The Death Knell

Chapter 2942 The Force of Life

When the female doctor shouted this, everyone began to pay attention to the similarities between the two.

If you look carefully, you will find that the strange colloid who calls himself Master Aphra looks more like Dr. Aphra who is ten years older.

The eyes, nose, and black hair are almost as if they were carved from the same mold.

It's just that the female doctor is full of bad blood and looks cute on the surface; while the other eldest sister has sinister eyes, as if she has all the malice on her face.

If it were a fairy tale, she should appear in some gloomy forest, preparing to abduct children for genetic experiments.

Everyone looked at Dr. Aphra, then at Master Aphra, with their heads spinning around.

"Master, she may be your mother. Although she has turned into a gel, you are so similar." San0 raised his hand to speak. He had his own basis: "According to the perspective of human genetics, you two There are a lot of similarities between them, which may be proof of their ancestry.”

"My mother died when I was a child. My father took our family to an archaeological site for a vacation, but he was preoccupied with work and finally abandoned us on that planet. I saw my mother with my own eyes I was torn apart by alien bugs for whatever this monster is, it's not my mother, BT, fire now!"

Aphra quickly recounted her past experiences, ordered to fire angrily, and pulled out her small laser pistol and attacked the opponent.

Of course the robot obeyed the order, and the BT immediately launched all its missiles. Dozens of missiles flew towards the opponent with white trails, and the minigun also fired a laser barrage.

"Shelly Lorna Aphra, you actually want to hurt your mother?" The translucent figure showed a sinister smile. As soon as he raised his hand, he used the force to stop all the missiles in mid-air and disintegrate, while also using his bare hands She pushed away the intensive laser beams directed at her: "Don't you love me anymore? Don't you want to listen to your mother?"

Aphra looked at Deathstroke, seeking military support, and at the same time tilted her mouth and spat to the side: "Bah! I know you are a freak who stole my precious memories and tainted my mother! She..."

"I was not wearing a robe when I died because I was trying to coax you to sleep when the Zerg attacked, right?" The gelatinous figure raised her palms, and the barrier formed by the Force made her unscathed in the hail of bullets: " That's why I appear in front of you. Only an upright and determined soul can be with the 'Life Force'. There is no justice, no good or evil, no clarity. This is my existence."

Aphra took a deep breath, strengthening her suspicion that the other party was stealing her memories. Although there was no close contact, this monster seemed to know many secrets that only the mother and daughter knew.

However, as the clues increased, she also guessed what the other party was.

"You are Gondravia, the most terrifying symbiotic fungus in the galaxy... Damn, it seems there are Jedi corpses in the spaceship, right? You are using the Force to read my memory, you want to You want to imitate my mother and trick me into getting into the spaceship, but I should be able to resist the Force's mind reading, how did you do it?"

She revealed the opponent's identity in one word, a unique symbiosis that uses corpses as its hosts. Its host of choice for symbiosis is corpses, which results in it having little ability to move, or not liking to move, but it has a strong territory. consciousness.

It can only move in the area around the corpse, and is connected to the corpse through thin threads invisible to the naked eye, like a gelatinous kite.

But the hook spore is much more terrifying than the Bezen symbiote. Because of its super replication and regeneration ability, it cannot be eliminated. Even if the planet is bombarded and destroyed by the Star Destroyer Cannon, it can still protect the host corpse and drift in the universe until it arrives. Next stop.

It can learn everything, even better than its host.

If the host of the hook spore in front of you is a Jedi, even if it is just an apprentice, then it must have become a Jedi master through meditation during its long life.

But the good news is that the symbiote's personality will move closer to its host's personality when it was alive.

A Jedi symbiote, maybe not so bad? Although it imitates Aphra's mother, it's obviously a bit evil.

Aphra asked BT to cease fire, she wanted to talk to the fungal colony.

"Well, there is indeed such a symbiosis. I remember, it's just too rare." Deathstroke looked at the glowing colony that began to squirm and deform, touched his stubble, and communicated silently: "Do you want to try it? ?”


He said no to strangulation. Mushrooms parasitic on corpses don't sound delicious, and the other party has his own abilities. Isn't it high-speed self-healing, self-learning, and using the host's skills?

Which symbiote doesn't know these things? That would be shameful and too basic.

"You're right, but I don't want to let you into the spacecraft out of any malicious intent." The hook spores turned into a lot of small blue beads, which looked a bit like caviar hills, and it emitted He said in a sweet voice: "I am just fulfilling the last wish of my host and choosing a suitable heir. As for my Force mind reading, why can't you resist it? Because although you are very talented, you have nothing to do with the Force of Life." Know."

"The force of life? I seem to have heard someone say..." Among the people listening, Princess Leia lowered her head in thought.

"Master Qui-Gon Jinn has talked about the Force of Life, but there has always been controversy among Force users as to whether the Force is divided into factions and how many factions there are."

Su Ming patted Harley's little hand and asked her to go aside to play. He walked forward, stood next to the princess, looked at Aphra and the pile of luminous balls in the distance, and said:

"You may not know Master Jin, but he is Ben Kenobi's master. Master Kenobi may have told you in casual chat."

Ben Kenobi is a pseudonym. His original name is Obi-Wan. The old man is not only Luke's teacher, but also Anakin's teacher.

Although he is dead now, it is hard to say whether the rebels know his true identity, so there is no need for Su Ming to go into detail.

"Master Kenobi's teacher, that's it." Leia seemed to have really remembered something, with some regret on her face: "Unfortunately, the master died fighting the Black Knight in order to cover the retreat of our rebels from the Death Star. In duel."

"Originally, he thought you could also become a Jedi Knight. You, like Luke, are both talented."

Deathstroke listened to the negotiation between Aphra and the monster and said casually.

"Huh... But how do you know this? Do you know Master Kenobi? Or someone in our rebel army?" The princess was confused, because Deathstroke's tone seemed to be indifferent to everyone's affairs. Very understanding.

What does it mean to be as talented as Luke? This is a strange thing to say.

"Don't ask, asking means you are born with divine power." Su Ming blinked at her and did not give an answer. Instead, he threw out another mystery: "Actually, I am more familiar with your mother. After I finish dealing with things here, I think Let’s talk to you alone, little princess…”

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