The Death Knell

Chapter 2895 The Day of Return

"It's time for us to leave, Sinestro." Su Ming handed the remaining tentacles of the ion shark to the red-faced man: "Maybe we will meet again one day in the future, and maybe by then you won't have anything to say about today. Memory, but I still hope you and Hal can live happily, and I will go to the antimatter universe to find you then."

The current time point is the Blackest Night. After that, there will be the "Flashpoint" event caused by Flash and the "rebirth" of Doctor Manhattan. This is equivalent to two restarts of the multiverse, in which the time flow has produced various events. a specific change.

Some people retain their memories, some events leave traces, but many more have their stories reshaped.

Sinestro was very calm. After the Black Death Emperor dissipated, he tried to slowly take off his black light ring, put the dim ring in his palm and crushed it:

"The Book of Fear will record this. I feel Darkseid's fear when facing you. What kind of human being are you?"

"Don't talk nonsense. What Darkseid is afraid of is the superhero next to me, Superboy Supreme." Su Ming hooked Clark's neck and patted the S logo on his chest: "I am just an ordinary person. The harmful kind."

"Haha, in that case, then goodbye, my Yellow Lantern Corps is still waiting for me." Old Sai just smiled at this joke, and the half of his decayed body was slowly returning to normal under the influence of white light, but the surroundings were not The red lantern demon is the purple lantern demon, and he feels a little awkward.

Because those women were looking at him with suspicion and looking for traces of Carol.

"Baolang, your reward." Deathstroke threw a large pile of Dolphin magazines to the mercenaries. Checking out was a must.

"Fake, they are so beautiful. You are such a happy person. I like you and will contact you often in the future." Although Baolang said this, he didn't even mean to shake hands. He just started flipping through the book on the spot.

Su Ming just nodded, glanced at the tentacle in Sinestro's hand, turned around and joined everyone: "Adjutant, prepare to teleport."

The next second, a wormhole covered with luminous spider webs appeared in the universe. Deathstroke and the others soon said goodbye to Sinestro and Mister Miracle and left, as if they had never appeared.

Sinestro was floating in place, as if feeling the grandeur of the universe and the mystery of time. He touched the tentacles of the ion shark in his hand like a pet, and murmured to himself:


Then, he was ready to leave. First, he put the ion shark into Hal's body for temporary storage. Then he was going to resurrect his own lantern members, and then he had to save the entire universe. He really didn't have time to take care of this entity.

But at this moment, a green hand behind him pulled his uniform, and when he turned his head, a microphone was directly placed on his mouth.

"Hello, Chaer, I am the location host of Channel 52, Ambush Bug. Can you tell me how you feel now after experiencing the turbulence of time and space? Is there anything else you want to say to Deathstroke, but I am embarrassed to say it? What to say? Also, you didn't give the white light ring to Hal, but now it seems that you have saved your universe. Otherwise, Darkseid would have succeeded long ago. Is there anything you want to say about this? "

The yellow lantern demon narrowed his eyes and opened his mouth: "I don't regret it. In short, I don't regret it at all."

Time returns to the present, Earth 0, underground of the Hall of Justice in Washington D.

"Ah, I have never dealt with Darkseid so easily." Barry swayed and moved a box of energy drinks from nowhere. He opened it and took a big sip, breathing comfortably: "But why do I feel Are you feeling tired? Your legs feel heavy and your knees hurt.”

At this time, several people are in the Flash's dormitory. There are various fitness equipment here, but most of them are treadmills.

The lights are bright and the room is very clean, but it has been unoccupied for too long and seems unpopular.

"Because the weightless environment in space suddenly changes to a gravity environment, your body will always react a little bit. I thought you should have been used to it." ** was holding a pipe in his mouth, watching Barry knock his knee, and then looked at Superboy: " That Clark, do you want to stay on Earth 0 for a while?"

