The Death Knell

Chapter 2879 Maintaining Peace

The Guardian of the Universe (guards the univee), commonly known as the little blue man, has a lifelong wish to "maintain peace in the universe."

Some people may think that they are a bit like the "Observers" from Marvel next door, because they all look like dwarfs with big heads, but in fact they are more like the "Elders of the Universe", that is, Gao Tianzun and the collectors.

At least in terms of seniority, the situation is very similar.

Their original home planet was called Maltus, and the first intelligent life forms in the D universe were born on that planet. Although they were generally called Maltus people, they were actually later divided into three different groups. Race.

The Oans, they are all men, who are the guardians before the limbs degenerate today; the other race is all dark blue-skinned women, the Zamarons who coexist with the Oans, who are today The star orchid stone; the last is pink skin, with male and female controllers (trolles).

It is obviously one race, why are they divided into different ethnic groups? Let’s talk about their history.

A billion years ago, the people of Maltus were living happily in their home galaxy, with advanced technology and a happy life. Everyone was busy exploring the new universe, and it could be said that they were endlessly happy.

But one day, an astronaut who was out exploring met a strange creature who claimed to be human. He had white skin and blond hair. He called himself Forong and said that he wanted to introduce a super useful energy and emotion spectrum to the Martus people.

Everyone watched the 'miracle' displayed by each other with various colored light rings, and their hearts suddenly became hot. Then according to Fu Rong's statement, the design captured the first emotional entity, which was the ion shark.

They locked the ion shark in a large jar, extracted the emotional energy from its body, and then used this energy to transform itself.

This is awesome. In the initial stage, the energy level of the ion shark was very high, and it also carried the aura of chaos in the void. These energy transformations caused the Martus people to change their life levels.

They have mastered a lot of superpowers, such as immortality, space flight, energy manipulation, extraordinary intelligence, etc.

So the men who thought they were gods secretly discussed and made a plan. They felt they were invincible, so the first thing they had to do was to go home and kill their wives and children.

This is the benefit of high IQ. If you use your brain casually, 'genius ideas' will emerge.

They think that since they are immortal, what else do they need their wives for? Will you share your rights and take your place in the future after giving birth to a child?

No, rights and status cannot be given away. Women will only affect our "maintenance of universal peace."

So these blue people launched an agreed-upon mass assassination on their home planet, and everyone was responsible for killing their wives and children at the appointed time.

After killing their wives and children, there were too many corpses and they were too lazy to clean up. They simply left their home planet and moved to an unowned planet, and began to continue their great blueprint of "maintaining peace in the universe."

By the way, they also plotted against the evildoer and locked him up, because the power of the spectrum was too strong and no one else except them was worthy of mastering it. In order to 'maintain the peace of the universe', the threat must be eliminated.

But even though Fu Rong hated them to death, the little blue people didn't kill him, they just locked him in a jar and kept him for experiments, just for fun.

This scourge actually came from the future, and he also prepared a series of conspiracies to take advantage of the blue people.

But he expected the betrayal and duplicity of the blue people, but he didn't expect that they would attack him so early, so he fell into the fate of the original timeline and completed the closure of time and space.

That planet was named Oa, and these crazy little blue people were also called Oa by outsiders. Over the next few hundred million years, their limbs gradually degenerated and turned into the appearance of big-headed dolls.

The massacre of women did not kill them all, and some of the women escaped.

They buried the love in their hearts and hid on the remote planet Zamalon. Their strong and contradictory love attracted the purple 'Predator Beast', so they also gained some form of detachment, using the unique magic of that planet. A crystal stone was used as a medium to form the Purple Lantern Corps.

What followed was a battle between the angry women and their former husbands, and the entanglement between the Green Lantern Corps and the Purple Lantern Corps began from then on.

Of course, not all blue people and purple people are so heartless. Some of them did not attack their wives and children back then, and some of them apologized and secretly got together behind everyone's back. These couples would return to their home planet to secretly give birth to children, taking turns. take care of.

These invisible children are the controllers. It is impossible for them to see their parents at the same time. They can only see each other in turns for a very short time, just like left-behind children who no one pays attention to.

So their inner greed for family affection attracted the 'Desire Python', and they became the first batch of Orange Lantern Corps members.

At that time, their home planet had retreated to the Stone Age after successive wars, and only a kind of woolly orangutan-like beast remained. Therefore, the controllers became very powerful in the cruel environment, even beyond everyone's expectations. , climbed up another completely unknown technology tree.

Most of them later lost their Orange Lantern rings, ascended and left the multiverse, never to return.

There is a saying that D's famous artifact, the wishing machine that can grant all wishes, is their creation. These people also created very powerful weapons such as the 'Star Eater' and the 'Biological Nebula', but no one knows where these things are in the multiverse.

Hundreds of millions of years later, the Little Blue Man controlled the Green Lantern Corps and finally succeeded in maintaining "peace" in the universe for a period of time. So they divided the universe into 3,600 sectors and started new actions.

Clean up dissidents among your own people.

At that time, the little blue people were mainly divided into two factions. One faction was more tolerant and proposed to absorb all intelligent creatures in the universe to form a joint government. Everyone could serve as members and maintain peace through a parliamentary system.

