The Death Knell

Chapter 2900 Upgrade Plan

"Well, his body seems to be changing."

Harley nodded in understanding, but with a glance of her big eyes, she discovered that there was a black hole under the bald man's body, and many sharp black claws protruded from the hole, as if trying to grab him somewhere. .

"That's the tunnel leading to the underworld. Spartan souls always come back from the dead, so don't worry about him." Su Ming put the blue and golden giant sword back into his pocket, and patted it with satisfaction: "It's just a matter of time." The Sword of Olympus is not enough, I have to find something else."

Deathstroke's plan is to collect a bunch of weapons, find a good blacksmith, and use the various artifacts collected to upgrade his Godslayer.

The current situation of the God Killer is that it is not powerful enough, but the best thing is that it can transform at will. It can transform into an electric drill, a sewer dredge, an impact drill and an electric baton. Even my little cousin shook his head in fear when he saw it. Afraid.

Using a transforming weapon can be a few tenths of a second faster than changing weapons from a belt bag. Many times, this inconspicuous time difference can determine many things.

Besides, there is a bloodthirsty soul among the Godslayers, although it is a bit mentally retarded, even like a wild beast, unable to communicate effectively, and is incomparable to the magic floating cloak.

But it can be considered a kind of weapon spirit after all, right? If placed in any immortal universe, this would be a good base for a high-end weapon. Even the foundation of the Night Sword cannot compare with it.

Even if the bloodthirsty weapon consciousness is a wolf, it is still a wolf raised by Su Ming. After using it for so long, it is still somewhat emotional.

While the two people standing on the high platform were talking, Kratos' body was dragged away by the black claws, leaving only a pool of blood on the place.

"You said that his future son is the God of War. Should we go to the future to see it?" Harley scratched her head and her red and blue ponytail swayed. There was not a single living person left in the city, and there were only The sound of buildings collapsing and fire burning.

She doesn't like this quiet atmosphere. If she could choose, she would prefer a lively nightclub or disco.

"It's not necessary. The future story is related to the Warner Protoss. I have everything they have, and it's better, so let's change to another universe." Deathstroke knocked on the side of his helmet: "Adjutant, teleport. According to the established plan, return to Marvel's omnipotent universe first, notify the first fleet, the second fleet is on standby, and Sepulk adjusts the channel."

"Understood, Sheriff, good luck."

This is a cruel era, the universe has ushered in endless darkness, and there is little hope for the future. But for those who are used to walking on dangerous blades, this is also the best era.

War, plunder, destruction, rebirth.

Everything has a time, and everything has a value.

The grassland planet Fulanluo was once on the edge of being forgotten by everyone. It was not a strategic location and had no valuable resources.

The race living here is a kind of dwarf, with a long pink nose, looking like an upright baby elephant. Whenever the strong wind blows through the grassland in spring and autumn, many of them will bleed pink. Snot.

There are not many aboriginal people on the entire planet. They make a living from animal husbandry. The creatures they raise look a bit like pigs, but have black and white patterns and long noses.

People and their livestock live in houses built of loess, and the sky here is often filled with yellow sand due to the development of animal husbandry.

All in all, this was a relatively peaceful planet in the past, but all this has been overturned by recent archaeological discoveries.

At some point, an unfounded news began to circulate among bounty hunters and intelligence dealers.

It is said that Fulanluo was once the home planet of an ancient super empire. After the decline of that empire, nature reshaped the planet's landscape and gave birth to new species.

Buried inside this planet are treasures that are unimaginable by the brain of any living creature, including wealth enough to buy galaxies, weapons that can be used to rule the universe, elixirs that can make people ascend, secret realms that transcend the world and become holy, and so on.

No one had seen those things, but rumors spread as if everyone had.

As a result, more and more people visited this planet that no one usually paid attention to, and there were all kinds of people.

The Imperial Stormtroopers wearing white armor proudly lined up to enter the town. Mysterious men in brown cloaks took advantage of the night to move in pairs. The well-equipped Manlotans wore their alloy helmets and stared coldly at the roadside. of pedestrians.

In addition to these armed guys, there were also scavengers carrying large and small bags who got off the passenger spaceship that looked like a can of fish. As soon as they landed, they kissed the ground to thank their workers who were still breathing.

There are rich men or officials who come to play in luxurious spaceships with female slaves and servants.

There are scientists or archaeologists who arrive in a broken spaceship and whose glasses are thicker than the bottom of a wine bottle.

Prostitutes and male prostitutes from the entire star region also gathered here. Wherever there were people, there was demand. Their business revenue here increased several times.

Various gangs engaged in the black industry gradually appeared on this simple planet. Soon, with the support of materials and credits, modern towns or camps were formed. Alloys and various new materials replaced loess, and Aliens of all kinds have also replaced the snotty-nosed natives as the mainstream population.

The planet has become lively, and all walks of life are gradually prospering, but even so, the most popular thing on this planet is archeology, or tomb robbing.

Those with financial resources can fly a spaceship. Even the oldest YT-1300 cargo ship can be equipped with a mining module and start working on any piece of grassland.

If you don't have those conditions and still want to try your luck, you can take a fully intelligent tool or iron lift and go to the river or valley to try your luck.

More people participated, and various discoveries were soon made. Some excavated small decorations or strange masks can arouse the enthusiasm of businessmen. Everyone has the dream of getting rich, but if they can survive, they will Less than one out of ten discoveries were brought back to the town.

Many cultural relics were stained with fresh blood and were brought to the store by bounty hunters or rogues. When the imperial army began to openly purchase these cultural relics, the business gradually showed signs of being monopolized by them.

Because they have endless credits, power armor and laser guns, the black-robed leader stationed in the office is also very powerful. Some people claim to have seen the hilt of a lightsaber under his robe.

It might be a Sith warrior, but on the planet Fulanluo, where rumors are flying everywhere, what can be said for sure?

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