The Death Knell

Chapter 2836 Chatting between battles

Lori seems to be a little yearning for the white light ring? Do you want to resurrect your mother?

But that's normal. Her abilities are very special. No matter whose skills you copy, you only have to enjoy the benefits and don't have to pay the price.

Although she can't get the full version of the ability, she just can't master things like the 'core mysteries'. For example, she can imitate the existence of strangulation, but can't split spores; she can imitate Constantine, but she doesn't have the blood of demons and those of heaven and hell. Connections; can imitate Superman, but she can't take it any further by basking in the sun.

But at least it’s free prostitution, what kind of bicycle do you want?

Or to put it another way, her misfortune was the price of the whole thing.

She has been an alternative since she was a child because she likes Gothic culture. She was bullied by her classmates at school, her books were torn, her hair was cut, pig blood was poured on her, and a series of other common campus problems happened to her. She was like a real girl. It's a remake of "Carrie."

After she awakened her ability, she did not kill all her classmates, but chose to transfer to another school by herself. Those naughty kids should be grateful to her for not killing them.

But having the ability brought more misfortunes. His mother died suddenly, his father had cancer, and the whole family was trapped in money.

She had to join a team like the Secret Six that did dirty work, but the villains thought the methods were too cruel and didn't want to deal with her.

Because for a teenage girl to smile and beat the target into a ball of blood mist is a bit beyond ordinary people's cognition.

In fact, she is not crazy, but realistic. Her logic is also very clear. She works to make money to support her family.

You have to kill people anyway, you have to do it even if you don't feel happy, and you have to do it even if you feel happy, so why can't you make yourself feel happier? right?

The six-person team cannot choose their jobs. Boss Luther says who to kill, and everyone just does it. But can't they choose their expressions when doing things?

Batman said she is the most dangerous teenager on earth, not without reason. On the one hand, she is really capable, and on the other hand, she has her own logic at such a young age, which revolves around things like money. logic.

Batman, who grew up in a place like Gotham, is well aware of the power of money. Although it is simply a piece of paper that relies on the existence of human society, in some cases humans will be distorted by it.

Of course, that was Bat's dark view, and Su Ming had a different view than him.

Like Batman knowing how dark and illogical magic is and staying away from it? It is better to keep uncontrolled things in your own hands as much as possible.

Therefore, Su Ming likes Luo Rui very much. There is nothing wrong with a child working hard to support his father who has cancer at home.

The law is the law and morality is morality. Regardless of vigilante or villain, who is not an outlaw?

At this time, Lori, who was looking at the rainy scene outside the window, looked more like an ordinary girl. She was a bit thin, at least compared to Raven of the same age, she seemed to be underdeveloped.

"Can you tell me about the Lantern Ring? Deathstroke, although I have imitated Green Lantern, I actually know nothing about the things behind the ring."

With her eyes wide open, she turned to ask the silent death knell behind her.

The wind at high places was cold, and the smell of rain outside the cracked windows was not fresh enough, but she didn't care.

"Lamp ring, the lamp ring is actually a medium that corresponds to the lamp group to win over the thugs." Su Ming walked to her side and looked at many black lantern corpses writhing in pain on the street under the tower: "The energy used by the lamp ring In fact, they all come from the corresponding 'emotional embodiment', and the middleman makes a difference of several lots."

Su Ming heard a theory about the origin of N52 lamp beasts and lamp groups before traveling through time. After combining what he saw during this period, he summarized something.

Before the emergence of our diversity 1, there was only a void in this 'position', just like a blank canvas, but it was filled with the energy of the canvas itself and some disordered thoughts.

Maybe there once was another diversity here, but that diversity has disappeared in the long river of history, leaving only various obsessions and visions.

Among them are the Black Death Emperor, the Predator, the Blood Slaughterer, the Ion Shark, the Shining Phoenix, the Conversion Octopus, the Parallax Monster, the Desire Python, and a lot of metaphysical energy projections.

They are in higher or lower dimensions and are not visible on the physical plane.

Before Perpetua created Diversity 1, all energy projection creatures in the void were devouring each other, but were constantly reborn. In the process, the Black Death Emperor recognized the existence of death and gradually began to metamorphose.

Since all existence is bound to die in the end, why not die from the beginning?

Then the Mother of Diversity created the world, and the light of creation appeared. The first person to come into contact with this light was the biological energy projection of the seven lamp beasts.

Don't ask why it's seven again.

Affected by the light of creation, they transformed into entities that can exist in the multiverse. That is, from an 'invisible' state, they borrowed the light of creation to awaken their spiritual intelligence, thereby making themselves 'visible'.

There are also emotional entities that have always been invisible. The lamp beast "Eclipse Star" of the ultraviolet lamp exists in another dimension, like a purple sun.

In short, after these seven entities awakened their minds, they wanted to escape from the chaotic void, just like refugees trying to escape from a war-torn place.

But at the same time, the Black Death Emperor also saw the impact of the light of creation on the energy of the chaotic universe, and it gave him the idea of ​​​​eradicating all emotional creatures.

