The Death Knell

Chapter 2861 Answering questions

"But I still don't quite understand, why Darkseid?" Just as Deathstroke and Xiaofu were chatting with each other, Diana stood between the two and interrupted their intensive exchange: "I never There is no trace of Darkseid’s presence on Earth 12 anywhere, but why are you so sure?”

The orangutan sighed, took off the detective hat on his head and scratched the black hair: "There are so many clues, I don't even know where to start."

"Yeah, yeah, that's right. Xiaodai, don't worry about it. Can't we just let the men handle it?" Harley also helped. She was hugging Lori and Dawn at this time, and both women's ice creams were covered with stains. Leaves her teeth marks.

"I won't leave everything to men. You have to make this clear." Wonder Woman's attitude is very firm, because she doesn't want to become a burden because she doesn't know anything, causing her to be caught at a critical moment. Knocked out by pan.

Su Ming smiled and touched her arm: "Okay, I'll explain it to you. Although it's a bit of a waste of time, that guy over there who is pretending to sleep, you should come and listen."

Batman on the sofa suddenly opened his eyes, slowly sat upright, and walked towards the crowd without saying a word.

"Really, I asked you to learn some detective skills, but I didn't ask you to learn the skills of a hell detective."

Deathstroke threw a cigarette to him speechlessly, and then thought about how to start.

"Sure enough, it's you. I thought it was imitated by the enemy at first..." Batman said something that many people couldn't understand, nodded slowly, and then lit the cigarette skillfully, as if he had let go of what was in his heart. Like a stone, he took a deep breath: "I probably forgot to say thank you."

"Don't be too happy too early. It's still unclear whether the next development of things will be good or bad for Earth 12." Deathstroke did not accept the so-called thanks. After all, Bruce had no expression on his face: "If you thank me now, in the future But I blew up your earth, that would be so embarrassing."

"You won't." Batman said firmly, holding his arms with his hands: "Wonder Woman and The Flash will not allow this to happen."

After saying that, he looked at Diana and Barry with suspicious eyes, and the latter two immediately responded in the affirmative with firm eyes.

As long as they represent the Justice League here, they will not watch the destruction of the parallel world. This is an agreement between the incarnations of justice to help each other, and it is also the responsibility of superheroes.

"Okay, I've let you understand everything." Deathstroke no longer dwelled on these uncharacteristic things, and ignored Baolang who was still reading Dolphin Magazine, and then picked up Bobo and put it on the table: "Come on Secretary, tell them the reasoning process."

Yes, bring the secretary out, of course let him be responsible for answering questions.

"Ah? It's me again?" The orangutan detective sat cross-legged on the table speechlessly, facing a circle of inquiring eyes from humans, and nodded helplessly: "Then I will say it, I don't guarantee it is right, if you are misled Don’t blame me.”

"That's it, where does all this nonsense come from?!"

Diana reached out and grabbed Bobo's nose and glared at him.

I have known Bobo for decades, and they are obviously old friends. However, I found that the orangutan's personality has changed drastically and he has become very naughty, as if he is young again.

"Okay, first of all, the most critical connection is the zombies." The orangutan covered his nose and rubbed it a few times, took out his pipe, lit it, and the fire illuminated his face: "Let's now put the 'Blackest Night' The time point is marked as A, and the time point of the future zombie crisis is marked as B, for comparison and explanation."

"First of all, the Blackest Night that happened at point A also happened on Earth 0. Maybe Barry can explain this to this Batman?"

Bobo said something and looked at the Flash who was listening carefully.

Xiao Shen was suddenly mentioned. He was stunned for a moment and then nodded and explained to everyone: "It's a bit complicated to talk about. Time travel is always troublesome to explain. Can we talk about it later?"

Batman nodded, noncommittal, but he had already guessed that these people came from the future and were not simply people from a parallel world.

"That's not the key. It's the same if you don't explain it." Su Ming interjected. He didn't need Xiao Shan to explain to everyone what flash point is. That would only make people more confused: "Bobo, go ahead, you You also have your tail raised to the sky, and you actually think Batman won’t understand?”

The orangutan glanced at Deathstroke, isn't this a good thing you did?

Who knows if you go back in time and make Batman an alcoholic and smoker, will his brain still work well now?

