The Death Knell

Chapter 2956 Kiss Everywhere

One advantage of robots is that they can be seen everywhere within the Imperial Army, especially the combination of etiquette robots and navigation robots.

At this time, the Imperial Army was building a camp around the walking mecha. San0 and BT walked straight in. The white soldiers were busy replenishing supplies and cooking, and even the pilots inside the mecha came out.

Aphra chose the right moment to attack. Although she had never fought and didn't like killing people, she was still smart after all.

He was smart enough to send robots to wreak havoc inside the mecha, while he hid in the bushes outside the camp to cheer them on.

It doesn't mean that you can become a professional warrior after gaining the power of a Jedi. For her, it is better not to fight without fighting. She is a scholar and will not resort to force unless she is forced to have no other choice.

The environment in the forest is much better than that in the rainforest, and the forest glade stepped by the giant statue is also very lively. The white soldiers are on guard with their guns, but the field kitchen is already open for business.

The two robots just walked through the crowd with swagger, and the soldiers turned a blind eye to them.


"No, BT, it's not yet time. The master is still watching. We can't kill them all, let alone skin them." San0 rejected the suggestion of a murder jar, holding his hands in front of him and shaking He walked towards the cargo bay where the walking mecha was put down: "Your killing methods in excitement mode are too famous, we will be exposed."

"Beep" Feng Chu looked a little disappointed.

San0 also nodded with emotion. He reached out and pressed the elevator button, and the two of them ascended towards the big belly of the walking mecha: "He is also dead. He was a very deadly assassin of the Tribunal. It's a pity."

"Didi beep." The murder can made another series of short electronic sounds.

"Yes, I'm also regretting that I couldn't kill him a second time. It was really enjoyable that time." The freight elevator slowly climbed up, and the two of them were gradually shrouded in shadow: "It seems that we thought of going together. You are really an emotionally starved pervert. Psycho machine.”

Just chatting and acting like this, they successfully sneaked into the walking mecha. To be precise, no one cared about what the two robots were doing.

There are many models of walking mechas in the empire. The one here is the four-legged mecha AT-AT, whose official name is the all-terrain mecha transport aircraft.

You can tell from the name what it is used for. Although it is sometimes used as a main battle tank, it is more often used to help white soldiers cross terrain that is not easy to pass on foot.

There is a huge cargo compartment in its belly, which can transport 40 soldiers, plus some small ordnance for combat, such as proton mines, fast hover motorcycles, blaster heavy machine guns, etc.

When the two entered the cargo hold, they happened to see another robot inspecting a motorcycle. The other robot looked at the two similar robots curiously.

"Hi, hello, fellow robot, don't pay attention to us, we are just passing by." San0 immediately took out the specialty of the etiquette robot and walked over to greet the other party: "Is your pain sensing module still functioning normally?"

"Huh?" The robot still holding the tool in his hand was very puzzled. He couldn't remember when there were two such robots in the team.

However, it was already too late. San0 took action and thrust his laser welding gun into the opponent's head. While melting away the pain module, it also melted away the opponent's processor core.

The maintenance robot fell with sparks and twitched on the ground before hanging up. San0 tilted his head and his round eyes flashed:

"I hate talking to professional robots, BT, let's start taking over this pile of scrap metal we're riding on."

"Beep beep beep." BT bypassed the corpse and came to a control panel. A lot of wiring and small tentacles stretched out from the jar and began to hack into the system.

Three minutes later, the silent battle ended. The walking mecha was taken over by the robot and was unable to communicate, while the white soldiers in the camp were knocked to the ground by the Jedi.

It is worth noting that although Aoife is a Jedi Master, she no longer kills people. All prisoners are either manipulated or knocked unconscious.

After they finished their work, Deathstroke, the big boss, slowly walked out of the forest with the beautiful woman in his arms. He first looked at the prisoner, smiled and shook his head:

"Master Aoife?"

"They are just ordinary soldiers. Killing them will not bring us any benefits, as long as they do not hinder the mission."

The lightsaber in Barris's hand was not used at all, or maybe she was using it as a wand?

"I remember that decades ago, you were the most violent doctor among the Jedi who liked to kill people. What turned you into a non-killer?" Su Ming stepped over the unconscious white soldiers on the ground indifferently, and casually Let Strangler put a hover tank on the side into his pocket.

"Time." The Jedi Master replied with a smile.

Deathstroke just shrugged and stopped delving into it. After all, this little thing was insignificant.

The temple is in the forest not far away, and the trees cannot cover up the beautiful building. In Su Ming's opinion, it is a bit like a Mayan-style pyramid, only taller and more glittering.

But Aphra did not do business, that is, to conduct archaeological research and activate ancient Force transmission.

At this time, she was holding a female officer of the empire up and down her hands, and used her own force to release the person's mind control.

"Aphra?" The captain immediately picked up his gun and pointed it at the archaeologist, as if he didn't appreciate it at all. When he saw the presence of the Jedi, he even hit Aphra's face with the gun: "You did it. What?! Why are you still hanging out with the rebels?"

"Relax, hug Captain, they are not rebels, but my friends." Aphra's voice changed, becoming affectionate and gentle: "You were captured by me, now I want to do something bad to you. Good thing, hehe."

"I will not surrender. I am a soldier of the Galactic Empire. You don't want me to surrender!"

Before she finished speaking, Aphra kissed her. The female captain, who looked like an iron-blooded soldier just a second ago, immediately dropped the gun in her hand, hugged the archaeologist's neck and started to get entangled.

The two of them made loud sucking sounds, and when they took a breath, they could see their saliva was all stranded.


Mary covered her eyes, but the gaps between her fingers were very large, and she stared at the couple intently, as if she was very curious, blushing and heartbeating.


Master Ao Fei sighed, but this was the reason why she didn't kill anyone, because as long as she killed someone, she couldn't tell whose lover or relative or friend it was.

The entire galaxy is like a drama, full of coincidences and love and hatred. It is precisely because she sees through this that she changes herself.

"Tsk, why is her saliva so sticky?" Harley also looked at it with interest, and even suspected that there was snot in Aphra's mouth: "Honey, did you see it? It's stringy! It's more than ten centimeters long!"

"I saw it, but no matter how disgusting the play is, this is her freedom." Deathstroke shook his head speechlessly and walked towards the temple: "Let's go, let's go inside the temple first, she will follow. "

"Then you go first, I want to see it for a while." Harley was not interested in the temple of the ancient Jedi. She wanted to see the sweet and sour romance.

Especially not long ago, Aphra said goodbye to the little black girl Yiyi, and now she is hugging and chewing on each other with others, which is really scumbag.

"Master Ao Fei, don't you want to stay and watch?" Su Ming sighed and looked at the other people.

"Let's go. If it's an ancient Jedi ruin, maybe I can help." The moment she was asked, Baris's face flashed unnaturally, as if she was hiding something.

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