Yao Shihuang ran first. After entering the physical universe, it felt happy and would no longer be eaten by others. As a result, it developed a beautiful emotion called "hope" for the future.

It calls to other projected creatures that are still in the void, just like Optimus Prime calls the Autobots to come to the earth, but it is only responsible for cheering others and never does serious business.

This is why the Blue Lantern Corps mostly just watched from the sidelines.

The converted octopus was the second one. After it entered the real world, it saw that other creatures were running slowly, and it felt "pity" because of this. It re-extended its materialized tentacles into the void, trying to drag the other five companions who had not yet run out.

But because the entity came into contact with the essence of nothingness, it was frightened into an idiot by the indescribable truth of the universe.

Therefore, in the future, the Lanterns of the Blue Lantern Corps are basically puppets.

The Desire Python was the third one to enter the multi-dimensional world. It was jealous of Yao Shihuang and Gai Zong Cute, who were more powerful than itself. Although the tentacles of Gai Zong Octopus helped it, it wanted to occupy the body of Gai Zong Octopus after it became an idiot. It was the first I feel 'greedy'.

The Parallax Monster was the fourth one to come out. From it on, other projection creatures in the void that could not escape were driven by the Black Death Emperor and attacked them.

Even after entering the physical universe, it still feels the malice from the void, and therefore feels 'fear'.

The Predator was the fifth one to come out. It was also attacked, but with the help of the Conversion Octopus, it also entered the physical universe intact. It felt 'love'.

The Ion Shark was the sixth to come out, but half of its body was bitten off by an unknown projection creature, and it was dying after entering the physical universe. At this time, it did not have the courage;

The former's tragic situation affected the Blood Slaughter Ox. With the help of the Conversion Octopus, it managed to enter the physical universe despite being injured, and thus developed 'anger'.

There were only seven days of creation, and these seven creatures escaped from nothingness. The turmoil of creation passed. At this time, the light of creation had weakened and transformed into the spirit of existence of the earth.

Peppertua turned around to make the three monitor brothers and other wage earners, and the spirit of existence took the opportunity to chat with the emotional entities.

After entering the physical universe and then protruding its tentacles into the chaotic universe again, the converted octopus was mentally traumatized and turned into an imbecile, and all the tentacles that penetrated the void were necrotic from the rule level.

The Spirit of Existence thought it could be used, so it asked Yao Shihuang to attach part of the necrotic tentacles of the converted octopus to the back half of the seriously injured Ion Shark, and then gave some white light to the injured, so that the latter could continue to survive, and Thus was born the 'will' or 'courage' to survive.

The Spirit of Existence was transformed from the weakened Light of Creation, and was also Perpetua's tool for creation. After the Mad Goddess began to play with the power of crisis and magically changed the entire multiverse, it had to shrink into the depths of the earth. place, waiting for the emergence of human beings in the future.

After that, a civil war broke out among the seven lamp beasts because of their excessive freedom.

The desire python wanted to possess the body of the octopus, but the ion shark refused to let it go, so the two started a war...

We all escaped from nothingness together, and now you still want to eat your companions? So angry! So Xue Tu Niu also helped Ion Shark fight the Desire Python.

Yao Shihuang used words to stop the fight, saying that you should stop fighting and that everyone has a bright future, but in fact it did nothing and just watched the show.

The predator takes the opportunity to fall in love with the retarded octopus. It wants to monopolize it. If it cannot possess it, it will destroy it.

As for Parallax Monster, because everyone started fighting, it felt fear again, so he hid in the antimatter space alone.

The melee between these emotional entities lasted for billions of years, during which a series of events such as Perpetua being sealed by the Origin Wall, the battle between the good and the anti-Monitor, etc. happened, while the spirit of existence has been sleeping.

Later, Lantern No. 1, Fron, traveled through time and space to contact the "little blue men" living on the planet Maltes, and guided them to change their name to the "Guardians of the Universe". He designed to capture the people who had been running around and wanted to The Ion Shark who found a way to cure the Converted Octopus' sanity and turned it into the Green Lantern's total energy source.

With the lantern group and the guardians as troublemakers, experiments to create disasters will be carried out in the future, so that the timeline will be closed.

"Then the ambitious guardians began to make various lanterns, capture the lantern beasts one by one and put them in cans to collect Skittles. They also wanted to rule the universe in disguise through the lantern army, and created the 'Supreme Green Lantern'. 'Machine Green Light' and all kinds of natural disasters, it's a long story. In fact, you can arrest a guardian next time and torture them. Those big-headed dwarfs must know more than me."

After smoking a cigarette, the story was just finished, and the time agreed upon by Deathstroke and Batman was almost over.

The girl nodded repeatedly, as if she suddenly understood: "I used to think that the little blue people were good people, but I didn't expect that they were just well-hidden careerists."

"There is no obvious definition of good guys or bad guys, but aliens definitely don't stand on the Earth's side, except for Superman, because his mother's name is Martha."

Su Ming told another joke and signaled to the girls that it was time to go back.

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