The Death Knell

Chapter 2931 Going completely opposite directions

At Han Solo's urging, Luke transformed into a Qigong master on the spot, floated on the water, closed his eyes, and desperately activated his Force power.

A true Jedi Master, not to mention sensing a single person, can even sense major events happening on the other side of the galaxy, and can even sense some things that will happen in the future.

This is Master Yoda, the little green man, not Luke.

The Luke in front of him has never had such good perception, and even his Force level is not considered to be strong among many Jedi.

But now the veins on his forehead have popped out, his whole body is shaking as if he has malaria, and there is a low roar coming from his throat, which seems to be the same thing.

The results are just mediocre.

"I can't sense her. Is she no longer on this planet?"

After working for a while, he opened his eyes and fell into deep doubt about himself.

"Damn, we have to rescue her, you heard me!" The bottle on Han Solo's head was also thrown into the water. His impatient character made him rush towards Luke and grab the Jedi. collar.

"I tried my best!" Luke slapped his hand away and wanted to say something else, but there was only silence.

The running water seemed to have taken away the temperature in his body, and now he felt the chill flowing down his blood vessels into his heart. The dim environment made the young Skywalker feel depressed. He really couldn't think of any good ideas.

"Don't get excited, Han, getting angry won't solve any problems." The black girl who was swimming with Aphra grabbed her unstable old friend and shook her head at him: "We need to calm down and then make a plan. .”

"What plan? This is not as simple as jumping out of a spaceship." Han Solo, soaked in the water, leaned weakly on the rock wall next to the underground river, and his whole person seemed to have lost all color.

Sana looked at Aphra. In her heart, she thought that her girlfriend was the most resourceful and should be able to find a way.

But what use can archaeologists be put to now? Aphra still hasn't realized how the princess disappeared right before her eyes.

Archaeologists can also be regarded as a type of scientists, a group of people who rely on science to prove history. Now they can’t even explain the reason for the disappearance, so how can they find a solution?

"Everyone, I have an idea. I wonder if you would like to hear it?"

At this time, Su Ming spoke with a serious face, instantly attracting everyone's attention. His voice echoed back and forth in the not-so-wide underground corridor, which seemed a bit eerie.

"You can tell me whatever you have in mind. Really, I'm very confused right now and have no direction at all."

Han Solo wiped the water from his face and cheered up again.

"We have seen those videos, and the first missing person among them was in the water, so" Su Ming went on to lead a few people's thoughts to a wrong path, and forcibly connected the disappearance with the underground world: "The princess disappeared. We didn't see it at that time, so it must have been taken away by something from under the water."

Yes, this sounds quite reasonable. After all, everyone can see the actions on the water, but it is different underwater.

Under the dim lighting, the underground river was glowing with waves. Although the bottom of the river was not deep, it was really hard to see what was there.

"I understand, maybe the things that were taken away from her blocked the Force induction." Luke completed his brainstorming in an instant, without even doubting that there was something wrong. He is such an honest and smart man: "Things without life have no origin." The force response is probably done by evil underwater robots, and they may also have technology that can capture prisoners from the air, although I have never seen such a thing exist."

"Evil robots?" Han Solo touched his stubble and narrowed his eyes: "Speaking of robots, I think of the 'Separatist' army, but now their remnants should have become galactic terrorists. Alright?"

"Now is not the time to think about that, Han, we have to get Leia back." Sana rubbed her nose, and she looked at Aphra: "In this case, we need to divide our forces into two groups and go all the way to the upper reaches of the underground river. Go the other way to the lower reaches of the underground river to see if there are any clues."

"Well, Sana is right." Luke took a deep breath and drew out his lightsaber: "Then we will split up. The few of us will continue to flow along the water, and Mr. Wilson, you and Aphra The doctor needs to go back upstream, please help us, and we will take you away after the spacecraft is repaired."

Su Ming smiled slightly, turned around and walked away with Harry in his arms: "Well, we are all friends. We should help each other when we go out. Aphra, two robots, let's go."

The two parties parted ways here. The female doctor was still reluctant to leave her girlfriend, but it was obviously of no use. Deathstroke lifted her collar up and disappeared into the darkness together.

At the same time, on Tatooine, the desolate Gobi desert stretches as far as the eye can see. The poverty in the outer ring of the galaxy and the last purge by the Imperial Army have left almost no redundant people here.

However, only the rebel sympathizers were purged, and the docile people could still live here peacefully and live their usual lives.

Two sets of sunsets are slowly setting, and the desert skyline is plated with a layer of gold. And deep in the Gobi, beside the dry old river bed, there is a historical fortress, which sits quietly like a giant. Watch the changes over time.

Even the oldest person on this planet cannot explain its past. It seems that it has always been here.

Although it is a bit shabby, and even the exterior walls are the same earthy red as the desert, it has unsurprisingly become the number one mansion on the planet, and naturally, only the richest people can live here.

The heavy alloy gate divides the inside and outside of the castle into two worlds. Those hairy Tatooine turds outside will never have a chance to enter here in their lifetime, and various defense weapons make the castle impregnable.

Despite this, the wealthy Jabba collected some of the most vicious goons in the galaxy and let them live here to protect his safety.

And today, it's time to put them to use.

The alloy door was forcibly lifted by external forces, and the thickness of the battleship's main armor seemed to turn into a piece of paper that could only make a crisp sound.

The bright light from the outside shone along the crack of the door into the gloomy corridor of the castle. A figure gradually appeared in front of the thugs, but the most eye-catching thing was not his appearance, but the way he kept making sounds as he walked. Breathing sounds like bellows.


The thugs raised their own weapons. These weapons were modified from various garbage on Tatooine, such as the exhaust pipe of a speeding car was changed into a sledgehammer, or the landing gear of a spaceship was changed into a spear, etc.

Seeing their actions, the figure with his back to the setting sun tilted his head and took out his weapon.

A red lightsaber suddenly lit up.

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