The Death Knell

Chapter 2923 Mysterious Disappearance

Not mentioning the intimate interaction between the master and servant, Su Ming continued to watch the video log.

The video at the beginning passed quickly, and what San0 played next was the changes in the next few days.

You can see the camp taking shape. These archaeologists ate the fruits here, explored and sampled the surroundings, etc. They also held a bonfire party, which was said to be imitating a celebration ceremony on a remote planet.

As the days passed, the condition of these people began to decline. In the video, there were fewer and fewer smiles on their faces, and more and more people with messy hair and unshaven beards.

Nothing was discovered on the fifth day, nor on the sixth day. On the seventh day, the direction of exploration was changed. After no discovery was made on the eighth day, I started to rest.

The jungle environment made these people suffer from some common rainforest diseases, and the bites of various small insects also made it difficult for them to get adequate rest. Dr. Adams, the leader of the team, began to become irritable and anxious, with deep dark circles appearing around his eye sockets. .

On the tenth day, the diary was recorded at night, and the fluorescent screen made Adams's face look gloomy, and he acted very panicked.

"We lost a person. Yes, Kil went to check the water pump under the water well and never came back. I sent people to look for him, but only his protective clothing was found."

"What happened to him? The protective suit is internally locked and the protection program is running normally. How did he disappear from his diving equipment?"

"I hope he is still alive. After dawn tomorrow, I will organize a larger-scale search operation to explore the underground water network. I am not in good condition today, that's all."

End of log.

San0 looked at his master, then at the death knell, and said: "It sounds like the beginning of a nightmare. According to my database information, whenever a mysterious disappearance occurs, it often means that the murderer is among the crowd. "

"If a person suddenly disappears, I would assume he fell into the Speed ​​Force. I heard that the Flash can pass through and throw off his uniform if he runs fast enough. Is this true? Kiss Honey .”

Harley was sitting on the table behind her, crossing her legs and blowing bubble gum. She wasn't nervous at all.

"The premise is that this universe must have the speed force plane." Su Ming flicked the ashes from his cigarette and exhaled softly: "It's still a little early to draw a conclusion. Let's read a few more paragraphs, Three Zero."

The etiquette robot nodded and started playing the next video material.

I don’t know what happened, but the last log was recorded on the tenth day when the archaeological team arrived, and this time it was on the twelfth day, with one day missing in between.

It was Dr. Adams again, now with thin cheeks and high cheekbones, like a bearded skeleton wearing white human skin speaking.

"I lost two more team members, including my student Millis, who was such a good girl, but this damn jungle swallowed her up."

"There are no clues to know where they went. Peter even said that he was still looking at them a second ago, but as soon as the leaves in front of his eyes flickered, the two of them disappeared."

"Something's wrong here, I know, but I can't give up on that great discovery."

Dr. Adams was in a daze for a while when he said this, as if he was in a daze caused by malnutrition. However, he soon came back to his senses and ended the recording.

"Twelve days, only three people disappeared? I feel quite safe here now." Aphra was also more relaxed. As she spoke, she watched Harley blow bubbles, as if her curiosity overcame her fear: "Flanluo seems to be calm, but thousands of people are missing every day."

In fact, it shouldn't be calculated like this. Although it sounds like there are not many people, this archaeological team, including the robots, has only ten people in total, which is equivalent to one-third of the team members gone.

Su Ming felt that the most interesting thing was the mysterious disappearance. It was not a murder, nor an accident, but just a disappearance. This feeling of "no one alive, no dead body" for teammates is the most unpleasant for people in the vast rain forest.

If a corpse can be seen, whether it is gutted or torn apart, the outcome is known, and people can obtain various answers by studying the corpse.

But disappearance is different. Everything about the missing person is unknown and there is no ending. Then the remaining people will be suspicious in their speculations and concerns, and gradually amplify their fears.

Fear comes from the unknown, and this sentence is applicable many times.

On the fifteenth day, the robot disappeared, and Dr. Adams fell into a new panic. If only people were missing, he could comfort himself that there were mysterious predators, but now that even the metal lumps were missing, there were more problems.

On the sixteenth day, no one was missing, but the spacecraft and communication module were damaged by someone unknown. Without robots, no one in the archaeological team could repair it.

On the seventeenth day, there was an obvious gap between the people trapped here due to the previous vicious sabotage incident. Even Dr. Adams spoke in a much lower voice, as if to prevent others from hearing.

The next diary is about a series of things like quarrels, internal strife, disappearances, etc.

It wasn't until the thirtieth day that the doctor, who was obviously nervous, came to the camera alone. Harry didn't need to explain his mental state, but it could be seen that he was unnaturally excited.

"I understand, I understand! It exists, it exists!"

"It came to me, it was finally my turn! I am the greatest historian, I changed history!"

"Destiny, reality, are all illusions, and only this is the truth. Here it comes, I hear it calling me, here I come."

After mumbling this sentence, the doctor, wearing a full protective suit, walked up the stairs and never came down again.

Aphra took off her breathing mask and wiped the sweat from her face: "At least now I know who owns the protective suit upstairs, so it can't be considered a gain."

"But I'm very nervous now, Master. Even the robot will disappear. This is simply too strange." San0 left the console and pointed at his head: "Please allow me to activate the self-destruction device at a critical moment. I can't Imagine what would happen if you disappeared."

"Don't worry, I'm not this stupid middle-aged man, and I don't go crazy easily." Aphra smiled slightly and patted the loyal robot arm: "Actually, these clues are enough for me to find that guy's archaeological discoveries."

"Oh, my master, your wisdom is simply wider than the Milky Way." San0 immediately bent down and put his head on the girl's shoulder and rubbed: "I believe you will protect me, I always believe it, then your What’s the plan?”

Aphra smiled crookedly and blew the bangs that were hanging down in front of her forehead:

"Didn't you notice? These people explored around a few days before they arrived here, and they were all alive and well at that time. However, they started to disappear one by one after they started staying in this camp, and the first person who disappeared , disappeared by diving in that well connected to the underground water network.”

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