The Death Knell

Chapter 2898 Useless Old Father

Who knows what the magical history of this world is, but it doesn't matter.

After all, standing on the beacon tower is not a good place. Su Ming still chooses to take Harry to the top of the big lighthouse. After all, it is not a war fortification, no one will disturb it in a short time, and it stands on a mountain, thousands of meters high. .

It feels like this Athens is like someone else's city in the "Civilization" game. It has a big lighthouse and a bronze colossus. There are also wonderful buildings in the city like hanging gardens and a large library. It covers an extremely large area. Like a product of the classical era.

Of course, it would be even worse if you looked at a group of Pegasus knights flying past.

The Spartan fleet was rushing to land on the beach, while the Athenian army built a defense line on the rocky beach. Both sides fired trebuchets and rain of arrows, as if the war suddenly started without warning.

The sky was gloomy, the rain fell rapidly along with the lightning, and everything under the night was lit up again and again by the flash of the camera.

Rainwater slid off armor and weapons, blood flowed among the crowd, and shouts of death could be heard from the lighthouse several kilometers away.

"What is that? A giant? He is eating people, like a 'killer whale' style, haha."

Su Ming, who was on vacation, took out two chairs and some snacks, and the two sat in the light room at the top of the big lighthouse. Harley took a telescope and looked at the front lines of both sides, pointing to a certain place.

Killer whales and killer crocodiles are both Harley's former teammates, but one likes to eat heads first, while the other likes to lurk underwater and eat legs and feet first.

"Cyclops, it is said that they have a faint trace of Titan blood, and the Athenians use them as tanks." Deathstroke opened a bottle of soda to the little madman, and drank one himself: "But it is only useful against ordinary soldiers, high-level cannon fodder That’s all, look at that big guy in the sea.”

He held Harley's chin and helped her adjust the direction of her sight, asking her to look at the Spartan battleship on the sea in the distance.

There was a terrifying sea monster attacking the ship. It looked a bit like a large squid, but had the characteristics of various other sea creatures. Its tentacles were tightly wrapped around the mast, and it beat the sailors on the ship like Blood mist exploded like fireworks.

At this time, a bald giant suddenly fell from the sky, and then began to dismantle the city's defensive buildings.

It was a man wearing heavy golden armor and a strange red tattoo on his face, venting his anger like a madman.

This giant is probably thousands of meters tall. With just a few kicks and hammers, the city wall will shatter like a biscuit.

But soon, a white giant eagle flew over and landed on the giant's shoulder. As if by magic, the giant shrank.

The white bird flew to the bronze giant statue in the port area and touched it again. Then the sculpture actually came to life and began to chase the smaller bald head and hit it with its fists.

"Athena! How dare you betray me?!"

The bald head roared, and then began to clean up the soldiers around him like a tornado. His strange double swords were burning with golden flames and wrapped around his forearms through two iron ropes. Every attack had a flaming effect.

"Is this the weapon you want? It doesn't look very strong." Harley put down the telescope and scratched her head in confusion. Although the fire element was also very effective, the one she had to deal with in the future was Darkseid, and Not Ron.

"The Blade of Athena is actually not bad, but the chain blade is both a reliance and a demon for that bald man, so I won't take advantage of him." Su Ming motioned her to wait a moment, and there was not enough time: "I'd better give it a try. I want a two-handed giant sword.”

So the two of them watched the bald man continue his performance. The shrunken man entered the corridor of the city wall and moved quickly between the dilapidated buildings. No one could stop him.

Su Ming released the small Doom robot and let it follow the filming, while he and Harley watched the progress through a tablet.

Whether they were civilians or soldiers, anyone who stood in the way was killed with extreme cruelty. Bald Head fully explained through his actions what "overkill" is.

For example, a citizen huddled in a corner was discovered by him. The bald chain blade flew out and pulled the person in front of him like a hook. Another knife stabbed the unlucky guy in the chest more than a dozen times in succession. Coming down, the two knives crossed again and cut off the head.

That's not all, the bald man also stepped on the headless corpse and exploded it. Some light red light balls flew out of the corpse and merged into the bald man's body.

"What is that? It seems fun." The little lunatic pointed at the light balls on the screen. She liked the color red.

"I forgot the specific name. Anyway, it's commonly known as 'Red Soul'. It doesn't matter." Deathstroke gestured to Harley to continue watching the show. The bald man was massacring Athenian soldiers, while the bronze colossus was massacring Spartans. The battle situation It's more lively.

The bald man jumped out of the city wall, took the way to the big bathhouse, and had sex with a strange woman in the bathhouse before continuing on his journey.

But he didn't know that there were two mortals in the distance who witnessed everything and pointed at him.

"It's only fifteen seconds, that's too fast. He's so pitiful." Harley sympathized with him very much, and instantly figured out why he was always angry: "But those two women would be even more pitiful, if they didn't pretend If you look very happy, you will probably be killed, right?"

"We can't understand the things about other gods. Maybe it's the so-called Thousand Strikes in a Moment?" Deathstroke told a joke, and then continued to pay attention to the bald head's journey.

He returned to the city wall from the bathhouse and knocked out one of the Colossus' eyes by operating a ballista. Then he climbed up and down again and disfigured the Colossus with his double swords.

During the battle, he yelled some lines from time to time, such as:

"I am the God of War!"

"I'm going to make you suffer!"

"Feel the wrath of Sparta!"

Whenever he speaks these lines, he will release some strange combat skills or powerful magic, which has good lethality and explosive visual effects.

Harley nodded slowly, touched her chin and asked: "Is he the Olympus God of War in this world? Judging from the current destructive power, it is not bad. At least Xiao Dai is not as efficient as him in killing people."

"He? He's not the God of War, he just defeated that useless old father." Su Ming calmly watched Kratos being knocked away by the Colossus again, and then went to solve the puzzle level: "In the future, his son will be the real God of War."

What happened next was similar to what Su Ming remembered. Kratos finally faced the bronze colossus on the platform of the port building. Zeus threw him a divine sword in the sky, inducing him to pour all his divine power into it.

Although he defeated the Colossus with the Excalibur, Kratos lost all his divine power and became an ordinary person. At this time, all the armor on his body was shattered, and he was seriously injured in the Colossus' final counterattack.

He staggered towards the giant sword that fell far away, trying to withdraw his divine power from the weapon, but the giant eagle flew back and transformed into the shape of Zeus, snatching it away first.

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