The other faction doesn't want that. They want to use absolute force to maintain peace. Everyone will become kings and will never engage in compromise or negotiation.

So the Little Blue Civil War broke out. I don’t know how long this war lasted. I only know that the Little Blues killed 99% of the population, and only a few dozen people were left in the end.

Some of these dozens of people were prisoners of the opposition, but at least peace had come.

The victors renamed themselves the 'Guardians of the Universe', then packed the surviving enemy blue people into a big 'box', suspended the time inside, and threw it into the universe.

The civil war has caused too many deaths, so let's go into exile forever.

These exiled little blue men are the future ‘Shadow Parliament’ in the history of Earth 0.

The guardians won, and the rule turned into a dictatorship. As time entered the modern era, and as more and more civilizations appeared in the universe, they began to behave in various ways again.

First, they provoked the seven major lantern groups to start a war, and in disguise, eliminated the backward civilization in the universe.

They manipulated the position of the battlefield. Anyway, it was collateral damage in the battle. Who destroyed the planet during the fight? How can we tell clearly?

But this is to maintain peace. Backward civilizations often like violence. Getting rid of them first is equivalent to killing the danger.

Next, because disobedient people occasionally appear in Green Lantern, then let’s use robots as Green Lanterns, right?

As a result, the robot lost control, leading to the 'Hunter Massacre' in Sector 666, and this incident was deleted from the historical records of the Book of Oa.

But if a sector is cleared, won’t this sector be peaceful in the future?

Next, facing the threat of Darkseid, the Lantern Corps went to war with Apokolips, but while the people below were fighting to the death, the little blue people secretly negotiated peace with Darkseid.

Sell ​​the lives of all the original Green Lanterns and admit that Darkseid is beyond jurisdiction in exchange for their safety.

Darkseid looked so fierce. They were still too scared to fight as they huddled on Oua in the back.

The original Lantern Corps was betrayed in this way, surrounded by the dark tyrant and then destroyed. Darkseid really abided by the armistice agreement, even though he just wanted to keep these idiot-like guardians as tools.

However, after the war, the guardians immediately established the second-generation lantern troupe and deleted this disgraceful historical record again.

It doesn’t matter whether he lost to Darkseid. The key is that the Green Lanterns in the original Lantern Corps have lived too long. It seems that they are too clinging to each other, and several very prestigious people have emerged. This may Threaten everyone's 'maintenance of cosmic peace'.

The second-generation Lantern Corps was a bit weak, so they began to experiment on their members to create a "Supreme Green Lantern" that had no humanity and would only obey the guardian's orders. Of course, the universe then entered a bloody storm.

But the little blue people lived in peace.

As the earth gradually rises, the little blue people see the existence of Superman again. They trick Superman into visiting Oa as a guest, but they ambush the "Axeman" outside the banquet hall and want to kill Superman.

Superman is too strong. In order to prevent him from threatening everyone to "maintain the peace of the universe" in the future, Superman must be killed.

But the plan failed, and in the end the blue people could only apologize and delete historical records.

If you can't deal with Superman, then take it out on the Earth Lantern.

So the Guardians limited the output level of Hal's light ring, causing him to watch the destruction of his hometown Beach City.

Hal went crazy at that time and directly merged with Parallax Monster to become the ultimate villain, which led to the major events of "Zero Hour".

The Guardians had no choice but to turn to the Justice League and delete the history.

After this incident, they settled down for a few years, but after all they were unwilling to give up on "maintaining peace", so they began to study black light energy again.

The Black Death's first disciple in the multiverse was 'Scarface' among the Guardians, which triggered the rapid spread of the Black Night across the universe.

The little blue people had no choice. They were all infected immediately. The only thing they could do was delete the history after resurrection.

If we follow this timeline, they will continue to cause trouble in the future.

Next, because the second-generation legions couldn't deal with the black lights and felt like they were behind the times, the guardians began to prepare to capture the earth's existence spirit.

He failed, but was taught a lesson by the sorcerers on Earth.

Having no other choice, he settled for the next best thing and started experimenting with the evil beasts that had been imprisoned for hundreds of millions of years.

Extract the various spectral energies in his body and inject them into other living things to create the "Three Generations Legion" that uses emotions as weapons, which once again led to a cosmic crisis.

After losing his energy, Fu Rong escaped into the multiverse time stream and almost restarted the multiverse.

By this time, the guardians were in a very calm mood. Anyway, they deleted their own historical records afterwards and pretended that nothing had happened.

All in all, their entire history has been about looking for trouble by pretending to be dead, and in this endless cycle, the trouble they are talking about here is looking for trouble for others, and the first one to bear the brunt is the earth.

The troubles they have caused are so big and small that it is almost endless to mention.

If an accident occurs somewhere in the universe, it is always right to immediately suspect the little blue man.

Originally, after the Lantern One incident, all the Guardians were wiped out, and the Shadow Council came out to take charge of the work, with a much better attitude.

But after the n52 restarted, the Shadow Council disappeared, the guardians were all alive again, and the disgusting things continued.

Therefore, this time, Deathstroke decided to let them die on Earth 12 and do a timeline preview first. If the effect is good, he will return to Earth 0 this time and kill all their corresponding peers in the other world.

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