The Death Knell

Chapter 2953 Limited Trust

Luke and Han Solo repaired the spaceship, but Su Ming said that he had obtained the communication device from Offee and called for reinforcements from the Archaeological Association. He, Aphra and others would stay on Haven IV for a while to study this Miraculous phenomena on the planet.

Since the princess and her party were rebels, they could not be seen by a chatty organization like the Archaeological Association, so they had no choice but to hurry up and leave without even having time to eat the fruit porridge cooked by the princess.

Aphra and the little black girl seemed to be going through life and death. They reluctantly talked a lot of nonsense, and finally the Millennium Falcon swayed off the ground and took off, turning into a point of light in the dimming starry sky.

But after Sana left, Aphra's expression suddenly became normal, and her lingering relationship with the girl was all due to her acting skills.

She is a woman who wants to have a harem, how can she be so attached to one person?

"I'll send a message to Hegel Santan and ask him to pick us up." She took out her communicator, and then waved to Master Ao Fei casually as a greeting: "Are we looking for crystals next?"

"Yes, Master Ao Fei and her apprentice Mary will go with us. She knows a place." Su Ming picked up the pot left by the princess and shook it to look at the gruel inside: "Get the crystal and we will proceed. Next step."

"Oh, there won't be any more intense adventures, right? I've been so busy that I haven't eaten yet."

Aphra raised her head, as if searching for traces of her spaceship in the sky.

"That's an ancient mine that once belonged to the Mandalorians. According to my master, there may be black Force Crystals there." Baris took over, her hands in her wide sleeves. : "As long as we are careful to avoid some space blockades, the mine should be safe."

"I hope so."

Aphra did not give the Jedi Master a good look, because she felt that Aoife was not only a 'pacifist' with a mental problem, but was probably a double agent of Darth Vader. In the past, she heard that someone had seen her and Darth Vader. Svidal had secret contacts.

But since the financial owner Deathstroke believes in her, let’s take it one step at a time.

The big, furry man drove the small cargo ship and landed in front of everyone. He yelled a few times from the cockpit, and the cargo bay door of the spacecraft opened to let a few people on board.

"My spaceship can't accommodate the Jedi fighters, so I won't invite you on board." Aphra pinched her nose, wiped it on the leaves on the side, and then walked towards the direction of the spacecraft: "Can you lead the way? "

"no problem."

Ao Fei, who was getting older, was obviously more stable than before. She nodded calmly, held down the apprentice who was obviously a little angry, and turned towards the fighter plane parked quietly in the forest.

When they walked away, Aphra closed the cabin door behind everyone, then lay down on her chair and said to Deathstroke:

"That woman is a famous psychopath. You have to be careful with her. Once she feels that we are an obstacle to peace, she will get rid of us without hesitation."

Su Ming didn't take it seriously. He just hugged Ha Li and asked her to sit on his lap, and replied:

"Then you have to be able to get rid of it. You are still accustomed to the past thinking mode. If you think it is trouble, you have to avoid it. But think about it carefully, Ao Fei may not be able to beat you now. Can she beat me? No matter What does she want to do, and is her cooperation with me sincere? We are the ones who have absolute power now."

Aphra rolled her eyes, sat up slowly, and scratched her head with an embarrassed smile:

"Ah, that's true. The Corpse Master is very senior, and the inheritance I received is capable of all three types of force skills."

"Isn't that enough?" Su Ming snapped his fingers and asked Bigfoot to take off with the Jedi fighter: "It would be great if she cooperates honestly, but if she plays tricks, then let her do it. Her function is for me and Just one of the mouthpieces between Darth Vader."

Two small Jedi combat aircraft flew out of the jungle, and Aphra's eyes fell on them. She looked at the green mist-filled planet and twisted her mouth a few times:

"What are you doing with Darth Vader?"

"You don't want to avoid that person all your life, do you? I want to talk to him and tell him that you will be protected by me from now on, and he won't be allowed to cause trouble for you again." Deathstroke's lies came straight out of his mouth, and he was also paired with seriousness. expression, looking at the female doctor’s little face.

The archaeologist pursed her lips. She looked at San0 and BT, and then at the creditor driving the spaceship. She blinked her big eyes hard and looked at the sky outside the window, sniffing:

"I understand, thank you. If I can solve this problem, I will feel a lot more relaxed."

"Follow me An Xin, good times are yet to come. Okay, stop acting. You can't squeeze out tears no matter how hard you squeeze, just like you can't squeeze out cleavage."

Seeing her hypocritical performance, Su Ming interrupted her with a smile. This girl is possessed by drama and always wants to act.

Obviously she was indeed a little grateful, but by acting like this, she seemed completely ungrateful.

But this is her protective color. She has always been alone. It is dangerous to reveal her feelings at any time. Even if she really feels something, she has to appear heartless.

The female doctor lowered her head and glanced at her chest, tightened her light brown archaeological vest, rolled her eyes angrily, and yelled in a loud voice:

"I was seen through again! Damn it!"


Preliminarily, Baris was not lying. The old mine she and a few people found was indeed very peaceful. After bypassing the imperial army on the periphery of the planet, there were no enemies in the mine.

It's just that this place must be a historical site. Even some of the tools that were used to mine here have turned into fossils and are firmly embedded in the solid hard soil.

Aphra had to let San0 and Big Hei clear the way, while she and BT sieved the dug out things behind.

I don't know what happened to this planet in the past. The ground is covered with charred crystal structures. It must have been a large-scale orbital bombing by some civilization. The surface, which was almost three meters thick, suddenly crystallized.

This battle probably took place tens of thousands of years ago, but now, the sky above the planet is covered with a fine black powder, which is probably the burned ashes of the creatures that lived here in the past.

Aphra didn't know, but she didn't want to ask Master Ao Fei. She just concentrated on doing her own work, and her face was still covered in dust.

However, Barris seemed to have been here before. She would occasionally close her eyes to sense it, and then give directions to the coolie bodyguards and robots, guiding them in the direction of digging.

"This may be a very long process. The Force crystals that exist in the underground in the form of minerals are naturally generated Force crystals. They can only be born on such a planet where the Force was once rich."

While the master was thinking, he hugged his apprentice and moved forward slowly. He also communicated with Deathstroke and Harley beside him from time to time:

"But this was once the place where the Darksaber Crystal was born, and it was also the place where the Black Crystal was most likely to be found."

"Understood, let me use the nano-robots to help you find them. I have a good hunch that we should be able to find them." Deathstroke threw out a lot of Doom robots and let them start working under the remote control of the adjutant.

In this way, the excavation process is greatly accelerated.

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