The Death Knell

Chapter 2848 The arrival of the emperor

The moonlight outside the window gradually dimmed, and dark clouds drifted from nowhere to block the white round face, but this had no impact on the carnival.

People who are coerced by laughing gas devices will not feel anything. They can only smile and play their roles.

Whether they are stall owners or tourists, they are just puppets played by a deadly joke.

The happy circus-style music still echoed in the dark night, and even the lion in the fire ring had an exaggerated smile. The clown really completed an amazing project.

Speaking of which, there is a profession in Gotham that is not available in other cities, called "smile corrector", and the income is quite good.

Laughing gas is not a poisonous gas that will kill you on the spot if you inhale a little. Even in most cases, the laughing gas used by clowns does not take effect quickly. At least it takes time to make people laugh.

And it is not only spread through breathing, but also through skin or mucous membrane contact.

There are many people in Gotham City who were exposed to a small amount of laughing gas but did not die. They will wear exaggerated smiles throughout their lives, undergo lengthy treatments, and suffer from various psychological problems as a result.

Smile orthodontists have emerged as the times require. The threshold for practicing is a bit high. They not only need to know medicine, but also psychology. In addition, laughing gas damages the patient's facial nerves, so the most effective treatment method at present is acupuncture.

But every patient's consultation fee is paid directly by Wayne Group. If you work in this line of work, you can earn tens of thousands of dollars by working hard every day.

So, if anyone in the city hopes that the Joker will never retire, then these doctors are definitely much more determined than the brainless gangsters of the Joker Gang.

The clown wearing armor is a bit stiff. The armor was originally designed without any thought of how a person would bend down while wearing it. This is not the most suitable equipment for the clown who has always been hunched over.

But at this moment, he fell straight forward, pressing his chest against the window sill, stretching his legs far back, using this angle to achieve the effect of bending over, looking at his masterpiece in the courtyard.

He was very happy, wearing the gear that Batman once wore, and the helmet seemed to still have the smell of bat breath.

suck! ! !

After taking a deep breath, the clown smiled and said: "I seem to have a feeling that a thief is coming. Will he steal my heart? I'm really curious, quack quack..."

"No, because there is only one Batman, and the thief is not a bat but an eagle. Eagles are raptors that are active during the day. You won't like it." Deathstroke drew out his night sword, and the stars made of X metal seemed to be falling in the night sky. The sword quickly merged and flowed: "The robin is more suitable for the night, isn't it?"

"Yeah, and there are owls, hehe, those little feathered things have brought me a lot of fun. It's as funny as waking up from a dream and finding yourself in a coffin underground...ah , I saw it, well, this person is dressed a bit too rustic, blue and gold uniform, maybe only those in the police station would wear it like this?"

Just as he said, the Emperor suddenly appeared as if he had been here all along.

At this time, the man wearing blue metal armor and a round helmet with no visible face was located in the center of the carnival venue. The place was originally a courtyard fountain but was later transformed into a chocolate bath by the clown.

The man glanced at the smiling people swimming and splashing in the chocolate bath, then turned around and looked around, as if he was looking for something or judging the current time.

Although you can't see his face or eyes, you can tell from his body movements that he seems a little confused.

It’s right to be at a loss. The appearance of Deathstroke and his participation in the story mean that there has been a change in this carnival. This is using the butterfly effect of the time traveler to fight against the home field advantage of the time manipulator.

Do you know the past plot? Know where the treasures are, where the opportunities are, and even know what to say to whom you meet?

Then I'll let you all be confused and let's play together in a strange world.

Timeline is something that is both strong and fragile, which sounds a bit contradictory.

It is said to be solid because the inertia of time is very strong, and it will spontaneously maintain its own existence according to the continuity and logic of the story.

It is fragile because once a creature like a time traveler interferes, it will soon become unrecognizable. Countless stories have proven this.

The emperor might be a little irritable, or he might just be making noise to lure the clown out. He shot a beam of light from his palm, which not only destroyed the chocolate bath, but also killed all the smiling staff swimming in it.

"Ah, this guy doesn't understand what a precious smile is. My first impression of him... is quite annoying. Can I kill him?"

The clown did a push-up on the windowsill, raised himself up again, looked at the plumber next to him and asked.

"Of course, and that's what I think too, look at what he did." Su Ming shook his head, looking distressed: "He just killed those people because they turned into dark skin. This is really wrong. Once you entangle him from the front, I will secretly stab him in the back on behalf of justice."

"Hee hee, sure enough in America, skin color jokes will never go out of style. It's such an eternal classic." The clown let out a deep laugh, and then became melancholy again: "Well, when you stab him, you can try to protect your liver. Is it complete? Please, Killer Croc hasn’t eaten fresh human liver in a long time.”

"It's easy to say, I usually stab people in the kidneys, go ahead."

Deathstroke dropped a word and disappeared instantly.

Everything at the carnival was originally meant for Batman to see by the Joker. Even if he doesn't want to do it after being enlightened by Deathstroke, it doesn't mean that unrelated people can destroy it casually.

How embarrassing would it be if Batman came home in the future and saw that he had made this place a mess, without any sense of beauty or philosophical thinking at all?

The thief must die because he acted like a robber.

Once the clown stops laughing, it means he is going to be cruel. Both the serious clown and the laughing bat are very deadly.

Without saying a word, at the same time that the mysterious plumber disappeared, the clown spewed fire from his feet and flew out of the window. The powerful power of the hell clown armor made him arrive in front of the emperor almost instantly, and then kicked out with a kick. .

He has never learned any systematic fighting skills, but like Deadpool, the Joker is also a typical example of someone who can win without any tricks. Their madness makes their fighting skills traceless and even incomprehensible.


The unexpected attack was from the Hell Bat Armor, and the emperor blocked the attack in panic.

There was a thunderous explosion and the shock wave in the air made everyone in the courtyard fall to the ground.

But even if he crossed his hands and blocked the ground to avoid a fight, the emperor was also sent flying several kilometers to the wilderness leading to New York north of Gotham.

"How dare you break into my home and break my fountain? Didn't your mother teach you to knock on the door when visiting other people's homes..." The clown was in front of the emperor in an instant, but the pursuit was not his. Style, he raised his hands and stroked the two pointed ears on his head like a rabbit: "Well, maybe you don't have a mother, okay, then I will answer your question out of kindness, that's right. , Admire...Bateman!"

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