle suspended to the side:

"Baolang, come on, a strong man should fuck a zombie."

However, the mercenary dug his nose with a finger as thick as a billiard cue and showed no intention of moving at all. Instead, he said disdainfully: "Damn it, I took a job as a bodyguard, and now you want me to investigate something unrelated. I won’t do it, uncle.”

"I'll add money." Su Ming threw out a magazine with his backhand like he was playing poker and pointed downwards with his finger firmly.

After taking the magazine, Tyrannosaurus immediately swung his chain like a propeller and dived down on his motorcycle.

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