The Death Knell

Chapter 2882 Lantern War

"Then you regret it too late." Su Ming shook his head with a smile, threw a cigarette to the little blue man, and lit it for him: "Although I know that you alone cannot control the collective will of the guardians, after all, you also One of them. After enjoying the glory brought by status, you have to bear the current responsibilities. This is the price. "

Gunther is an old friend of Hal's, and at least he's very skilled at smoking.

Hearing Deathstroke say this, he just nodded calmly, because this is the fact. If he opposed everyone's series of decisions hundreds of millions of years ago, then he should be locked in the stasis space like the exiles. Not here.

Those people should be unscathed at this time, right? Then the race still has a future and hope.

Looking down at his withered palms, especially the ring with black light on his finger, he sighed:

"I understand that this is all retribution, so what I regret is that I didn't inform the Justice League earlier. Kill me. I should be with my compatriots. Also, thank you, Diana, but I don't deserve help. I plead. Let our deaths serve as a warning. The danger beyond the void is always there. It is not a lie, nor is it illusory. Yes, Perpetua, she exists. You must be careful."

"Perpetua is not a problem. As for why I say that, you don't want to know."

While Su Ming said this, he asked Strangler to clean up those corrupted Green Lanterns.

This is also for their own good, because Harley is now gathering their corpses together and playing with rice cakes with a power war hammer, or the kind of black rice cakes with black sesame added.

Laughing while hammering all the corpses into pulp, maybe making peeing balls next?

"You don't need to thank me. I can't help you with anything, but since you have made up your mind." Diana smiled slightly and took the sharp-edged black diamond from Lori's hand: "Then you can have a good rest."

After saying that, she skillfully used the stone tool as a dagger to cut off the opponent's head.

This is an occupational disease. Amazon warriors pay attention to killing efficiently. They will not play tricks on the loser, but will only give the enemy the most pleasant death.

Of course, this leaves a lot less room for creativity.

Ganser, whose soul was taken away, quickly turned into a puddle of ashes, and disappeared as soon as the storm caused by the speed force blew.

Diana sighed and returned the black diamond in her hand to Deathstroke: "What are you going to do with their souls?"

"Hmm, maybe they will be filled into Sepurk's fire pit, right? It's more practical to burn them as firewood. But it's also possible to use the creativity from Multiverse 2 to stuff their souls into the bodies of biosynths and let them burn in health. Terracia receives alien clients and is trapped in eternal hell?"

Deathstroke, who had put away the stone, just said a few random words, because there were some things that it was better for Diana not to know.

Baolang crushed the ring that rolled to his feet like a piece of glass. He lowered his head and spit to cover it, and raised his chin towards the death knell:

"After killing the little blue man and the little green man, can you tell the little red man over there to stop? He's running so fast that I'm dizzy! I'm going to vomit!"

"Okay, Barry, come here and rest."

Su Ming checked the scene again and found that nothing was missing. He took out a few pieces of chocolate and held them in his hands.

The red light flashed, and Barry was seen leaning on Deathstroke's shoulder to wipe his mouth, with only the chocolate wrapper left in his hand. He gasped and said:

"It is really difficult to imprison so many guardians. If you run too fast, you will be hurt; if you run too slow, they will run away. Fortunately, I am here. If the other Flashes They have no stasis to use."

Deathstroke took out some more high-calorie food for him and shrugged his shoulders: "If it were someone else, I wouldn't arrange a method like the Speed ​​Storm. Let Lori summon Satan to come over and the problem can be solved, but there may be a price to pay."

"That's not a small price to pay." Bobo walked around the various suspicious liquids on the ground and walked to Deathstroke, holding a cigarette butt in his mouth and shaking his head: "At least not for ordinary people like us."

"I am also an ordinary person. If I have a choice, of course I don't want to deal with all kinds of demon kings." Su Ming, who smiled, put away the giant sword and walked to the side of the universe monitor to look at it: "Oh? 3600 sectors Has almost everything been lost? It’s kind of interesting.”

Bobo also came over to take a look. It was his first time seeing a creation of Oua Technology, but he knew how to operate it as soon as he saw it.

He took the initiative to jump to the console, pressed a few buttons with his hands and feet, and projected the enlarged star map on everyone's heads. He observed it carefully:

"Well, sure enough, the source of the black light spread is here, just like our previous guess."

The orangutan and the death knell have a consensus, that is, the black light did not originate from the earth, which can be seen from the speed of spread, perhaps because it is the headquarters of the spirit of existence.

The spread of the Black Lantern Plague is in a step-by-step manner, spreading from sector to sector, just like there was a Lantern Corps plan.

"Well, it's almost done." Su Ming touched the chin of his mask, turned around and took off slowly: "The battle is not over yet. Several lamp groups outside are still in a stalemate on the front battlefield. Let's go find Hal and Sinestro. .”

On the frontal battlefield, the battle is much bigger than the scene of special operations. Thousands of lanterns of various colors are fighting in the sky. The whole planet is like a disco light ball, with different lights shining at different locations. of light.

Flying, light beams hitting each other, physical objects hitting each other, explosions in the air are endless, accompanied by screams and roars.

The shadow of death hangs over both sides, but given that the attackers have the blessing of the White Lantern Ring, the fallen Green Lanterns are retreating steadily.

Without the command and control of the guardians and the support of those powerful weapons, the defeat of the black lantern zombies is almost certain.

They also focused too much on Hal, because he carried the most intense white light energy and was the most hated by the dead.

But Hal is also the strongest tough guy among the Lanterns. He has a green light in one hand and a white light in the other. It can be said that no one can stop him for a few rounds. His newly forged green light ring also has no energy output limit, which is brought about by willpower. The surging power allows it to maintain 300% excess power.

He could manifest a green asteroid and drag it to hit people like a meteor hammer; or he could manifest thousands of troops and play Spanish square with the Black Lantern Corpse. He seemed to be omnipotent.

Solanik, who was flying behind him, had her beautiful eyes shining brightly. She didn't care that her father was also beside him, and just stared at Hal's back endlessly.

"Actually, I can do that too."

The rescued Kyle murmured in a low voice. Seeing his ex-girlfriend staring at his good brother, he felt very complicated in his heart.

"Haha!" The red-skinned girl just sneered and gave a arrogant response: "Disgusting guy, how can you compare with him? Besides, I didn't come back to Oua specifically to save you. Don't you know how? I made a mistake, I wish you would die soon, you stinky scumbag."

Kyle sighed, he knew this would happen, he might as well have died.

Not to mention the look in Sinestro's eyes at this time, he looked at himself like he was looking at a pile of garbage, no, like he was looking at a corpse.

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