But Bobo still did not say the words of complaint, but coughed and continued: "At time B, recall the experience when we arrived. At that time, Deathstroke, Superman and Diana finished the meeting, and suddenly his light ring It’s on, black light ring, remember?”

Xiao Dai nodded. After the meeting, everyone was about to leave the conference room, but Deathstroke stopped everyone and said there was a dead person outside the door:

"I remember, you continue."

"That kind of living corpse can be sensed by the black light ring, but ordinary corpses will not react to the light ring. The key lies in whether there is energy in the corpse."

When Bobo saw that she remembered that incident, he continued:

"Then we launched a series of activities at time point B and found that many members of the Titans had turned into living corpses that could 'talk' or even 'think'. This is the characteristic of the black light energy virus."

"Yes, that's true. They are indeed just like the black light zombies. They can talk and succumb to the desire for flesh and blood."

Wonder Woman nodded again, as if knowledge was filling her head.

"The infection first occurred in the Titan team, because the Golden Eagle takes advantage of the characteristics of those infected by the virus and will attack those close to them first, just like the Black Lantern virus."

The orangutan lit the pipe and adjusted the flame with his thumb. Seeing that Diana did not ask questions this time, he continued:

"So combining the research results of Sepurk, plus these similarities, we can determine some things. They belong to time point B and time point A of Earth 12. Both viruses are black light viruses and will travel with us to the multiverse. 2. The evil-minded powerful people I met were completely different.”

"Multiverse 2?" Diana sighed, she crossed her arms: "I don't know what you saw, he didn't take me with him."

She held the death knell in the corner of her eyes and pouted slightly.

"It's indeed different, I testify." Harley raised her hand, hugged Xiao Dai's waist from behind, and kissed her neck like a zombie eating a human: "That kind of zombie has no hearing or vision. It's all based on the smell of blood, but it's actually not important. You just need to know that the two points AB are connected. And you dead gorilla, what are you showing off? Let's get to the point!"

"I didn't...Oh, forget it, I can't afford to offend you two women." Bobo rolled his eyes and revealed the key evidence: "Then the problem is that we are at time point B, except for the death knell. Apart from the black light ring, no second black light ring has been seen. There is no ring on the hands of those zombies, and there is no ring falling from the sky. So what energy is driving those corpses to attack the Hall of Justice in a purposeful and organized manner? Because Are there any of us alive in the hall? Is there too little meat?"

At this point, Diana completely understood. Her understanding of the magical world allowed her to understand some things by analogy, that is, if a corpse can walk, talk, and think, there must be some energy to support it.

My boyfriend definitely did not control those corpses through the black light ring, so there must be another person who has a second black light ring with extremely high authority.

Perhaps, there really is a Supreme Black Lantern, just like there was a Supreme Green Lantern.

Deathstroke and Bobo suspected that the person was Darkseid, because the Golden Eagle dropped the virus, and then pointed the clues to Di Jun and Mo Cun, and these two people collected crisis power on the timeline.

However, those two people will not use the power of crisis. Emperor and Mo Cun can only use the 'entropic rift' created by mixing the power of order and the power of chaos.

And they shouldn't know about the existence of the power of crisis, even if they are people from the future.

There are only a few people who know what specific 'things' have crisis energy. The power of connection and the power of crisis are absolutely confidential. Even the Incarnation of Justice doesn't know about it.

The insiders include Luthor and the Legion of Destruction on Earth 0, the Seven Giants of the Justice League, Bobo and Harley, Bliss and Cindy on Earth Minus 11, Night Owl on Earth Minus 3, the dead Laughing Bat and Po. Petua.

But no one alive has any reason to collect the power of crisis again, and the failure of Laughter is enough to make people sober.

In this way, only Darkseid, who had been under house arrest in Sepurk and had been silently watching, was left. Not only did he know a lot of key information, but he also formulated a further plan.

"Then the power of connection..." Thinking of this, Diana was suddenly startled, and she looked at her boyfriend aside.

Su Ming nodded and walked to the Brother Eye host to bring up the global map: "It seems you understand, yes, Darkseid wants them all. It is a very mature choice, so I have the X metal in my hand and the Earth 12 The spirit of existence is the key to the next step.”

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