The Death Knell

Chapter 2845 The Riddler

"I know if you are you, can you let me see your true face?"

After entering the Wayne Mansion, which had been remodeled like a hallucinatory mirror maze, the Joker brought Deathstroke to the living room. Instead of going to the underground Batcave to watch "The Funniest Game," he went straight to the point.

He jumped into the arms of the sofa and tilted his head to look at the fat plumber.

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

Su Ming sat next to him naturally, picked up the wine bottle on the coffee table and looked at it.

"There are too many reasons, too many, my dear." The clown sighed, scratching his hair, and the green hair emerged from between his fingers like weeds: "First of all, you are not afraid of me at all. Secondly, you are too smart for Gotham to have such a nobody.”

"If I said that I was an adventurous plumber who came to Gotham to save the Mushroom Princess, would you believe it?" Su Ming smiled and winked at him.

The clown tilted his head to the other side, staring at the man's face endlessly, as if he wanted to see into his heart.

Then, he suddenly burst into laughter and even rolled back and forth on the sofa:

"Hahahahahaha! Oh my god, this joke is perfect, ha! The worker actually got involved with the princess, so right! Gotham is a place where all jokes become possible! But... ...I don’t believe a word you say! Because I’m Batman! Hahahahahaha... Laugh, laugh, I told a joke too!”

In just the time he finished speaking this paragraph, the clown's personality changed six times, and the expression on his face was like a face-changing artist on stage, switching as fast as lightning.

Then, he took out the remote control in his pocket, his expression suddenly turned gloomy and cruel, licking the corners of his mouth and said:

"Take off your disguise, or I'll kill everyone."

However, to his surprise, the plumber had no intention of stopping him. He held the wine bottle in one hand and tasted it, while making a 'please' gesture with the other hand.

"You're welcome, but there's no need to test. I'm not Batman. Are you too old? You can't even tell who is a bat?"

The clown holding the remote control was first disappointed, then enlightened, then laughing, then angry, and finally became expressionless.

The hand holding the remote control and his eyes lowered at the same time:

"Yes, I know, you are not him. Although the feeling of the Dark Knight is very similar, it is not after all. I miss him very much... But even if I occupy his home and violate Bruce, I can't expose it. It's Batman's rules of the game. I turned this place into an amusement park, but he still doesn't come to play with me... Why? Why is he old but not me? Hehehe, this world is so unfair. "

He really wanted to know the answer and looked at Deathstroke with pitiful eyes.

But what can Su Ming give him? Nothing but lies.

"How do you know he didn't come to play with you? Maybe he has already taken action, but you ignored it." Deathstroke crossed his legs, smoking and drinking happily: "Since you learned the trick of fishing for goldfish from Japan, no Have you ever heard of PLAY?"

The frowning clown was suddenly startled, and then laughed:

"Ah, I see. He is good or bad. If you want to see me anxious, you can just tell me. I can act it out for him. For example, I can also create a person I care about and let him kidnap him. ,Ha ha ha ha ha......"

"It seems you understand?"

Deathstroke put away the empty bottle and looked at the moonlight outside the window. It should be some time before the black light came.

"I understand, you know so many things." The clown picked up the remote control, rubbed it between his hands with some emotion, blinked and said, "You know him too well, you shouldn't know him better than me, so Goodbye, no, never, hee hee!"

So he pressed the button, and the gadget hanging around Su Ming's neck sprayed out green smoke. It was not much, just enough to cover a person's head.

However, the plumber with a thick beard like a broom just let out a short laugh, and then inhaled hard, and the green smoke swirled into the two nostrils as if it was stirred by a range hood.

"Smoke~~~ Do you have any more? Have some more, I actually like citrus snuff." The plumber took a deep breath and looked at the carnival organizer with a half-smile: "I said I'm not a bat, you still don't believe me , I have to test it again, it’s really not good..."

The clown narrowed his eyes at this.


“Tiger chases the ball, ant chases the bone, so what does the bat chase?”

While the Joker and Batman were having trouble on Earth 12, the game between Batman and the Joker in Gotham City on Earth 0 was intensifying.

"I don't think you should join the Joker's camp, Riddler. If I were you, if you expose your butt in public, you should at least hide in the countryside for a few years." Batman looked at the keyboard in front of him and quickly entered the answer. Rescue the hostages while speaking tauntingly into a nearby microphone.

The correct answer is 'everything'.

This is an English acrostic puzzle. In the puzzle, tiger corresponds to ball and ant corresponds to bone.

But in Gotham, the word B stands for Batman, just like J stands for the Joker. At this time, all B letters in the riddle should be ignored.

Because the person reading the riddle is Batman himself, and he cannot see himself without the help of external objects.

Therefore, what the tiger pursues becomes 'all', and what the ant pursues becomes 'one'. The word for bat is Bat. After omitting the letter B, at is left. Then arrange the tigers and ants in the order of the initial letters A and T, and the things they pursue form a new phrase——

One all means everything.

It's still the same old taste. Batman doesn't even need to think about this level of puzzles, he can just give the answer subconsciously.

The process of rescuing this hostage took a total of fifteen seconds, including entering the door, walking through the maze, dismantling the traps, and answering questions.

Of course, this hostage was a fanatical follower of the Joker. After he was rescued, he was so disappointed that he wanted to commit suicide. This gave Batman a few more seconds to get into the isolation room, knock him out and leave a locator for the police to catch him. people.

The Joker somehow invited the Riddler to join the game. This green-clad cryptographer got hundreds of hostages from the Joker. He hid these hundreds of people throughout Gotham City, using green question marks as routes. Tips on the side to lure Batman or the Bat Family to rescue.

A small deadly maze, a hostage paired with a murder torture device that seems to have been moved from "The Pit and the Pendulum", an isolated secret room, and a completely boring riddle make up the game.

"Damn Batman, wait until you answer the next question!"

The Riddler's angry voice came from the loudspeaker, and the communication came to an abrupt end.

And Bat doesn't plan to solve the puzzle himself next. There are hundreds of hostages scattered all over the city. It may be dawn before they are all rescued. The game with the clown is more critical, and he cannot sacrifice the good for the bad...

Therefore, this task should be left to Damian, who just rushed back to Gotham, right?

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