The Death Knell

Chapter 2936 Ghost Sound in Tunnel

While the two women were having a heated exchange, Su Ming had already understood the system in the underground base through the adjutant.

Although I still don’t recognize the symbols displayed on each screen, they should be some kind of text, but I just need to be able to use them.

After successfully opening the door to the hall, there was a rotten smell coming from nowhere in the corridor. It was pitch black outside, and the roads on both sides didn't know where they were leading.

"I'll interrupt you two, it seems like you can't be girlfriends anymore, so I have a compromise." Su Ming leaned on the door frame, hugged Harley, and waved to Aphra and Leia: "After the princess is rescued, just give our little doctor a medal, and then Aphra will sell the medal to Han Solo, so everyone will be happy."

"Han Solo is not a fool. How could he spend tens of thousands of credits to buy a piece of plastic?"

Aphra crumpled the contract on the small note into a ball of waste paper, threw it aside, took the princess's hand again and walked towards the death knell. She seemed to have become much bolder after being driven by profit, and even He dared to complain about Deathstroke's plan.

But this was just because she didn't think of the key to the matter, and Su Ming wouldn't blame her.

"It depends on what is engraved on the medal. If it says 'Fighting Hero of the Rebel Alliance', then it's not worth a penny."

Deathstroke showed a dark smile and asked Strangler to choose a direction with biological reactions. He said as he walked:

"But if you engrave 'To the person I love most' and then put a lipstick seal on it... Do you believe that Han Solo can kneel down and beg you just to get this medal? He is afraid that you will put it on Princess bends."

"Ahem, it turns out this is the value, I understand." Aphra also seemed to be infected a lot darker, she smiled and touched the princess's little hand: "So now you are kidnapped by me, I’ll sell you to Han Solo later.”

"...You really only think about money. Don't you have any beliefs or ideals?"

Leia, who was blushing a little, gasped. She knew that Aphra's moral level was worrisome in the past, but she didn't expect it to be so bad.

"Yes, I want to sleep in the ocean of credit ingots every day until I wake up naturally."

The archaeologist smiled and spoke of her ideals. She is an ordinary person, and of course she has ordinary people's wishes.

So the two started bickering as they walked. The princess wanted to influence and educate the black-hearted archaeologist, let her join the rebels and promise not to blame her; but the female doctor obviously couldn't listen. The education she received since she was a child was the theory of human supremacy. No matter how you look at the aliens in the rebel army, you don't like them.

This is very strange. Aphra has met some alien Jedi knights. Even though many of them want to kill her because she once worked for Darth Vader, she does not find them annoying.

Maybe it's because she only hates incompetent people.

The group of people didn't walk very fast, but within a few minutes, human skeletons appeared in the empty corridor, sitting quietly against the wall in the dark. At first glance, they thought they were looking down and thinking. Same.

But the skeleton obviously has no brain power.

"Is it the missing archaeological team member?" Aphra stopped her 'emotional communication' with the princess and prepared to inspect the bones.

Su Ming might not understand if it was another archaeological project, but Aphra was not needed for the autopsy.

"Yes, this skeleton is a human male, about thirty years old, of color. Judging from the shape of the skull, it should be the Pete mentioned in the video log."

By observing the characteristics of the skull, Deathstroke instantly filled the face of the image in his mind with flesh, restoring the appearance of the deceased.

"How did you die?" Aphra asked, but after thinking about the skeleton, she added: "Are there any signs of trauma?"

"Obviously, there are a lot of traces of trauma, but they all come from the same sharp weapon." Su Ming stepped aside, used the Sword of Olympus as a lighting tool, and motioned for Leia to come over and take a look: "Princess, Do you recognize the breaks in these bones? On the ribs and leg bones."

The princess took a deep breath. She was not afraid of seeing the corpse, but this corpse... seemed to have suffered a lot during its lifetime.

These wounds were many and deep, leaving dense carvings on the bones.

But the person who did it obviously did not intend to let the victim die immediately, but used this method to let him die slowly. This is a very abnormal behavior, and may be a method of extorting confessions through torture.

"I know, this is the mark left by the plasma cutting of the lightsaber. Judging from the murderer's grasp of power, there may be a Sith Lord here." The princess said whatever she thought of without hiding anything.

"Why is it a Sith Lord and not a Jedi Master?" San0 lowered his head to scan the scars and asked in an electronic voice: "I'm sorry, I think this man is about the same skill as me, so the murderer may be a Robot butler trained in cooking.”

"Do you usually use laser sabers to cut meat? You see, the bone tissue near the wound has been melted. It is obviously a wound caused by a high-energy weapon. In addition, the Sith use the power of the dark side of the Force. They are all Bad people, bad things must be done by them."

The princess naturally expressed her thoughts. In her eyes, the Force only has two colors: black and white, either light or darkness. Those who believe in the power of the dark side are bad guys.

She was right about one thing. At least Sanling usually uses lasers to cut meat.

Aphra took out a small instrument and scanned it on the skull of the deceased. A line of numbers appeared on the screen. She nodded and said:

"In the current closed environment, the oxidation level of the bones is almost twenty years old, which means that this person was probably killed here a few days after disappearing. This is not good. Have you noticed? There is no flesh and blood left nearby. There was no dust and no remains of clothes. It was as if he had been killed by some wild beast with a lightsaber, then put it in his mouth, wiped it clean and spit it out."

"A beast with a lightsaber?" Su Ming laughed. He carried his giant sword and continued to move forward: "I don't know why, but all I can think of is the appearance of aliens holding lightsabers, but what you said That's right, Aphra, we are not alone, there are some creatures underground, and they are in the same space as us."


"Huh?" The female doctor was suddenly startled, because just when Deathstroke was talking to her, she seemed to hear another female voice calling her name.

But the voice was familiar and unfamiliar, more like a hallucination because the others obviously didn't hear it.

"What's wrong with you?" Deathstroke noticed her expression.

"It seems that the wall has spoken." The doctor put his head against one wall and tapped with his fingers, looking nervous: "There is a woman calling my name. I must have heard that voice, but I can't remember who it is. ”

"Oh, it seems that my master wants women again. I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen, I have to clarify for my master. This shows that she is a deeply affectionate person and is not greedy for their bodies."

When San0 said this, the taste became even more wrong. The princess looked at Aphra with some sympathy.

But Deathstroke did not make a judgment too early. He asked Harley, who was eating candy in her arms: "Jellybean, have you discovered anything?"

"Although I didn't hear it, I saw it. Something was indeed calling Aphra's name. I just saw it in the narration box in the darkness in the distance."

She licked the lollipop and swirled her tongue around it:

“Not the translucent boxes like ghosts, but colored narration boxes, light blue, like marshmallows.”

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