The Death Knell

Chapter 2925 Skywalker never died in a plane crash

If the engine failure of the spacecraft can be said to be an occasional mechanical failure, but it catches fire due to friction and heat after entering the atmosphere, then it is a quality problem with the spacecraft itself.

Also, although the Millennium Falcon became famous after the Battle of Yavin and was known as the fastest small cargo ship in the galaxy, it was only a small cargo ship. Han Solo bought a second-hand spaceship and refitted it himself.

There are no air-tight compartments, automatic fire-extinguishing devices, or escape hatches. The armed smuggling ship is still a bit inferior for use as a special service ship.

When talking about special service ships, the first thing Su Ming thought of was Shepard's Normandy.

The main reason is that the Normandy has a symmetrical structure and its curves are more beautiful. The asymmetrical Millennium Falcon is almost to the point of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The first-generation Enterprise NX-01 in "Star Trek" should also be regarded as a special service ship. It is 225 meters long and carries 83 people. In the universe era, it is a gunboat-level boat.

But compared to the Galactic Empire or Republic here, human life in the Interstellar Federation over there is more ideal.

Originally, they were surrounded by four alien families, but one person on Earth stood out and did not give up. He used war and political means to make all these aliens his subordinates, and even established a federation to lead them to fight against the Klingons. is the right path.

Thinking about what was and was not there, and watching the falling spacecraft getting bigger and bigger in his sight, Su Ming spat into his palms and rubbed his palms together quickly. He was ready to pick up the spacecraft.

"Huh? Are you really taking it literally?" Aphra couldn't help complaining.

Although the Millennium Falcon is small, it is still a spaceship. Not to mention that it is currently in a fallen state captured by the gravity of the planet, its net weight alone is several hundred tons.

"Because I probably won't even need to pick it up, you see." Deathstroke answered.

As the spacecraft gets closer to the ground, everyone can see that its speed is slowing down. Although it is still falling, the momentum is not very violent.

"It's the effect of the Force again. Luke seems to be stronger than the last time I saw him." Aphra curled her lips and seemed unhappy.

She didn't want these acquaintances to die, but she also wanted to see them suffer. She was so conflicted.

So when the spaceship crashed to the ground and slid towards the group of people along the forest road, Su Ming really just jumped into the middle of the road, raised his hand to block its impact, and casually let Strangler help put out the fire.

Seeing that the spaceship, which was still emitting hot steam and white smoke, and kept spewing out sparks, turned sideways and was stuck in the soil, Harley leaned over and looked into the cab through the glass, tapping her knuckles loudly:

"Is there anyone inside? Is he dead? If he is dead, just say something."

"How can the dead speak?"

The archaeologist seemed speechless. She tried to use tools to open the hatch.

"Of course I know that dead people can't talk, but if someone inside wants to pretend to be dead, their breathing rhythm will inevitably change after hearing my joke, or some thought bubbles will pop up in their head, so I can find them "You're too young." Harley's face showed that her plan was on the fifth floor: "A simple girl like you will most likely not survive three days in Gotham."

Aphra started to dismantle the door with a laser cutter to prevent those people from being choked to death by the smoke in the spacecraft, and shrugged indifferently:

"I don't know which sector of Gotham you are talking about, but I won't go there, cough cough cough cough."

She opened the cargo hold door under the spacecraft, and a thick smell of burnt smoke poured out, drowning her in an instant.

After retreating continuously, she quickly ran out of the smoke range, put on her breathing mask and sucked in the oxygen inside: "Damn Han Solo, did he put dried cow dung in his spaceship? Why is there so much smoke? ?”

But at the same time, several other coughing figures came out of the warehouse door and stumbled to their knees by the roadside.

They desperately breathed fresh air, but this was Haven IV, and the air was filled with the smell of rotten eggs mixed with Deadpool's socks. Without warning, these people all vomited.

"It seems that Princess Leia's last meal was some kind of potato, which was pretty good, at least it wasn't nutritional cream or anything like that."

Su Ming, who was holding his arms, watched calmly as several people vomited, and even had the mood to tell what they had vomited:

"Flanluo's restaurant only has animal milk and animal meat, because the lack of water there makes the cost of vegetables too high, and treasure hunters and laborers don't like vegetarian food, and vegetarian food doesn't go well with wine, so there are no businessmen to pour vegetables there. "

"Ouch! That's disgusting. What on earth do you want to say?"

Aphra crawled away from the few people lying on the ground vomiting. Just hearing the sound was enough, she didn't even look at them.

"Since Princess Leia is not a modified person, judging from the digestion speed, they ate about half an hour ago. To sum up, these people did not follow us here from Fulanluo. They crashed here. It's more like an accident. Naturally, I don't rule out that I got some information or was driven here by some people."

After confirming that the things vomited by several people were similar, Su Ming explained some reasoning processes to Aphra, and then waited quietly.

Luke was a Jedi after all. He only vomited a few times before he regained his composure, and looked warily at the people on the ground.

When he saw Aphra, his eyes lit up, he happily retracted his lightsaber, opened his arms and walked over to hug the girl: "Afra, why are you here?"

The corner of the girl's mouth twitched a few times, and she pushed away the man who tasted like bacon: "I am an archaeologist. Wherever there are monuments, I will be there. But you, why are you in such a mess?"

"Ah, that's a long story. Anyway, I'm looking for Darth Maul. I heard that he was not dead back then, and now that the Darksaber is in his hands, the Rebels want to enlist the help of the Mandalorians in the future."

Luke, who had no scheming, smiled and scratched his head, and told Aphra, who had a worrying moral bottom line, all of his action goals.

Luke is not stupid, he is just an honest person. He knows that Aphra once helped Darth Vader, but even though he was hunted down by girls several times and was tricked several times when they acted together, he did not get angry with her for it. , but still regarded her as his unique friend.

This is mainly due to his experience as a child, working on a moisture farm and picking up trash all over Tatooine in his spare time.

I picked up a metal block today and sold it to this boss. I picked up a booster tomorrow and sold it to that boss.

These two bosses are enemies, but doing business with both of them is business. Can you tell who you are to whom you sell something?

No one belongs to anyone.

From a certain point of view, picking up trash was similar to archaeology. For a person like Aphra who was just trying to make a living, he didn't think it could mean anything about who he had worked for in the past. What's more, Aphra had a falling out with Darth Vader now. .

Thanks to his attitude, although many alien factions in the rebel army are searching for Aphra, several people on the Millennium Falcon have a good relationship with the archaeologist.

Seeing Luke say so much, Princess Leia not far behind him wanted to stop him, but she couldn't say anything because she kept vomiting, and could only roll her eyes.

"Then what? Did you find it?" Aphra rolled her eyes and became more enthusiastic.

After all, if Luke and the others found the Darksaber, she would knock them out, then sell the weapon to Deathstroke to make a fortune, and then hold Princess Leia and the others hostage and demand a ransom from the rebels.

"No, the Mandalorians are also looking for it, so they want to deal with me as a competitor first." Skywalker turned to look at the spaceship, and shook his head with a little distress: "There are too many of them, and there are too many spaceships. The Falcon is no match for them, so we made an emergency jump here."

"Alas" Aphra also let out a long sigh.

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