The Death Knell

Chapter 2939 Crazy Brain Country

Other little bugs also turned into black smoke and tried to escape, but they were intercepted and eaten by the cloak in the air, causing them to scream.

Because it was originally agreed that these guys were its snacks, but it turns out that Cloak turned out to be a snack today.

Not happy

"Don't worry, when Harley takes control of this queen, let her order this bug to help you find more compatriots, and then you can eat it."

Su Ming comforted Xiao Douya and looked at Harley who was standing there in a daze.


Viewed from behind, her shoulders were constantly twitching, as if in great pain, which made people worried, because the Bezen symbiote would take over a person's brain and nervous system, cutting off the original connection of consciousness, making people feel as if death is coming. Uncomfortable.

But as someone who knew Harley well, Su Ming knew that even though she was 'twitching', there must be a smile on her front face, and her shaking was purely because she was laughing wildly.

Just as Deathstroke guessed, as soon as Queen Betzen entered Harley's mind, she was immediately shocked by the chaotic thinking inside. There was actually a happy world in this human's mind, which was filled with little animals walking upright. Cat, walking around with clothes on.

She found that she had also turned into a kitten, and for some reason, she had a briefcase and a mobile phone in her paws, and she walked inexplicably among the people at work.

The place of work is a huge circus, but the animals that are supposed to perform are now replaced by humans in weird costumes.

A guy who was all black and looked like a bat was walking through the fire ring; and a very rustic human in red and blue was lifting a barbell that marked the 'Total Weight of the Galaxy'; and there was a blond bearded guy. Talking to the fish

There are tens of thousands of such weirdos, and the big circus seems to have no end, spreading to the horizon.

Here, everyone is abnormal, this world is not normal, and its owner's thinking is even more abnormal.

Queen Betzen couldn't control herself. She was like being imprisoned in a cat's body, but she couldn't control its actions and could only be a bystander.

The cat walked through the chaotic venue of the circus with ease and came to a place similar to a large fast food restaurant. Here every cat is engaged in the job of killing people. Human beings are placed on the assembly line one by one, and are treated by workers in work clothes. The cat uses a large wooden hammer to pound into hamburger patties.

She could also see that as each of these cats killed a person, a line of light blue numbers exp+500 would appear above their heads.

Moreover, these people did not bleed after being killed, they just screamed, and then colorful candies, golden stars, and occasionally miniature rainbows burst out from their bellies, which looked very beautiful.

The queen couldn't control her body and could only watch as the cat she possessed put on work clothes and sat next to the assembly line. She used the big wooden hammer in her hand to knock the humans in front of her to death one by one, and then took out the candies and chocolates.

"Hee hee hee"

Laughter spread from heaven to earth, and this laughter made the young Bezen symbiote feel an indescribable feeling.

That's fear.

Although the mind of this female human being is embodied in a strange place, it is still surrounded by pink, which is the favorite color of macho men, and there are all kinds of candies and chocolates. There is even a sunbathing machine next to the assembly line of the murder factory.

But these are beyond the Queen's cognition range. She has never heard of anyone's mind having this kind of structure, and it can also turn against the guest in the face of its own psychic abilities.

Since it can become a queen, it is the strongest in its nest, but compared with the current human being, it is obviously not strong enough.

Then Harley spoke again.

"I will make you feel involuntary pain, just like you have done to humans in the past."

An exaggerated rainbow-shaped speaker hangs in the corner. It looks a bit like a Nordic-style horn flute, but in fact it is a speaker, projecting Harley's inner monologue into the world:

"The space, time, rules, and destiny here are all determined by me. You will travel in my thoughts for a billion years, but the time in the outside world will not even change significantly."

Then, the rotating sun above the circus that looked like a rainbow lollipop suddenly turned into Harley's cartoon avatar, whose eyes were fixed on the cat wielding a sledgehammer on the assembly line.

No matter how impulsive the queen was, she already understood that she had fallen into a trap.

This female human wanted to provoke it from the beginning and make it give up its past host, and then transformed into a spirit form to prepare for symbiosis again.

And this decision resulted in him being completely trapped.

"Ah, I know you can't even speak now. You can only feel fatigue and pain, and then you can't do anything. But idleness is idle. Let me give you some psychological treatment? Well, if you don't speak, it means Acquiesced, hee hee, now the quiz game begins."

"The situation of your family is very interesting. A man named Rousseau once said, 'In order to learn to think, we need to exercise our limbs, our senses, and various organs, because they are the tools of our wisdom. In order to try our best To make full use of these tools, the body must be very strong. Therefore, the real consciousness of human beings is not only formed independently from the body, but only with a good physique can the mind be sharp and correct.' So here comes the question, listen up. .”

"If you coexist with a human being and then control this person to continue to exercise, is it you or the human who becomes sharper and more correct in the end? If it is you, are you a human? If it is a human, is that person you? ?”

The cat, whose body was out of control and was still swinging the sledgehammer mechanically, was suddenly confused. Although his body was still moving, his eyes showed confusion and confusion.

Amidst the candies and rainbows flying around, this question still lingered in his mind, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong that he couldn't explain.

"Don't be anxious, take your time, any answer is fine. I am a psychiatrist. Don't be shy to expose the darkness in your heart, but face it, analyze it, and then speak out boldly. That's right. I almost forgot about you." If you can't speak yet, I'll give you permission to speak first."

Harley in the sky smiled and blinked, temporarily giving the bug cat the ability to speak in her 'inner world'.

"Meow meow meow?" Queen Betzen, who was possessed by the cat, suddenly let out a confused cry.

"Ah, it turns out you haven't thought of the answer yet. You are confused now. I can understand."

Harry in the sky nodded. At some point, the cartoon avatar also wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, and laughed:

"You are also a kind of intelligent creature. Since the way of survival is similar to symbiosis or parasitism, then there must be flaws in your understanding of 'self'. Okay, let's have a casual chat first and start the first meeting in this billion years. Just have a consultation!”

"Meow!" The insect queen showed resistance.

But Harley didn't care, she just asked the question!

"Excuse me, have you ever pooped your own poop? If so, how can you prove that it is indeed your poop and not the poop of another consciousness in your invisible body?"

"Meow meow meow?!"

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