"No more fun. I'm very familiar with this place, and there's nothing interesting about it." Superboy just took a bottle of drink, smiled and shook hands with everyone: "I have to go back to the Forge of the Universe and continue to stare at the World Forger. If he doesn’t get it right in rebuilding my universe, I can ask him to modify it. By the way, if you want to fight Darkseid next time, remember to call me.”

Su Ming high-fived him and nodded with a smile: "Yes, we can help each other and make progress together."

"Then I'm leaving. Hi, Ron." Superboy-Prime said goodbye to everyone, and said hello to Martian Manhunter who suddenly appeared in the air.

"Hello, Superman-Prime." A smile appeared on Martian Manhunter's green face. His smile always had the flavor of a horror movie.

The two just passed each other, because Ron was obviously here to see Diana, and his eyes had not moved since he entered the door.

Naturally, Wonder Woman felt it. She found a bench press machine and sat down with some confusion, and looked at the hunter: "What's the matter? Ron, you seem to have something to say."

"Yes, Diana, regarding Batman, everyone, I want to talk to Wonder Woman alone, is that okay?" Martian Manhunter politely asked for everyone's opinions, and he crossed his arms a little uncomfortably.

Because Deathstroke was looking at him with interest, no one knew what the mercenary was thinking.

But Xiao Dai didn't think this was very polite. She shook her head and said, "We are all our own people here. What do you need to talk to me about alone?"

"As for some issues between Batman and Zheng Lian, it's best to keep this matter within your Big Three. After telling you, I will also delete my own memory about this period. Everyone, it's really not that I don't believe you. , but this matter is only related to the operation of Zhenglian, and has no direct contact with you."

Ron pointed to his head calmly, he looked very serious.

"Can't I know too?" Barry pointed to his nose.

"You will only cause unnecessary worries if you know, and I don't want you to try to reverse time again, Flash." Ron sighed and refused Barry's request to observe.

"Go ahead, I can probably guess what's going on."

Su Ming sat on a table nearby, twirling the drink bottle in his hand, and motioned for Diana to follow Ron.

This Martian Manhunter is real, not Darkseid pretending to be, so there is no problem.

As for Batman, it’s actually quite easy to guess if we limit the problem to the three giants of the Justice League.

What is the difference between the Big Three and the Seven? In fact, there is not much difference when it comes to handling issues such as crises. Anyway, Batman makes the plan and everyone chooses the right people to do the work.

The difference is that Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman are not only the faces of the Justice League, but are also responsible for organizing and operating this huge organization.

Batman contributes the money, Superman contributes the effort, and Wonder Woman contributes the mysterious side of human relationships.

Although Ron's performance was a bit urgent, he was not panicking, indicating that Batman's life was not in danger, but the matter was related to the Justice League.

The most likely possibility is that Batman has money problems, which may affect the operation of Zhenglian.

Many people think that what is the use of Zhenglian asking for money? Aren’t superheroes supposed to have no interest in money?

But in reality, when dealing with ordinary people, nothing can be accomplished without money.

Let’s take the simplest example. If any hero goes out on a mission, and how many cars are blown up and how many houses are damaged in the process, shouldn’t he be allowed to compensate the victims?

If you don’t pay compensation, you are not a superhero. If you don’t pay, you are a villain. People have very simple values.

Whoever harms their interests is a bad person.

Batman set up branches such as Wayne Real Estate and Wayne Insurance specifically to 'wipe his own butt'. Originally he just wiped his own Gotham, but after joining Zhenglian, he started to clean up everyone's mess.

Take the large-scale famine that occurred on Earth 0 not long ago as an example. Even if the food distributed by Zhenglian to the victims was only potatoes, Batman bought it from other parallel universes with hard currency such as gold.

"Then I'll leave for a moment, Slade. You go to my dormitory and wait for me. Don't leave without saying goodbye."

Xiao Dai flipped her hair, raised her head and followed Martian Manhunter away, but her steps were hurried and she looked a little eager.

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