The Death Knell

Chapter 2874 Soul Cycle

What would it be like when tens of billions of black lantern corpses on a planet mourn at the same time?

It was an indescribable strong noise, disorderly and chaotic, like a continuous piercing sound wave vibration that echoed through the corridors and every cell, as if it would never go away.

Even though the two of them were now located next to the underground reservoir, which looked like an ocean, the noise still caused the entire planet to vibrate and the water surface to form waves.

"They sounded like they were in pain."

Lori put her little fingers on her ears. She seemed to be not used to this high-pitched relay singing method, because her experience of superhuman hearing was that she could hear the screams of all the lantern zombies on the entire planet.

They are cursing, regretting, and begging for mercy.

But it's useless, because this planet has an artificial gravity field and atmosphere, so the fire extinguishing system used is also a gravity-type earth style. It is everywhere. The nozzles hidden in the ceiling are spitting out white water mist.

For the living, these white mists can heal injuries, soothe the soul, and fill human hearts with the concepts of unity and dedication.

But if the light mist falls on the corpse of the lamp, it will be like maggots attached to the bones and poison that penetrates the intestines. It will quickly decompose the corpse of the lamp like bacteria, turning them into puddles of meat paste.

In fact, the effect of the white light ring is optional. It depends entirely on Deathstroke's wishes. He can even directly resurrect some people and let them do the resurrection task; he can also make more ring replicas to help them get rid of the trouble of the black light.

Yes, but not necessary.

This planet was originally full of prisoners, and even if they were resurrected, they would still be unstable; as for the army of Apokolips, even if they were resurrected, they would still be Darkseid's army; the new gods of Genesis, except for Diana's number one fan Except for Diorian, they are all unfriendly aliens.

Just purify them all.

Anyway, even Diana and Barry thought that the light ring that Deathstroke wore on Earth 0 would not work on Earth 12, so they never mentioned resurrecting anyone.

Their trust in Deathstroke became inertia, and they gave up thinking. In their opinion, if someone could be resurrected, Deathstroke would definitely take the initiative to mention it.

However, whether it can be done and whether it can be done are two different things.

Su Ming felt that he could resurrect others on Earth 12, but he couldn't let them know, otherwise the matter would be endless.

Xiao Dai will definitely want to resurrect Da Dai, and Da Dai will want to resurrect other people in Zhenglian. Others will definitely ask to resurrect relatives and friends, infinite matryoshka dolls, and finally it will evolve into everyone hoping that the death knell will save all living beings in the universe.

But he came to Earth 12 to track down clues about Darkseid, not to save people at different points in time. This kind of drudgery should be left to Hal Jordan.

So even though Big Barda and Orion were in the prison corridor outside, Su Ming still purified them without hesitation.

However, only the body is destroyed here, and the souls in these bodies, or the souls with original personalities, are not here.

In the DC universe, there are particularities to who can be resurrected and who is best left alone.

The normal soul cycle process is like garbage sorting. Souls with faith will go to the heaven and various hells of their beliefs, where extremely fanatical believers and evil-doing bad guys are transformed into angels and demons respectively.

Those whose beliefs are not firm enough, or whose bad deeds are not absolute enough, will be drained of the power of their beliefs and sins, converted into various energies that can be used, and then spit out like chewed residue.

These residual debts will be sucked into the black and white kingdom of 'death' together with the souls of the unbelievers. The rotating tunnel will wash away all memories and merits and demerits of life, reset the soul to the original state, and reincarnate again.

It doesn't matter if you resist or be hostile to the belief in gods in DC. The souls after death will not be used to build walls like in Faerûn. On the contrary, if you believe in God, your soul will be "excessive" after death.

This is the price you need to pay for using religion as your psychological support while you are alive to gain inner peace.

In any case, it is best not to fish out and resurrect these souls that are following the normal process. No matter where the soul is, fishing it out will offend people, God, death, and Satan. Generally, wizards with a normal mind will not do this.

Except for Constantine, he occasionally fishes people out of hell, but when he fishes out friend A, he will fill in friends BCD and others, and he is doing a loss-making business of exchanging one for many.

But it wasn't him who died. The rescued person would also give him earthly rewards, money, which he could use to buy cigarettes and alcohol, so that would be fine.

But the souls of black lantern corpses are different, and these can be saved at will.

Their bodies were infected, and part of their souls were distorted and corrupted with memories, and remained in the corpse; after the corpse died, the soul was sucked into the Black Death Emperor's own 'little box', which is the nameless kingdom of death. go.

Various Lanterns have a little extra situation in this regard. They can sometimes awaken their souls in the dimension of the dead based on their emotions, but that is just a special case.

As long as you are sure that you can deal with the Black Death Emperor and get his soul out of him, all the gods and demons in the sky, including Death, will say that you have done a good job.

This is to maintain the normal operation of the universe. The Black Death Emperor is like a bandit who robbed a cash transport truck, taking away the interests that originally belonged to everyone. Someone can put the soul back into the multiverse, a plate shared by everyone, and let them Waiting for the next allocation is a brave act of justice.

In fact, in Su Ming's view, no matter who becomes the Black Death Emperor, failure is doomed.

If it was wandering in the void like before the creation of the world, the ruthless people in the story might not be able to do anything with it.

But reaching out into the multiverse, entering reality and stories and trying to snatch the power of death is really asking for death.

The eldest brother of the Endless Family, ‘Destiny’, could just draw a line on the book, and the Black Death Emperor would face his destined decline, but the Endless Family would not show up easily, they would achieve this effect through the hands of mortals.

Another example of someone who can be resurrected is a person killed by the Speed ​​Force effect.

For example, Roy on Earth 0 was killed by Wally at a certain point in the future. Then he should not have died at the original point in time. This is considered a time disorder.

It's like Death Girl originally registered him and issued number 999, but the girl's side only called number 1, but Roy arrived early with his own number plate.

What can be done? Let him wait for his turn and call his number in the order determined by fate. This is the rule.

But if Roy doesn't want to wait around and wants to ask a friend to pick him up and take him back to the human world to wait for his number to be called, that's fine. Anyway, the soul will eventually return to death.

For death, life is only temporary, and decades or tens of thousands of years are just a moment in her eyes.

"Let's go, there's no movement outside. Let's go back and meet everyone." Su Ming touched Luo Rui's head, turned around and returned the same way: "The principle of the black light is quite complicated. The pain felt by the lamp corpse comes more from On an emotional level, their bodies are rotten, so how can they still feel anything."

"You won't find that we have been thrown into another timeline as soon as you go back this time, right?" Lori then revealed the reason why she had to follow. She still felt that it was safer to follow Deathstroke.

Su Ming thought for a while, then shook his head: "Probably not. We haven't noticed the Speed ​​Force or the Omega effect yet, but who can say for sure what is happening in this world? We'll know when we go back and take a look."

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