The Death Knell

Chapter 2884 Copycat Superman

When a certain lantern was immersed in memories of the past, two red lights suddenly struck in front of his eyes. Not far away, a new black lantern corpse bypassed Sinestro, who was opening the way, and directly attacked Hal and his wife.

The situation of the lamp corpse is very special. The uniform he wears is half green and half black. It seems that he is not completely controlled by the black lamp, just like Hal himself before.

Hal raised his hand and materialized a green shield, but even so, he was knocked back several hundred meters. The white light uniform on one arm was burned, and his skin was covered with blisters.

"Hiss, it really hurts." The Green Lantern, who was knocked away, shook his arm and repaired the wound with the help of the white lamp: "Sodam, wake up! Use your willpower to fight against the black lamp!"

The lamp corpse known as Sodam did not slow down the speed of the buffer, but instantly entered the super-light state. He punched Hal into the depths of the ground, and followed up with a series of hammer blows.

"It's easy for you to say that. Now my body is not under my control at all! If you don't want to die, just find a way!"

Hal struggled hard while vomiting blood and smiling bitterly. If there was a way, he would have already thought of it, so did he need to be reminded?

I was thinking about Superman just now, and now Superman from the Green Lantern Corps is here.

Su Ming and his party walked out of the tower just in time to see Hal being beaten. The black and yellow mercenary shrugged, recognized the strange lantern, and recalled the information he knew.

This Lantern's name is Sodam Yat, and the Book of Oa's evaluation of his future is 'the last Green Lantern to survive'.

The universe is so magical, there are two sectors where the situation is very similar.

One of them is the 1760 sector where Sodam's home star, Daxam, is located, and the other is the 2813 sector where Krypton is located.

Hal's good friend, the Green Lantern Tomare with the fish head, is the Lantern of Sector 2813. He once tried to prevent the explosion of Krypton, but the explosion of Krypton could not be reversed. From then on, there was only one thing in the universe. What remains is a planet that is a replica of it.

Daxam is also bathed in red sunlight. Its residents are all in the same situation as the Kryptonians. Once exposed to the yellow sun, they can all become supermen.

It's just that the Daxam people are extremely xenophobic. They will kill aliens immediately when they see them, and they even refuse to develop space technology.

Sodam was born in such an environment, but he has rarely maintained his curiosity and friendliness towards aliens. He has liked to look up at the stars since he was a child, hoping to fly into space one day.

When he was a child, a spacecraft crashed near his home one night. When he rushed to investigate, he picked up the injured alien pilot Teslon.

Despite the language barrier, Sodam became friends with the aliens. But not long after, the boy's parents discovered the alien. They were extremely xenophobic and killed Teslon, and took the young Sodam to the hospital for memory modification surgery.

A few years later, Sodam, who was in middle school, visited a museum as part of an activity organized by the school. During the alien-phobic education, he saw the corpses of his former friends displayed as teaching materials, which stimulated the recovery of his memory.

So he was so sad and angry that he decided to run away from home and never come back.

He spent several years repairing the crashed spacecraft of his friend. Just when he was escaping from Daxam in the spacecraft, a Green Lantern ring selected him to become the Green Lantern because he had never even driven a tractor but dared to drive a broken spacecraft. Going into space is a courage that no one can match.

After receiving the ring, Sodam lived up to the expectations of the little blue people. He didn't know where to go. He immediately reported to Oa Star and received training there. He quickly established that he would help the guardians maintain their The ideal of universal peace.

He already had a good impression of aliens, and being a child, he completely believed the brainwashing rhetoric of the little blue people.

If Hal Jordan is the thorny representative of the Green Lantern Corps, he has to argue with the Guardians about everything. Then Sodam is a die-hard fan of the Guardians. If he is asked to go east, he will never go west. If he is asked to chase a dog, he will never chase a chicken.

Over the decades, he has handled many cosmic affairs and has gradually become synonymous with the power of the Green Lantern Corps, because he can move planets and even blow out stars in one breath even without wearing a light ring.

He can basically do everything Superman can do.

This young man has always been regarded by the Guardians as a magic weapon to counter the Earth and Superman, and in some future timelines, the Guardians will actually do this.

One day, the little blue people discovered that Superman wearing a red and blue uniform suddenly came towards the Oa star, and he was smiling murderously. Hal and Kyle were not there, and they suddenly felt a little panic.

So they transformed Sodam into the second-generation Ion Man, which means putting the Ion Shark into his body. In Japanese comics, this is called a Jinchuuriki. In short, they let him fight against Superman.

Special emphasis is placed not to fight in sector 0, but to fight on the earth.

Sodam was very confident. The ion shark in his body also provided him with a steady stream of energy. The reading of the light ring was as high as 600%, which was an unprecedented and terrifying figure.

He had always heard that Superman was very strong, and he was curious about the idea that he was a copycat Superman, so he obeyed the order and went to fight the flying Superman.

But the Guardians ignored one detail. They only thought that Superman had a new hairstyle and did not care that this Superman had shawl hair.

The Lantern didn't say much when they met. He raised his hand and punched Superman directly back to Earth across tens of millions of light-years from Oua, where he crashed into a nuclear power plant in the suburbs of New York.

Originally, Superboy-Prime hated the little blue men. He was disgusted when he saw these shit-stirring sticks in the comics. He originally planned to blow up Oa, but he didn't expect Sodam to appear?

Yes, Superboy-Prime knows all the information about Sodam, and he is not Superboy, so he doesn't mind starting a war on Earth at all.

The excited Superboy quickly grabbed Sodam and prepared to give him a full set of punches, but he only hit the fake Superman in the face with the first three punches. While knocking the earth out of the orbit of the solar system, it also knocked Sodam away. Dam was knocked unconscious.

The naughty little Superboy Supreme didn't stop, and he didn't intend to kill the fool. He just took off the opponent's light ring and played with it for a while, then picked up the unconscious Sodam by his heels and soaked him. Playing in the cooling water of a nuclear power plant reactor.

After having enough fun, he threw the person away, and Superboy Supreme flew out of the earth, pushed the planet back to its original position, and prepared to continue blasting Oa.

Since then, Sodam has suffered from severe radiation sickness and lead poisoning, so much so that he can no longer take off the light ring, otherwise he will die suddenly.

Even after the N52 was restarted and the planet Oa was resurrected, his sequelae remained, so much so that he became a character.

Of course, that is in the future. The time we are currently in is still the Blackest Night, not yet that time period.

"Are we going to help Hal?"

Feeling the violent shaking on the ground, she could imagine how hard the other party was beating Hal, and Diana looked a little worried.

Su Ming turned around and flew in the other direction, ordering Cloak to lead everyone to follow:

"Don't worry about him. These lanterns are originally needed to contain the enemy's large forces. The White Lantern will not die so easily. Besides, Sinestro will not let Hal die in the hands of others."

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