The Death Knell

Chapter 2841 The difference

In the not-so-spacious safe house, Lori had almost had enough rest.

In fact, she won't get tired with her superhuman physique, but mentally she is still a little girl, so she has to clear up some doubts so that she can use it better.

When young people do things, they must have a clear mind. If the mind is smooth, then they will be the best tool people.

And time was not wasted. Su Ming found some clues while playing on the computer and watching the news.

At the same time, Barry would definitely be able to find the two of them with the guidance of the lightning rod. If he didn't come over now, it meant that Xiao Fu had understood his intention.

The plan is proceeding as designed.

"What should we do next?" Lori finished eating the spicy strips, and she carelessly twirled her fingers stained with red oil in her mouth.

Su Ming stood up and stared at the news on the screen again: "I have previously analyzed the different goals between the three war eagles, so what we need is to think about all the possibilities of how they can achieve their respective goals. And judging from the other party’s reaction, this possibility is highly related to Gotham.”

The first is War Eagle. There’s nothing to say. He doesn’t know the existence of Mo Cun and Dijun at all. He will soon be busy dealing with the attack of the black lantern corpse tonight.

Mo Cun, on the other hand, wanted to prevent the emperor from killing Bai Ge, or to find a way to resurrect Duo En after she was killed.

The emperor's goal is to make War Eagle or one of the silent ones go crazy and turn black, thereby turning into him and realizing a closed time loop.

Therefore, Su Ming has several plans.

For example, find War Eagle and hunt him down, luring Mo Cun and Di Jun out to stop him.

Because War Eagle does not have any timeline split, if he is killed, both of them will be erased by the law of cause and effect.

But in doing so, it would be equivalent to pushing Mo Cun and Di Jun, two people who originally had conflicts, to the side. They might even join forces to resist.

To deal with two guys with time abilities at the same time, Su Ming was a little overwhelmed, which also meant that one of them had to be left to Barry to deal with, which was not very stable.

You must know that in the comic "Zero Hour", Barry went to deal with Mo Cun, but was directly hit by the entropic rift and sacrificed to the sky before he could fight. Everyone disappeared into the Speed ​​Force, leaving only an empty shell uniform for everyone to remember.

Therefore this plan is not the optimal solution.

Then another plan is to find ways to speed up the confrontation between Mo Cun and the Emperor, which is what everyone is doing now.

Help Mo Cun protect Bai Ge so that he can free up his hands to hunt down the emperor.

Both of them are people who can produce countless clones at infinite points in time. This is an endless chase.

Deathstroke has now basically confirmed that the person who peeled off the tributary of time is the Emperor. It is this arrogant man who has the confidence to be distracted by a 'Kryptonian girl' while being hunted by Mo Cun.

The method should be to use the dark night that is about to happen. This is the reason why the two of them were thrown to this point in time.

But unfortunately, he didn't understand Su Ming's alternative Death Knell too well. As a former member of the Western Titans, he knew the Death Knell of Earth 12, and he had a deep inherent impression of it, which resulted in cognitive bias.

How to use this bias into advantage is what we need to do next.

"The current emperor should be preparing to turn War Eagle into a black man, so he will use the black light incident to act. If he is right, he will make a fuss about the unguarded body of Donald, the first-generation white dove. If Hank sees his My brother turned into a black lantern corpse, and it is difficult not to go crazy. He is originally an impulsive and manic spokesperson for the Lord of Chaos."

Seeing his brother's eyes shut down, Deathstroke folded his arms and softly spoke out another reasoning.

In the previous timeline 1, everyone went to Donald's cemetery and only saw a coffin broken from the inside, and harvested some relics that could be used to track.

However there is a problem.

That is, Donald is the white dove, the spokesperson of the Lord of Order, even after death.

Although Su Ming hates those subordinates of the Lord of Order, Naboo, and several generations of Doctors of Destiny, they are all mentally ill who pursue absolute order.

But I have to admit that order is also a kind of connecting force. It maintains the harmony and stability of human society and allows everything to develop according to the established rules, even if those rules are set by Perpetua.

The Black Death Emperor represents the original vision of death. The death of all things means the increase of entropy, and the increase of entropy is a kind of crisis force.

As one of the spokespersons of order, Donald's body should be protected by the power of connection from turning into a black lantern corpse, just like the Donald from Earth 0 still sleeping in the tomb during the blackest night.

Unless the Emperor finds another way to specifically target him and deliberately break this protection, allowing Black Lantern to succeed...

For example, similar means provided by Deathstroke to Sinestro.

By increasing the concentration of crisis power in Donald's corpse, allowing it to overwhelm the bonding power that protects the corpse, the goal of destroying the 'Sleeping Story' is achieved.

Both Mo Cun and Dijun are war eagles, and they both control the power of chaos. However, the power of chaos and the power of order are on the same level, and they cannot achieve overwhelming results in a short time. Therefore, if the emperor wants to achieve his goal, he needs to be more capable of causing crises. Something about the power.

"And this thing is in Gotham."

After quickly speaking out a series of his analyses, Su Ming told the girl his final conclusion. They needed to get that thing before the emperor.

After wiping her hands and face, Lori thought for a moment, but there are too many things related to the power of crisis in Gotham, because anything that can cause chaos counts.

"What could it be?"

"I just watched the news, and I already have some guesses, because the emperor will definitely make some preparations before making plans. We just need to find the most wrong place in Gotham right now."


"Actually, I've always wanted to ask you a question, Batman, why are we in a safe house in the sewers instead of underground in your mansion?"

In time stream 1, Harley was walking around the sofa while curiously asking Batman who was sleeping?

Do you think he fell asleep? Is he confused? In fact, it's not the case. He is Batman. As long as he exists here, he can make the mastermind behind the scenes a weapon.

Although I am a little older, a little weaker, and a little stupid...


Batman didn't speak, just breathed calmly, like anyone who sleeps.

But this trick is ineffective for Harley. There are many things that others dare not do, but she dares to do them.

So she took out her lipstick and prepared to put a big smiley face on Batman to see if it could smell a little like the Laughing Bat.

If possible, the madman is more frightening, right?

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